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    Can't Import Boot Images post upgrade to SCCM CB 1702

    By gmandar,
    Hello All, Hope everyone is doing good. I am facing issue while importing the boot images or modifying the existing boot images post upgrade to SCCM CB from sccm 2012. We have recently upgraded from SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 to SCCM CB 1606 and then immediately to 1702. We have ADK v1607 and MDT 1443 installed on the primary server and upgrade went well w/o issue. Now I need to insert network drivers into our existing boot wims but every attempt add/remove modify boot wim is failing.

    Offline USB Build from TS - Offline Djoin

    By WAZZIE,
    Hi All, Hope you are all well, and sccm'ing away on the CBB I have been asked to look into a standalone task sequence from usb, which will include the djoin steps for a offline domain join. I went thru the djoin provision steps etc process manually in a lab, and got a fresh build win10 box to join the domain. but cannot seem to get this to work with vanilla sccm cbb. I have read articles that mdt has a specific step for this, but I'm not sure the boss wants mdt in place ??

    Servicing planand Windows 10 1703 upgrade

    By nazimb,
    I just upgraded to 1703 using a Servicing Plan in SCCM, however I lost all the pinned program from the Start menu. Also, I had to re-install the RSAT update. Wondering if you anyone had the same issue?   Thanks,

    1702 Update Stuck Downloading (May be redundant)

    By txhockeyman,
    I searched and only found things related to the 1610 update getting stuck downloading but none of those fixes work. Relevant portion of log is pasted: ERROR: Failed to download redist for e0df5bb8-b4c8-4553-9b55-133e36536a35 with command  /RedistUrl http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=841450 /LnManifestUrl http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=841442 /RedistVersion 201702 /NoUI  "\\ISSCCM1.EasySetupPayload\e0df5bb8-b4c8-4553-9b55-133e36536a35\redist" .    SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER    4/26

    MDT and Windows 10 apps

    By KUSD,
    Getting this error message when trying to caputre a virtual Windows 10 image:  Microsoft messaging is not installed.... Pleas help   SYSPRP The time is now 2017-04-08 09:49:08 2017-04-08 09:49:08, Info       [0x0f004e] SYSPRP Initialized SysPrep log at C:\WINDOWS\system32\sysprep\Panther 2017-04-08 09:49:08, Info       [0x0f0054] SYSPRP ValidateUser:User has required privileges to sysprep machine 2017-04-08 09:49:08, Info       [0x0f007e] SYSPRP FCreateTagFile:Tag file C:\WINDOWS

    SCCM 1702 - Downloading Svr2016 updates failes

    By Master-VodaWagner,
    Hi all,   I get the following errors when I attempt to download any Server 2016 updates from MS in SCCM       Failed to download content id X. Error: Invalid certificate signature   X is the package content id for any of the server 2016 updates I've tried to download from MS via the internet

    Servicing plans not working.

    By Abusby,
    I followed the MS guidance, cross referenced with the guides here. (so server 2016, sql 2016, config manager latest version) the servicing plan i created for current branch contains the newest version of Windows 10, (1703) however, the client will not install it. (version 1607) How is best to troubleshoot why it isn't even trying to install it? the update deployment log has only this: DetectJob completion received for assignment ({5ae097d5-7803-46b1-8411-d471c888da5c})    Upd

    Windows 10 Task Sequence UEFI partitioning driving me nuts!

    By simulacra75,
    Title says it all really. Disk to setup as a GPT, UEFI boot drive. Task Sequence starts, image gets laid down. TS errors out with a "system partition not set" error in smsts.log. The partitioning step sets 2 separate partitions. I've attached screenshots of the partitioning steps. Anyone have any ideas? Probably some stupid mistake on my end.  

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