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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. the smsts.log file is on the CLIENT computer that you are having issues with, press F8 to bring up a command prompt when you see the error on screen, browse to X:\windows\temp\smstslog you should find the smsts.log file there
  2. anyweb

    Missing Bootmgr

    there is nothing wrong in that log file, are you sure it's the correct one and that is is just before the problem occurs ?
  3. what does the netsetup.log file tell you it's in c:\windows\debug
  4. do you see any Unknown computer objects (not collections, but machine objects) in Devices ?
  5. which version of vsphere client are you using and which version of CM12 ? have you verified the package content status ?
  6. ok then if they are unknown and you get pxe aborted then are you sure you've deployed a task sequence to the unknown computers or not ?
  7. that error is what the client is generating because it's booted to your hard disc and theres no boot files on the hdd probably due to a previously failed deployment, are you saying that you get AbortPXE errors just prior to this ? if so have you tried deleting the Unknown computer object in configuration manager and pxe boot again ?
  8. so all your pacakges have been updated to the dps ? how many dp's ?
  9. as above, plus here's more reasons NOT to use a CAS http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmanagerdeployment/thread/d1daed7f-82d7-4f7c-8de2-9bfd81d74558
  10. this matches with what i've already stated here and i quote it doesn't mention Windows 7 Professional there now does it ? I can edit the post to make it clear cheers niall
  11. it should be more or less immediate in a standalone site, what site hierarchy do you have and how are you testing the changes exactly ?
  12. so are you saying that you couldnt install language packs offline in Windows 7 Professional ? if so what was the error ?
  13. if you are using Configuration Manager 2007 then you should use this HTA for BitLocker, this one is purely for Configuration Manager 2012
  14. perhaps your computers need a reboot as part of the process, do your logs reveal anything ?
  15. and if that doesn't help try my advice here
  16. and that's because when this guide was written Service Pack 1 was not available, the pre requisites you are mentioning are part of SP1, this is covered in great detail in part 11. Please review the index here. I will add a note to this guide (Part 1) pointing to the prereqs for SP1 however.
  17. the computers that you are pxe booting need to be on the same VLAN as the Configuration Manager server hosting the PXE dp
  18. Transport error; failed to connect, message: 'The SMS Provider reported an erro did you open the firewall ? disable the firewall as a test does it help ?
  19. you need to target your clients with the patch for CU1 (check in packages it's there)
  20. it's not broken ! it's a design change, to see how to use the new method read this post, you can always add an operating system installer by editing the task sequence after it's created if you really want to use setup.exe
  21. you do the discovery where you have your management points and that is at the primary, the CAS doesn't have a management point or clients connected to it directly so theres nothing to discover there
  22. the client needs to be on the same subnet if you want PXE to work, is it ?
  23. are you planning on deploying the Configuration Manager client via the SUP or not ? that is why we create the Group Policy
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