and select the second option, Build and capture a reference operating system image.
give the task sequence a name BUILD and CAPTURE Core Image 001 and click on bowse to choose your boot.wim file, choose the 32 bit one..
Install Windows
Now we need to tell the task sequencer which operating system to install,
click browse to add and you'll see your earlier added Windows Vista SP1
we can enter the product key and also specify a administrator password here
Note: by default the Local Administrator account is disabled so for troubleshooting purposes enable it !
Configure Network
Here we need to enter our network configuration and click next, choose Join Workgroup (recommended best practise). Although joining the domain will work just fine you may have GPO's in place, or startup scripts (login scripts) etc which may taint your master image, keeping it off the domain will keep it clean.
Install Configmgr
now we can specify the Configuration Manager Client installation package we created earlier from the predefined packages, select it by clicking on browse and selecting the package,
click next.
Include updates
choose 'don't install' any software updates
Install software
to show you how this works click on the yellow star and select our FireFox package we made earlier in the guide, select the FireFox program also,
System Preparation
if you need to sysprep (eg XP) then do so here using a pre-made package, but for Vista, it has sysprep built in so no need
Image properties
add the image properties ...
Capture Image
specify the capture image properties here, ie: where on the network we will store the image once it's built it
so \\servername\captures\SCCMCOREBUILD001.wim should do (create a share called captures first, this is where we will store the Captured Vista image after it has been deployed to our build system, we will be using this image later on to deploy clients...)
use w2k8\smsadmin as the account
review the summary, click next to continue and then verify that all components have a green tick.
When the Task Sequence is complete, you can right click the BUILD and CAPTURE task sequence and choose Edit, System center comes with 28 tasks that can be added to the task sequencer, partitioning, joining the domain, formatting and setting up disks in addition, the integration with MDT (Microsoft Deployment Toolkit) means that MDT adds an additional 9 tasks.... and this is where you could define where to add SERVER ROLES AND FEATURES for Windows Server 2008, once done editiing we need to assign it to a Collection in SCCM.
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Before starting this part, you should have completed all the steps in Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3.
Create new Task Sequence
Choose New Task Sequence from the options
and select the second option, Build and capture a reference operating system image.
give the task sequence a name BUILD and CAPTURE Core Image 001 and click on bowse to choose your boot.wim file, choose the 32 bit one..
Install Windows
Now we need to tell the task sequencer which operating system to install,
click browse to add and you'll see your earlier added Windows Vista SP1
we can enter the product key and also specify a administrator password here
Note: by default the Local Administrator account is disabled so for troubleshooting purposes enable it !
Configure Network
Here we need to enter our network configuration and click next, choose Join Workgroup (recommended best practise). Although joining the domain will work just fine you may have GPO's in place, or startup scripts (login scripts) etc which may taint your master image, keeping it off the domain will keep it clean.
Install Configmgr
now we can specify the Configuration Manager Client installation package we created earlier from the predefined packages, select it by clicking on browse and selecting the package,
click next.
Include updates
choose 'don't install' any software updates
Install software
to show you how this works click on the yellow star and select our FireFox package we made earlier in the guide, select the FireFox program also,
System Preparation
if you need to sysprep (eg XP) then do so here using a pre-made package, but for Vista, it has sysprep built in so no need
Image properties
add the image properties ...
Capture Image
specify the capture image properties here, ie: where on the network we will store the image once it's built it
so \\servername\captures\SCCMCOREBUILD001.wim should do (create a share called captures first, this is where we will store the Captured Vista image after it has been deployed to our build system, we will be using this image later on to deploy clients...)
use w2k8\smsadmin as the account
review the summary, click next to continue and then verify that all components have a green tick.
When the Task Sequence is complete, you can right click the BUILD and CAPTURE task sequence and choose Edit, System center comes with 28 tasks that can be added to the task sequencer, partitioning, joining the domain, formatting and setting up disks in addition, the integration with MDT (Microsoft Deployment Toolkit) means that MDT adds an additional 9 tasks.... and this is where you could define where to add SERVER ROLES AND FEATURES for Windows Server 2008, once done editiing we need to assign it to a Collection in SCCM.
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