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    New "Run Script" function

    Brian P
    By Brian P,
    Hello friends. I'm trying to create a script can be activated from ConfigMgr consol that will copy some folders and files to all users who been logged on the computer. The script is working fine if I'm running it manually from Powershell. If running the from ConfigMgr consol the "Script" function execute and complete but nothing happens. Just for testing I tried to add the lines below, then the console just keep saying creating job. I can see it copies the script to the target computer

    Apply Operating System 80070002

    By kaiserclaw,
    Hello, I just created a Windows 10 1803 WIM and imported into SCCM. I copied task sequencer from 1709 and changed OS-image. When running task "Apply Operating System" I got error 0x80070002... Report: The user tries to release a source directory C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\PS100091 that is either already released or we have not connected to it.InstallImage( g_InstallPackageID, g_ImageIndex, targetVolume, ImageType_OS, g_ConfigPackageID, g_ConfigFileName, bOEMMedia, g_RunFromNet ), HRE

    Not all Surface Drivers visible in All Software Updates

    By StefanWe,
    Hello, i am running sccm 1710 on windows 2016. My wsus with the system role for software update is also running on windows 2016. Under site settings for Software Update i activated the checkbox "include microsoft surface drivers...." and under products i select (see the screenshot)   My Surfaces are running 1709 (fall creators update) at the moment. Now, when i take a look under "All software updates" and search for "surface" i only see one firmware update:

    Membership rule not working

    By jfdensmore,
    I have a membership rule looking for clients equal to Operating system build 16299, it finds them, but it always includes 17134 builds too?    I cant figure out why!!!  Can anyone help?  

    Windows 10 1607- 1803 Inplace HardBlock

    By jvmorrell,
    Hi  I'm trying to upgrade some surfaces pro 4 to 1803 using an OSD Inplace.  (this works on other machines BTW) I seen two devices with exactly the same HARDBLOCK in the logs. OEM01.inf and OEM02.inf I cannot find what these devices are anyone got any ideas where I can find out the information, I've scanned through the full scan and searched for a Hardblock without any results. Thanks for any assistance in advanced. Cheers   CompatData_2018_08_21_11_51_26_3_

    Install application as admin during TS possible?

    By iamrufus,
    Hi Everyone, I am trying to get a simple application to install but it doesn't seem to work either running the TS from the desktop or during the image process. Its a normal MSI application but for some reason it just wont install by the looks of it using the system account. I tried running the application silently through CMD outside of SCCM under my logged in user account (which is an admin) but it just would not fire off.  I moved all the source files locally to the location c:\apps\Q-Pul

    SCCM deployment system to multiple hard disk problems

    By radish,
    The sccm deployment system is automatically deployed to partitions that already have systems.   I have some computers with multiple hard disks. Suppose the environment has three hard disks in the computer. According to the sata1 sata2 sata3 arrangement, the system has the first partition system on the sata1 disk, and some of the first partitions on the sata2 disk. Some systems are in the system. First partition on sata3 disk Then through the sccm deployment automatically determine the deploy

    Changing SCCM domain join, client push and network access account passwords

    By Vern,
    Hello, As per company policy I need to change passwords for SCCM service accounts: 1. network access 2. client push 3. domain join Microsoft suggests not to change password for network access account and consider to create completely new NA account. What's the best policy for client push and domain join accounts, based on some blogs online changing domain join account password still requires to re-build OS images, account is used in UDI wizard and task sequence step

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