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how can I deploy Windows Vista SP1 using SCCM 2007 SP1


Before starting this part, you should have completed all the steps in Part 1 and Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 .


Add captured image to SCCM


In System Center Configuration Manager, expand the Operating Systems Deployment node and right click, choose Add New Operating System.





when the wizard appears click on browse




browse to the network share where we stored our captured image (\\servername\captures) and select the WIM file and click open




click next to continue




fill in the captured build information




review the summary




and click next to process, then close





Create Distribution Point


Now that we have added the captured Vista WIM file to our available operating systems, we need to create a new distribution point for it so let's do that. Expand the newly added Vista SP1 image you just added in Operating System Images and right click on Distribution Points, select New Distribution Points.


When the wizard appears click next, we only select the normal distribution point from the list (and not the PXE one) as this is not a boot image.


Select next to continue and close when done.



Create a new Task Sequence to deploy Vista


In SCCM ConfigMgr right click on Task Sequences in the Operating Systems Deployment node and choose New, Task Sequence.




when the wizard appears choose the first option, Install an existing image package




fill in details about the image




and choose browse to select the correct boot.wim file (32 or 64 bit)




when done click next




When the Install Windows options appear, click on Browse beside image package and select the Captured image from the list




if you are unsure about which image is which, review the comments made earlier




enter the product key, set an administrator password and click next...




configure your network settings (join domain...)




for the Install ConfigMgr screen, click browse and select the Pre-defined package we created earlier in this guide




click next when ready




as we are only interested in the deployment of Vista, we shall remove all checkmarks from our State Migration page




in addition we will not be installing updates...




and we won't be installing any software either as we have already done that in the build phase (firefox... for example)




review the summary..




and confirmation



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Create a collection


We will now create a collection to house our 'to be deployed with Vista' computers in SCCM, so right click on collections and choose New, Collection,




fill in the General details




for membership rules, just click next




click ok to the warning




set your security settings...




and click close when done, you can now see our new collection listed in SCCM collections





Advertise the Deployment Task Sequence


right click on our new collection (Deploy Vista) and choose Advertise Task Sequence




when the wizard appears fill in the required info and click browse




when the Select Package screen appears, select the one we created




make sure to select Make this task sequence available to boot media and PXE




for schedule, click on the yellow star to set it as soon as possible






place a checkmark in Ignore maintenance windows and Allow system restart, and set the priority to High and set the program rerun behaviour to Never Rerun Advertised...


In the screenshot below however, we are in a LAB environment where we want to TEST the image deployment again and again so we set it it to Always rerun.



Note: this guide is aimed at a LAB/Test environment so it's ok to set to Always rerun as you want to verify that it is deploying correctly, however in a production environment you won't want it reinstalling the image endlessly so you would select Never rerun Advertised Program.


for Distribution settings, choose Access content directly from a distribution point when needed as we'll be wiping the hard drive




leave interaction as it is




and your security...




after reviewing the summary and clicking next, you get confirmation of the new advertisement



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Create Computer Association


Now that we have everything in place, we will create a Computer Association in order to initiate the deployment of Windows Vista to our Client(s)


so, in Operating System Deployment, select Computer Association and right click, choose Import Computer Information




we can choose to import from a file (GUIDE) or to import a single computer,


In this particular case we will choose import a single computer, so let's do that




enter the computername and mac address of the client




review the data preview to confirm the info you entered

data preview.jpg


choose our collection by clicking on browse and selecting the Deploy Vista collection




review the summary and then click close at the confirmation




at this point everything is in place for a Zero Touch installation of Windows Vista SP1 on the chosen client(s), and you can test it in a variety of ways


if you want to see deployment immediatly then PXE boot the client and watch as it starts the deployment or, join a test client to the domain, add it to our Deploy Vista collection and watch as it gets an advertisement for a new operating system


all done !





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