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    System Management Container

    By bonVoyage,
    Ok so every guide about setting up SCCM states you have to delegate control to the System Management container.  My question is can you have multiple "system" containers? for example: I have domain "Corporate" under which I have 2 OUs (Europe and US) Since I only want to delegate control of SCCM to its specific OU can I create a System Container then System Management under the specific OU?

    Windows 10 Feature Update Client Logging

    By robemann83,
    Some clients being deployed Windows 10 Feature Update in SCCM Windows 10 Servicing Plan are failing to install Windows Updates following the update from 1511 to 1607. I would like to troubleshoot this using client logs as there is no information on the server side. Are there any specific logging that occurs on the Client system during the update from one current branch version to the next? Should i be looking just at normal Get-WindowsUpdate log output? Or is there something

    Config Baseline

    By gmandar,
    Hello All, I am creating config baseline in SCCM CB.  Objective: To check the presence of registry key (regkey) and if present check it's value. If value is xyz.com then change it to 192.16.x.x else don't change it. Findings: I have created config items to check and compare the regkey value and remediate if not as expected above. Only issue I am facing is, on the PC where the regkey is NOT present, config baseline creates that regkey with 192.168.x.x value which is un-desirable. I

    Remote Control failure

    By xeronine,
    Hi All,  In SCCM 1706 we are having issues using the Remote Control tools. When you launch Remote Control, the window hangs on "Connecting to the host session".    here is a screenshot of the applied remote tools client settings: Note: The "set Viewers" includes 3 security groups for the teams responsible for remote support (including the user where logs were generated from).    CmRcService.log (user system log): VmRcViewer.log (configman console rmeot

    W10 deployment MDT task sequence vs non-MDT task sequence

    By TheNameIAlwaysWanted,
    Hello all, I used the guide in the sticky post to install SCCM CB, followd this guide to deploy W10 using the MDT task sequence, but that gives me a very long task sequence (with stuff I don't need) , and only a default Windows installation. I'm my job as an it-admin I've had a little bit of experience with SCCM 2012r2, and in that version we used to deploy OS (W7 in this case) using a 'regular' task sequence including installing drivers, applications etc. and used a custom image.   My

    Upgrading to SCCM 2016

    By kesh,
    Hi SCCM experts, I am hoping somebody can assist me. I have been tasked with upgrading my current SCCM 2012 CB v1702 solution to SCCM 2016. I have a single MP and 6 DP's all running Server 2012 R2. My options are as follows: Current Setup  Server: 2012 R2 SCCM 2012 CB v1702 SQL 2012   Option 1: Server: 2012 R2 - Leave as is SCCM 2012 CB v1702 - upgrade to SCCM 2016 SQL 2012 - Leave as is   Option 2: Server: 2012 R2 - upgrade to Ser

    Potential issue with Language Interface Packs and new Win 10 builds

    By simulacra75,
    Hi there. I've followed the excellent guide on this site (thanks Niall!) for integrating Language Interface Packs into a Task Sequence and it seems to work pretty well for me. Something i thought of though, let's say for arguments sake that i rollout Win 10 1607 with a bunch of LIP's in a Task Sequence and further down the line i have a number of different computers with different LIP's installed. I now want to upgrade these machines to Windows 10 1703. Given that there are different LIP's

    I need some help with a query

    By ogeccut,
    I need some help with a query to create a collection for Visio Pro and Project Pro 2016 - en-us. When i just query for i am getting results, but when i add en-us i am getting nothing, but i know i have them out there

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