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    In-Tune Vs SCCM - Enrollment/Deployment

    By joeman1881,
    Hey guys, In short, I'm trying to figure out if I can streamline automation, and deployment process with our current SCCM (current branch 1802) infrastructure. Long story, we are currently piloting In-Tune.  Microsoft pitched it as, "this will cut deployment time down to 10 minutes, or less, and you can pull new devices out of the box and pretty much have them ready to go within that same time frame".  After the past month or so of testing, we are finding that's not necessarily the cas

    pending restart & non-compliant clients, rebootcoordinator.log

    By SagarDas,
    Hello Members,   Servers are rebooted post windows patches got installed. But few servers are still showing pending restart & non-compliant. These servers are definitely rebooted.  There are no patched pending to get installed neither any more software updated deployed. The rebootcoordinator.log says 'User S-1-5-21-4236524168-2382535853-1335976672-1001 is getting pending reboot information...'.  please help me to understand how to fix this. the critical servers canno

    Wake up client notification option greyed out

    By OwenWilliams,
    I have recently upgraded SCCM from 1806 to 1810 and followed a number of guides to enable Wake on LAN. When I right click on a device with the 1810 client version the “Wake Up” option is greyed out. Does anyone have any suggestions on this?

    Applications with multiple deployment types

    By xerxes2985,
    Quick question, is it necessary when updating an application with two separate deployment types to update content on each deployment type? I assume I should do both?  

    WMI QUERY using NOT doesnt work

    By sacaliabu,
    Does anyone have an idea why this query doesn't work when it's written everywhere it should? This is the query  SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE NOT Model LIKE "%Latitude 5520%" And I have tried with the same results SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model NOT LIKE "%Latitude 5520%" Thank you.  

    Base updates for Windows 2012 R2 RTM missing

    By erikbennett,
    As part of a new project, we're building a few Windows 2012 R2 VHDXs from scratch (and starting with RTM) and I've run into a problem when it comes to windows updates. I can confirm that the problem definitely does not seem to be SCCM specifically, as a few of our packages get installed (after the client is installed, etc) AND one of the windows updates does get installed. When I run Microsoft Update on a fresh, RTM copy of Windows 2012 R2, I get the following list of Windows Updates a

    Reporting Permissions and Empty Software Reports

    By Sanchez,
    Hi. I recently set up a new Configuration Manager 1806 environment (now upgraded to 1810). Its SQL database is on a named instance, on a failover cluster, and Reporting Services is installed on one of its nodes (I know that SSRS is not cluster-aware). The site appears to be mostly fine, but reporting has always seemed a little off. Firstly, while most of the reports work as expected, some of the reports in the "Software - Companies and Products" folder, either produce no results, or on

    User-based application deployment not detected

    By msee,
    Hi! If I deploy an application to users ConfigMgr doesn't detect the app as installed if it is already present on the client. If I deploy the same application to a device, the application gets detected. If I click on install in the software center, the application state switches immediately to installed. Does anyone know how to force the software center to re-evaluate user based deployments? Thanks Br Markus

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