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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. how are you trying to manually install it ?
  2. are you trying to manually install the client or what, go into details please as to what you have tried and what has failed. also it looks like your dns isn't working...
  3. did you read the log ? if you are updating the schema then use an appropriate account with the correct permissions as clearly laid out in the guides.
  4. did you follow this ? http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4466-using-sccm-2012-rc-in-a-lab-part-5-enable-the-endpoint-protection-role-and-configure-endpoint-protection-settings/
  5. are you attempting UEFI network boot here ? because i'm pretty sure that device is in UEFI mode, i.e. does your infrastructure support UEFI network boot ? if you are using dhcp scope options for the SCCM WDS ip, then you'll need to use iphelpers instead for UEFI to work.
  6. it might help if you go into some details, as to what you are trying to do and what happened when you tried, maybe even post a screenshot of the failure.
  7. while on the same subject - http://www.niallbrady.com/2010/05/22/sent-out-an-advertisement-you-wish-you-hadn-t/
  8. glad you got it working but i'll stand by my original comment, you should be capturing the image on virtual machines and deploying that reference image to your Surface Pro 3's (and other devices)
  9. <![LOG[Failed to get client identity (80004005)]LOG]!><time="09:07:20.811+480" date="03-30-2015" check the DATE in the bios. it must match today's date.
  10. ok you must have made some error in the script, please re-download it, and retest it after changing only the ip addresses
  11. that line must run otherwise the network will never initialize and neither will winpe. I've tested this over and over and it works great, so something is up on your end, if have access to virtual machines to test this and have teamviewer i can take a look.
  12. well you can simply change the boot image referenced in the task sequence to quickly switch between boot wims, i'd definetly be interested in seeing your smsts.logs
  13. you really should be creating reference images on virtual hardware and use apply driver package steps to customize a deploy task sequence to custom hardware, can you attach your bdd.log and smts.log ?
  14. hi this guide is not supposed to assist you with lack of network drivers AFTER you start a task sequence, but before you start one, and your issue sounds like the latter, do please attach your smsts.log files here so we can figure out why
  15. from your error message "Failed to load class properties and qualifiers for class BDD_UsePackage in task sequence.": that's complaining about the lack of MDT Integration. This integration gives a lot more abilities that you think and it all collectively helps the task sequence mentioned above into a reality, (via the scripts etc), try it and see.
  16. x86 boot wim can deploy both x86 images and x64 operating system images except when it's UEFI and in that case the boot image must match the architecture of the device, surface pro 2/3 devices are UEFI and must have a 64bit UEFI boot image, so you can either move all your task sequences to a 64 bit boot wim and keep the x86 boot wim task sequences as exceptions with their own collection, or target only unknown x86 devices with that deployment, or use boot media for those devices.
  17. can you press f8 and grab the bdd.log or smsts.log ?
  18. sorry, if still in the litetouch wizard look in x:\minint\smsosd\osdlogs does bdd.log reveal anything ? if after that look in x:\windows\temp\smstslog\smsts.log
  19. well it should work just fine (it does here and we are using it in production) where exactly are you see the 5 minute delay, can you video it so i can see ?
  20. by the way the VEN_11AB&DEV_2B38 refers to the marvell wireless, so not an issue here
  21. go back and look at the powershell, are there ANY errors when it created the boot wim or installed/configured WDS, if so, you'll have to fix those problems, for example, verify if the correct litetouch boot wim is in place in wds and that it has the drivers in it.... i'm happy to do a teamviewer session and take a look if you want
  22. well you should be changing the serverstoping ip addresses, did you ? can you show me that edit ?
  23. well rem out the 'hide the cmd prompt' so that you can see what is going on, did you make any changes at all in the script ?
  24. did you modify the wscript.sleep statement at all, it should only wait a maximum of 15 seconds.
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