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    How to install current SCCM cmdlets for PowerShell?

    By HarleyKM,
    I need to download and properly install PowerShell cmdlets for Current Branch 1906. I have not been able to install *any* SCCM cmdlets, despite attempting to follow Microsoft documentation on the topic. I've looked at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/sccm/1906-release-notes?view=sccm-ps https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/newyork-servicenow-platform/page/product/orchestration/task/t-update-sccm-cmdlet-libraries.html https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/system-center

    HP Boot Logo - OSD

    By Joe13,
    Hi all, I need some help please. I would like to change the default HP logo, the one during boot. According to this article I need to have a logo file and copy it to their partition and it should work. https://support.hp.com/za-en/document/c01646879 In my TS I created this additional partition - see attached. 1. Is this correct? 2. How do I create a sub folder and copy my logo file to this hidden partition? 3. Is my layout correct, refer to attached "UEFI Layout"?

    PXE boot not working after guide

    By chrisjako,
    Hi Anyweb, i've managed to get SCCM working from your guide, ive set my distribution point like this and it works fine However certain machines don't PXE boot, they get an ip but then error PXE-aborted - one worked first time but didn't again - i'm thinking the device no longer becomes part of collection that is authorised for distributed content after the reboot  

    SCEP not reporting

    By Kevin79,
    I have Endpoint Protection and Defender configured with SCCM. Most clients report correctly but there are some that don't update virus definitions and/or don't report on when the last time they ran a full scan was. What logs should I look at to troubleshoot this?

    How does Key Rotation work in the BitLocker Managment feature in ConfigMgr

    By anyweb,
    Introduction Microsoft recently released Configuration Manager Technical Preview version 1909 which contained updates to the integrated MBAM functionality within Configuration Manager and I blogged about that here, those updates included Self Service and Help Desk abilities. In a previous blog post you looked at the Self Service feature for end users and then you looked at the Help Desk feature. But what happens on the client and in the database once the recovery key has been dis

    How can you use the Help Desk feature when MBAM is integrated within SCCM

    By anyweb,
    Introduction Microsoft recently released Configuration Manager Technical Preview version 1909 which contained updates to the integrated MBAM functionality within Configuration Manager and I blogged about that here, those updates included Self Service and Help Desk abilities. In a previous blog post you looked at the Self Service feature for end users. This blog post will look at the Help Desk feature. But first, why would a user need to call a help desk (in relation to MBAM). Here’s wh

    How can you use the Self Service feature when MBAM is integrated within SCCM?

    By anyweb,
    Introduction Microsoft recently released Configuration Manager Technical Preview version 1909 which contained updates to the integrated MBAM functionality within Configuration Manager and I blogged about that here, namely Self Service and Help Desk abilities. In this blog post we’ll look at the Self Service feature for end users. Self Service What is the Self Service feature ?  well to put it quite simply, it allows the end user (that has the BitLocker Recovery prompt) to solve th

    Determine hardware UEFI capability

    Jepeto 46
    By Jepeto 46,
    Anyone tried to determine hardware UEFI capability with SCCM? I am trying to find out if a machine is UEFI capable, cant fine any way to do it at this point.

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