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    Learn about Bitlocker Management in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910

    By anyweb,
    Introduction I’ve created a video showing you what you need to know to get Bitlocker Management (formally MBAM) integration working in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910, please check it out. for more info and links to setting up PKI in your lab and converting Configuration Manager to HTTPS see this blog post. To see the rest of the videos click below: BitLocker management – Part 1 Initial setup BitLocker management

    Learn about Bitlocker Management in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910 – Part 2, configure portals

    By anyweb,
    Introduction In this video I show you what you need to know to get the Bitlocker Management (formally MBAM) web site portals working in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910, please check it out. To read about the two portals shown above, see the following blog posts: How can you use the Self Service feature when MBAM is integrated within SCCM? How can you use the Help Desk feature when MBAM is integrated within SCCM? To see the rest of the vid

    Learn about Bitlocker Management in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910 – part 3 customize the portals

    By anyweb,
    Introduction In this video I show you how to customize the self service portal to suit your organization, and I show you how  you can change what a person see’s in the help desk based on which Active Directory Security Group they are a member of (in relation to Bitlocker Management). Take a look ! To see the rest of the videos click below: BitLocker management – Part 1 Initial setup BitLocker management – Part 2 Deploy portals BitLoc

    Learn about Bitlocker Management in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910 – part 4 Enforce

    By anyweb,
    Introduction In this video I show you how to enforce encryption with no user interaction using Bitlocker Management in Configuration Manager 1910 (and a compliance baseline containing a configuration item with 2 registry keys). Below are the key path and key names I used in the video: SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\FVE\MDOPBitLockerManagement OsEnforcePolicyPeriod= 0 SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\FVE\MDOPBitLockerManagement UseOsEnforcePolicy =

    Learn about Bitlocker Management in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910 – part 5 key rotation

    By anyweb,
    Introduction In this video I show you how key rotation works when a key has been revealed via the helpdesk using Bitlocker Management integrated as a feature in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910. To see a list of all the videos in this series click below: BitLocker management – Part 1 Initial setup BitLocker management – Part 2 Deploy portals BitLocker management – Part 3 Customize portals BitLocker management – P

    Learn about Bitlocker Management in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910 – part 6 forcing decryption

    By anyweb,
    Introduction In this video I show you how you can enforce decryption of BitLocker encrypted drives in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910. It involves the use of a custom Configuration Baseline with a Configuration Item to set a registry key. This is part 6 from a 10 part video series on youtube. BitLocker management – Part 1 Initial setup BitLocker management – Part 2 Deploy portals BitLocker managemen

    Learn about Bitlocker Management in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910 – part 7 Reporting and compliance

    By anyweb,
    Introduction In this video I show you how you use the built in reports from the BitLocker Management feature that was released in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910. I explain what each of the 5 built in reports offer and take a look at compliance both on the server and on the client including deciphering the statemessage.log. Note: You do not need SSRS to be in HTTPS mode for rendering or using reports about BitLocker Management in Configurat

    Learn about Bitlocker Management in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910 – part 8 Migration

    By anyweb,
    Introduction In this video (linked at the bottom of this post) I show you how you can migrate existing MBAM managed clients to Configuration Manager using the new BitLocker Management feature that was released in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 1910. In order for this to work you’ll need an existing MBAM standalone server(s) that is managing one or more clients. The recovery keys (and associated data) will be stored on that MBAM server as defined by the Gro

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