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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. here's proof it failed it seems that after setup windows and configmgr it reboots but fails to continue can you verify what steps are in your task sequence and does the client get installed at all (c:\windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.log)
  2. post your smsts.log(s) here and we'll take a look the screenshots of them isn't enough info - look in c:\windows\ccm\logs after the deployment is done and post all the SMSTS*.log files here
  3. after you added the driver to the boot image did you update it to the dp's and did you verify that the boot image you are using is the one attached to your task sequence
  4. i presume you are trying to create an MDT boot image from within Configuration Manager ? what vesion of configuration Manager is it and what version of MDT have you installed ? the problem you have is actually a bug, see the solution here.
  5. where are you running your steps, before or after setup windows and configmgr (hint, try after)
  6. from your logs... I can see it's filling up your D:\ drive (possibly your WinPE) so check what drive you are deploying to, I have a task sequence script in the sample task sequence here which checks what drive is the OS drive by looking for \windows\explorer.exe and sets that variable for use later... if your computer has multiple partitions and you've pointed it to the wrong partition then it will bomb out... to make troubleshooting this easier i'd definetly advise you to implement the following in your task sequence so you can step through it http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/8846-how-can-i-pause-a-task-sequence-in-system-center-2012-configuration-manager/
  7. more information about setting up a KMS server and other questions here http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/forum/88-kms/
  8. if your cm07 environment has mdt steps in the task sequences, then remove those steps first (it won't migrate the task sequence otherwise) then migrate the task sequence (minus the MDT steps) using CM migration task, then add-back the missing MDT steps with your chosen version of MDT integrated with CM12.
  9. I thought i had added that info to the guide but i guess i didn't, i've added it now, and by the way, it's unsupported to created media (iso for cd/dvd) and then copy/extract to USB, it may work, but it unsupported, if you want to create usb media in a supported way, then use the wizard for USB creation.
  10. ADK 8.1 is required for System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager as described in this post.
  11. At the BUILD developer conference in April 2014, Microsoft will discuss its vision for the future of Windows, including a year-off release codenamed "Threshold" that will most likely be called Windows 9. Here's what I know about the next major release of Windows. As a kind of recap, we know that Microsoft will update Windows 8.1 in 2014, first with a service pack/feature pack-type update called Update 1 (or GDR1 internally). I wrote a bit about this update recently in Windows 8.1 Update 1 (Very Early) Preview but the expectation is that it will ship in April 2014 alongside Windows Phone 8.1, the development of which Microsoft will soon complete. Also in April, of course, is BUILD 2014. That show will hit just weeks after Microsoft completes its corporate reorganization and will surprisingly be very much focused on Windows Phone and Xbox, according to my sources. But I think Windows watchers will agree that the biggest news from the show will be an announcement about Microsoft's plans for the next major Windows version, codenamed "Threshold." I previously wrote about Threshold in Microsoft to Take Windows to the "Threshold", Further Changes Coming in Windows "Threshold" and Big Changes Are Coming to Windows. This is the release my sources previously pegged as being the one that will see the return of the Start menu and the ability to run Metro-style apps on the desktop alongside desktop applications. But Threshold is more important than any specific updates. Windows 8 is tanking harder than Microsoft is comfortable discussing in public, and the latest release, Windows 8.1, which is a substantial and free upgrade with major improvements over the original release, is in use on less than 25 million PCs at the moment. That's a disaster, and Threshold needs to strike a better balance between meeting the needs of over a billion traditional PC users while enticing users to adopt this new Windows on new types of personal computing devices. In short, it needs to be everything that Windows 8 is not. Here's what I've learned about Threshold. Windows 9. To distance itself from the Windows 8 debacle, Microsoft is currently planning to drop the Windows 8 name and brand this next release as Windows 9. That could change, but that's the current thinking. BUILD vision announcement. In case it's not obvious that the Sinofsky era is over, Microsoft will use BUILD to provide its first major "vision" announcement for Windows since, yes, Longhorn in 2003. Don't expect anything that grandiose, but the Windows team believes it needs to hit a happy middle ground between the KGB-style secrecy of the Sinofsky camp and the freewheeling "we can do it all" days that preceded that. As important, the firm understands that customers need something to be excited about. No bits at BUILD. Microsoft will not be providing developers with an early alpha release of "Threshold" at BUILD, and for a good reason: The product won't even begin development until later that month. Right now, Microsoft is firming up which features it intends to deliver in this release. Metro 2.0. Maturing and fixing the "Metro" design language used by Windows will be a major focus area of Threshold. It's not clear what changes are coming, but it's safe to assume that a windowed mode that works on the desktop is part of that. Three milestones. Microsoft expects to deliver three milestone releases of "Threshold" before its final release. It's unclear what these releases will be called (Beta, Release Candidate, etc.) or which if any will be provided to the public. April 2015 release. Microsoft is currently targeting April 2015 for the release of Windows 9 "Threshold." more via WinSuperSite.com > http://winsupersite.com/windows-8/threshold-be-called-windows-9-ship-april-2015
  12. due to popular demand with the following download i'm including all the bugfixes mentioned above in the downloadable code below, note that this task sequence was also exported from System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager so it works just fine with R2. The CM12 BitLocker FrontEnd HTA.zip
  13. yes if the task sequence completes successfully it should be removed by the process, so this tells me that your task sequence is not completing successfully, look at the smsts.log file and determine what is going wrong
  14. you came to the right place, the best way to troubleshoot it is via the logs use CMTRACE.exe to view the logs as the problems will show themselves much easier feel free to post the logs here and we can take a look.
  15. post your logs here so we can see the real error. if it doesn't know what the %systemdrive% variable is it will fail.
  16. does the folder already exist ? is your command line correct ? are you trying to create the folder on a drive letter that doesn't exist or has changed ?
  17. post your smsts.log to see why it's failing to complete the driver steps (probably incorrect nic drivers or similar)
  18. are you using Configuration Manager 2012 R2 or SP1 ? either way capture the image using the build and capture method but specify the following variable BEFORE the apply operating system step in the build and capture TS set task sequence variable OSDPreserveDriveLetter=FALSE when you deploy that captured image in a deploy ts it will deploy windows on C:\
  19. without logs we can only guess. so post some logs (smsts*.log)
  20. if you want zero touch then deploy your task sequences with a purpose of Required (mandatory) but be very careful about what collection you target these deployments to, I would recommend you create a 'zero touch' collection with queries to target the target computers and add computers to that collection with great care.
  21. I wouldnt share roles so keep it on a separate server to the Domain Controller
  22. how are your boundaries setup ? are you specifying the below as your site code ? [10:23:49] SMS Site Code = 'ITD'
  23. have you distributed both the x86 and x64 boot images to this dp ?
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