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    ZTIUtility.psm1 and SCCM2012 TS, possible?

    By Always,
    ref to https://scriptimus.wordpress.com/2012/09/17/ltizti-powershell-accessing-task-sequence-variables/ can ZTIUtility.psm1 work under a SCCM task sequence too? if yes how? want access to the  PSDrives called TSEnv: and TSEnvList:.

    USMT Restore User State, Error: 0x4005(16389)

    By xerxes2985,
    I am experiencing a weird issue. I did a USMT capture of two different machines. Both are in-place (upgrading W7 to W10). One of the systems I was able to do a restore user state, but the other is giving me the following error Error: 0x4005(16389)   I've attached the smsts.log Any help would be great  

    Windows 10 Servicing displays "Other"

    By philosifer,
    I have SCCM downloading and deploying the Creators update to a number of test clients and it all seems fine but my Windows 10 Servicing dashboard just says "other" rather than 1703. I've checked and all my site components say they are working ok including the service connection point. I've just updated SCCM with latest 1702 rollup but it didn't help. Does anyone have any ideas what else to check to troubleshoot this?   Phil

    Server Not Displaying as VMware

    By txhockeyman,
    I've got an issue where some servers that were migrated from Hyper-V to VMware are still showing as Hyper-V and others that were originally built in VMware showing as Physical. Is SCCM not capable of detecting VMware? Please see image..  

    Unable to download updates, SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER and SMS_STATE_SYSTEM critical

    By spyder,
    When KB4018732 arrived, I was unable to download and apply it. I couldn't find any solution, but I let it be and figured it might work when the next update was released. But today I tried to download KB4019926 with the same result. After hitting the Download button in the console, the button is grayed out but the state is still saying 'Available to download'. The only error I see in dmpdownloader.log is ERROR: The manifest.cab was not found. Component status shows critical on SMS_DMP_D

    SCCM CB Migrate Users to new PC

    By hoodwink55,
    I'm going to be replacing 7 year old PC's running Win7Pro, with new hardware and Win10Pro. How do I transfer the users profile/settings from their old PC to their new PC, keeping drive mappings and such. Currently on SCCM CB 1610. Thanks for any help, references, and/or videos on how to perform this.

    OK to Import Drivers to OSD?

    By allenr74,
    While I've been working with SCCM for over 6 years I have what's probably a "newbie" question.  Is it ok to import drivers while current task sequences are running that deploy operating systems to clients?  I won't be editing the task sequences just importing new model drivers (we do use auto apply). When I first started doing os deployments I made the mistake of editing a task sequence that was probably being used and it got corrupted.  I don't want that to happen again thus my question no

    SCCM 1702 - Reporting services data source

    By VRDRF,
    We have recently reinstalled our SCCM environment and migrated from the old environment to the new one. The problem is that it seems some of the reporting services datasources were also migrated to the new server and is now causing some issues in reporting services. reports sometimes fail because they are looking at a broken datasource that doesn't connect. Stupid thing is, the old environment has the exact same data sources and the same one is also broken there but isnt causing issues.

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