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Setup wizard of CMG fails at the end
By Bram,
We're trying to set up a Cloud Management Gateway and following the regular guides all works fine until one of the last steps, the actual creation of the CMG in Azure.
At the beginning of the wizard I just log in to my Azure admin account that I used to set up all other parts. The wizard then auto-populates all Azure fields and finds the correct resource group.
When clicking finish it shows the error:
Error occurred when granting Contributor permission to the Azure AD app for resource gr
How to delete some items on UpdateServicesPackages folder
By Syntax,
The C:\Source\Updates\UpdateServicesPackages is taking up half of my servers drive so can anyone suggest on how to safely remove old items on this folder. Thanks
ps script locate _SMSTSLogPath variable output problem
By radish,
I have a copy item copy script running the output log under windows platform to _SMSTSLogPath. The output log cannot be set successfully. I tried to fail. What should I do?
$start = Get-Date
Function Import-SMSTSENV{
$tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
# Create an object to access the task sequence environment
#$tsenv = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
# Query the environment t
DP issue
By rob343,
Hi, I have a strange issue with one of my remote sites it has its own DP, when I run task sequence it is picking up content from an other DP even though the remote site has it own boundary and boundary group, and sometimes it picks up from the correct one (local). There is no fallback setup (there used to be) also check for boundary overlap. Very strange. Anybody point me in the right direction. Only problem is I have limited access to the site for testing.
ADR deadlines
By Kevin79,
I am new to the Configuration Manager environment that I am currently in although I have managed Configuration Manager in a different environment for years. My current organization has ADR's set up to deploy updates. There are two ADR's, one for Windows and one for O365. They both run weekly (they say it is incase updates are release out of schedule) and apply to our beta group immediately with the deadline 1 day after and the rest of the computers after 7 days with the deadline 7 days after tha
Multiple Agent sites listed
By RichardP,
Going through a long overdue rebuild of SCCM and using 1910 all patched up.
I am having an issue with the agents not displaying correclty in the console as far as their site codes are concerned. When going in to the agents in Control Panel, they are finding the site correctly.
When I look at them in the console, they are listed under the primary site code. If I look at the discovery data and then agent site I see several sites listed.
The only agent that should be li
Query for different versions of Office 365
By Sn0m4n,
Office 365 Client management reports that we have several different versions of Office 365 in our environment I am trying to create collections for each version of Office 365 client. So we can identify them by computer name and location. However I have been to create good query to get information. All I can find online is the how to create collections based on the x86 and x64 bit.
Below is my query can anyone help me create separate collections for each versions of Office 365
Has anyone tried putting your SCCM main site on a cluster?
By Syntax,
Has anyone tried putting your SCCM main site on a cluster? So we migrated our SCCM on Azure HCI server but we did not include it yet on the cluster because we never know what will happen.