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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. that is not a supported configuration at this time, you'd have to wait until Service Pack 1 is released (early 2013) for that to be supported
  2. Nope, only Applications can end up in the Application Catalog, it's one of the features of the New Application Model (packages are the OLD model) however you can certainly add an application with a custom deployment type (and therefore use that application to load an EXE or VBS or whatever) and that application can display in the Application Catalog..
  3. 0x000000032 means unsupported, in other words you are trying to do something in WinPE that should be done in windows (or vice versa) or you are doing an action that is not possible in that version of windows but without the log it's hard to tell...
  4. great ! and yes that's a feature of ADR's currently, perhaps it'll change in the future who knows so to sum up, if you want to manually patch the servers create a Software Update Group containing the updates you want to target to your servers and deploy it as Available.
  5. is the deployment available or required ? show me what the servers see in software center for the updates..
  6. also, do take a look at this guide, it should help you with getting it to work
  7. so you are making this available to All Systems, why ? have you also defined custom client settings to enable Endpoint Protection on All Systems ? that is something I wouldn't do without a lot of thought first, far better to target well defined custom Endpoint Protection collections with these updates, secondly you should read this post to see how to create those collections and how to properly target them using custom client settings and custom antimalware policies.
  8. patching servers is usually done with the help of maintenance windows (on the collections), by using maintenance windows you decide when the servers get updated.. for manually patching them, adjust the schedule on the deployment and make the deployment available and Do Not Set a Deadline for software update installation..
  9. can you attach the smsts.log(s) here please, the only thing that should shutdown the computer is the task sequence, not another 3rd party tool, this may be leaving your task sequence in a state where it thinks it hasnt finished yet
  10. ok and how did you start the install of windows on the destination ? via PXE boot ?
  11. there was an announcement from Microsoft today, check it out, thanks Jorgen for alerting me to it
  12. have you a screenshot of your computer association ? and how did you do the new install of XP ? via PXE or within windows ?
  13. no, this is a DP it's not used for assigning sites it's only used for Content. So what you do is add this dp to a boundary group, the boundary group in turn has one or more boundaries. to do so right click on a boundary group that you've already made, if it has no boundaries add one then click on the references tab and add your site system server that hosts the DP in question and click apply, this means that clients that fall into that boundary will get their content from that dp unless you've specified Allow fallback source locations for content in your distribution points Boundary Groups tab.
  14. that;'s about it, but i'd review the logs between point 3 and 4 to be sure the wim was updated successfully, in addition you may want to deploy the new wim image using a separate duplicate task sequence to verify it's working ok prior to rolling it out.
  15. read my earlier comment about site code above, short answer=no. they will use the nearest distribution point based on boundaries that you define. The smsts.log file will reveal this on the client
  16. ok i meant to create the keys only if you deleted the collection, but at least you can see your collections even if you have one extra now... back to square one, as you probably don't see any Unknown computers listed, what happens when you PXE boot now ?
  17. but it should also be pointed out that currenlty SP1 is in Beta and as such you should only install it in your test environment and wait until SP1 ships in Early 2013.
  18. have you looked at the following yet ? What you are interested in is actually Out Of Band Management Deploying the Certificates for AMT - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg682023.aspx#BKMK_AMT2008_cm2012
  19. that IS a collection, if you deleted the other one (X64) then read this post to figure out how to restore it
  20. can you explain exactly what you mean ? what did you do and what post are you referring to ?
  21. did you follow the guide and every step ? did you create the Network Access Account ? did you check that everything referenced in the task sequence is distributed to your dp's if you are still stuck then post your SMSTS.log file here (as an attachment)
  22. what do you need to know exactly ?
  23. done - you can find it here
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