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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. you don't have to update ALL of your clients at the same time, in fact it's recommended to stage the deployment, for example take them in batches, with pauses in between to verify that all is going well, start with small numbers and increase as things get going.
  2. not supported, and why would you want to even try this ?
  3. have you tried what i suggested above yet ?
  4. have you seen the CM12 BitLocker FrontEnd HTA yet ? CM12 in a Lab - The CM12 BitLocker FrontEnd HTA - video CM12 in a Lab - The CM12 BitLocker FrontEnd HTA
  5. you could create a package containing a program and the program command line is scepinstall.exe /u /s deploy that to a collection containing computers you want to uninstall SCEP from
  6. hmm interesting, if you manually run the net use commands shown by the strcommand in a command prompt in winpe, what happens ? is anything in your winpe_net_time.log ?
  7. well i think your problem is because the script isnt running at the right time (i.e. it's not running as a prestart command), i dont see it being mentioned in the smsts.log file at all (look at my screenshots where it says it's executing the script), then look at your smsts.log, do you see the prestart starting ? also, your other logs are of a different time, so you probably generated them when manually testing the script.
  8. great to hear it ! for the sake of others finding this thread, can you explain further what permissions were wrong, and on what/where
  9. hmm can you post the logs please, you can remove any domain senstive stuff from them first if you wish.
  10. as long as that hardware is 64bit (i don't know, do check with support.dell.com) double check that you've got a 64bit boot image attached to your task sequence and that it's the boot image that is being downloaded, also check that you've distributed same to your distribution points
  11. Tim ? nope, but for deploying Configuration Manager 2012 if you are interested.
  12. if netsetup.log is not updating then i'd suggest it fails before trying to join the domain, does the smsts.log hint at that ? i've seen the 1878 year before and laughed, can't recall the reason, but it's probably a bug.
  13. Hi all, We are looking for a creative engineer to work on the Global Restaurant Systems Management Team at McDonald’s. A large part of this role is being the subject matter expert for SCCM. Can you pass this on to anyone you think would be interested? http://www.dice.com/job/result/RTX195d67/wspos757242 Thanks, Morgan
  14. read this post on the subject http://blogs.technet.com/b/askpfeplat/archive/2014/07/14/bitlocker-pin-on-surface-pro-3-and-other-tablets.aspx
  15. look at the recommended reading at the bottom of the post, i've a bitlocker section there
  16. it is way easier to create ONE image on Virtual Hardware (keep it driver free) and then deploy that captured image to different hardware types using custom apply driver package steps based on hardware model detected, you can see how to do that in this post.
  17. thanks ! I'd recommend you build the images in Virtual hardware and avoid 2 partitions, it will only cause you problems sooner or later, keep everything on the one partition as bitlocker, and UEFI will make you glad you did so later... anyhow, if you captured the image with two partitions it probably has index(s) of those images, one being the os, the other the 'data' drive, use the apply data image step to apply the D: drive, for network join, make sure you've got an apply driver package step containing network drivers for the hardware you are installing this image on to and verify if theres network connectivity after the restart after applying the os, if not, you need network drivers.... good luck
  18. create some steps at the end of your task sequence to delete the bg backgrounds cmd.exe /c reg delete "HKU\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop" /v TileWallpaper /f cmd.exe /c reg delete "HKU\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop" /v Wallpaper /f
  19. have you tried adding the WSUS role, what issue are you having exactly ?
  20. i don't use robocopy, but you could try /copyall
  21. have you looked at locationaware from rob marshall ? http://www.smsmarshall.com/Pages/LocationAware.aspx secondly, the recently released CU3 has some MP features added, http://blogs.technet.com/b/jchalfant/archive/2014/09/22/management-point-affinity-added-in-configmgr-2012-r2-cu3.aspx
  22. maybe you are missing some robocopy switches ?
  23. no you don't need Server 2012 for PXE boot to work, I've tested it just fine using Server 2008R2, what you do need is Configuration Manager 2012 R2, (or at least sp1). cheers niall
  24. your problems are all related to the fact that your management point is down, have you reviewed any of the logs related to the management point to see why it's failing ?
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