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    Move SCCM CB from Server running 2012R2 to 2016

    By Kevin79,
    My SCCM server (CM 1606 With Hotfix KB3186654))is currently running on server 2012 R2 with SQL 2014. Is there a way to either upgrade the current server or migrate to a new server with Server 2016 and SQL 2016?

    Re-run application deployment

    By Kevin79,
    How do I set the time computers take between application deployment evaluations? I have an application that check to see if a process is running and won't deploy if the condition is true. (Like deploying Java, it won't deploy the new version of Java if Java is currently running). How do I set how frequently it checks? What downside is there to setting it to be more frequent?   Hopefully this is a clear explanation.

    SCCM 2007 R2/SQL 2008 Upgrade to SCCM 2016 Version 1702 / SQL 2012

    By bonVoyage,
    Looking for a little guidance. I have come into a new role with a company that is running SCCM 2007 R2 on SQL 2008. I need to update this to SCCM 2016 v1702 on SQL 2012. Current day they have a separate WSUS server in which they deploy Windows Updates. I would like to incorporate this as well into the new server. This is the first time I am tasked with upgrading the server. In the past I have had "another team" that upgraded the server and I just Packaged/created OSDs. Any guidance on appropriat

    OSD Computer = ModelNumber-SerialNumber

    By khawkins,
    Hi guys,   I have read a few articles on this but I am struggling on how to get this to work. We have dell PC's\Laptops and we need to automate the name of a new device build with the format ModelNumber-SerialNumber eg. "E5550-JAJJAJA". I have MDT integrated and I am using the gather step to gather device info. I have set the OSDComputerName value to %MODEL%-%SERIALNUMBER%   This isn't working, which I suspect is because the model name is usually "Latitude E5550".  

    Client servicing log

    By Max,
    Hello, I have some client machine that the Client servicing log is running like crazy. Clientservicing is writing every second. the entry is: "Client is not yet registred but no FSP is available. will retry later." The problem is that on these machine I am not able to deploy any application .... SCCM Version 1702.   any suggestion thanks  

    Remote Control in different boundary

    Config Manager Manager
    By Config Manager Manager,
    I have an admin in one of our remote sites who only has access to his boundary.  However, he needs access to several specialized systems in a different location's boundary. I have given him access to the collection I created for those specific PC's, but I imagine the limitation here is the boundary setup. Is there any way around this?  I would prefer not to give users at this level any higher access than what I've already customized for remote locations.  Thanks,

    Registry Redirection

    By vincelewin,
    Hi all, Im running SCCM 1702, client is windows 10 64. I am struggling with an issue related to registry redirector on windows 64bit os. I have created a batch file that queries WMI for the model, in this case of my dell laptops, and then creates a registry key using the "REG ADD" command in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Model REG_SZ. EG 7440. I've deployed this as a package and now can see the registry key in the WOW6432Node key! I have then created a Task Sequence,

    Reference image creation

    By rob343,
    HI   Just wanted peoples opinion on how I am currently doing my Ref image, At the moment I do this in a standalone MDT/WSUS, capture then import into sccm where I add business apps during TSQ, is this still the preferred way. but it means I have to maintain WSUS as well as MDT. Or should I be doing I in sccm and capturing, or even with an MDT interrogated task seq and capture?   Are there any issues in which the context it creates the image with i.e. Administrator (MDT) Syste

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