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    SUP Sync issue (Error 403)

    By syparon,
    Gents, We are currently facing Sync issues between our site server and our 2 SUPs (separated servers). After some investigation we noticed that the site server wants to tell one of our SUP to start a synchronization but nothing is happening on the SUP side because of an access denied when the site server wants to connect to the SUP on port 8531. This error does not happen all the time ... The system wide proxy is configured to bypass the local range where the site server a

    Console sees servers as physical and not as virtual

    By Kingskawn,
    I have some servers being seen as physical machines 'Virtual Machine = no' while these are virtual machines running ESX. I can create queries for collections but on what is the value based in the console?  

    3rd party updates

    By jkjk12,
    I am able to download Microsoft updates and create SUG's and deploy.  But I can't get non-Microsoft 3rd party updates to come down.  I think I setup the 3rd party updates correctly.   Admin \ client settings \ software updates \ enable third party updates = YES Admin \ config components \ software update point \ enable third party updates = Checked (yes) config man is managing the Certs. software library \ software updates \ third party update catalogs Publisher name:  Dell

    Secondary Site Clients Site Code

    By gokhan76,
    Hi Guys, I just finished installing 1 Primary and 4 Secondary Sites. I have all the Boundaries setup properly using Forest Search and IP Subnet Boundaries for corresponding Secondary Sites. When I look at my Devices I can see 750 devices which all assigned to Primary site instead of they assigned in to their own Site. My questions: 1- Is this normal? 2- When we deploy package or OSD those clients set to My Primary Site will they download the content from Primary Sit

    SCCM clients on DMZ pointing to wrong sup server

    By Meyi,
    Hi, I have two SCCM servers, one in the main network called : SCCM-MAIN and the other is in the DMZ network called : SCCM-DMZ. SCCM has 3 boundary groups, 1. Default-Site-Boundary-Group  2. MAIN-Environment 3. DMZ-Environment. I see that all the servers in the DMZ environment connect to the MP of SCCM-DMZ and I also see in the console that they are all connected through the DMZ-Environment boundary group. The problem is that all the servers in the DMZ environment are trying t

    Softwareupdates not downloading during OS Deployment tasksequence

    By FSiglmueller,
    Hi Everybody, I have a big problem relating to the Install Software Updates step in my OS Deployment tasksequence. The clients detects, that it needs several updates, but it is not downloading them. It stucks at 0%. After the OSD finishes, the client can download all missing updates. Any ideas why it is not working during the OS Deployment tasksequence. First I thought it was an firewall issue, but the client can reach port 8530 (SUP). Thanks in advance. Kind regards Flo

    Failing to update DP - New boot.wim in SCCM CB

    By aqua-2000,
    Hi all   We are looking to start rolling out a 20H2 build but currently having trouble with updating the boot image. After having the ADK and PE add on installed on the SCCM server, we are running the 'Update Distribution Points Wizard' on our Boot image but getting the below error:   Error: Update boot image: • Microsoft Windows PE (x64) Error: Update actions: • Add ConfigMgr binaries using Production Client version 5.00.9049.1010 • Set scratch space • Enable Wind

    Folder C:\SMSTSLog left behind after tasksequence completion

    By FSiglmueller,
    Hi Everybody, I have a problem with the folder C:\SMSTSLog. This folder is left behind on a successful deployed client system. During the tasksequence I can't find any errors. Any ideas what I am doing wrong ? The MEMCM is 2103 (with installed Hotfix KB10036164) and I am deploying Windows 10 20H2. Thanks in advance. Kind regards Florian smsts from SMSTSLOGFolder.log

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