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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. the site code is a drop down field and allows you to assign this site server to a site (a primary site for example), so if you have one primary site server with site code P01 then this dp which is a site server will be assigned to that primary site...
  2. if you could install windows 8 instead on that computer then you could use the built in HyperV role and then you'd have a really really cool lab (it would almost mirror what i use daily) the difference here is that I have more than one lab and I change the content of them regularly, however the laptop I use for all the configuration manager 2012 sp1 stuff (windows 8 guides etc) is running Server 2012 with the HyperV role enabled and it has several virtual machines on it with only 8gb ram. The important thing on this laptop is that it has a 240gb OS drive on an SSD drive so it's fast, it also has a 240gb modular bay drive to store other vm's and that's ssd too. If I can do it then so can you, Windows 7 can't run hyperv but Windows 8 can !
  3. what type of drive is it ? AFD ?
  4. is usually always DNS or network related, verify you have a valid ip address (enable command support in your boot images, press F8 when you boot) verify that you can ping the FQDN of your management point from the client in the command prompt, if not you may need to add network drivers for your hardware to the boot image.
  5. what do you mean exactly ?
  6. no, you need to open the ports required for client push, if you decide on using that method of getting the client installed.. they are documented on Technet as well as here, as a side note...the recommended best practice method of installing the client via Configuration Manager doesn't involve firewalls at all, look at this post.
  7. check the account that is used to join the domain, perhaps the password has expired or the account is locked
  8. the smsts.log file is the one we need, it would be a good idea to raise a new topic about your problem.
  9. check again that you've added both architecture boot images (x86 and x64) and distributed them to the dp's AND enabled them for PXE boot, you need to enable PXE in three places, the Distribution Point the boot image (every boot image that you use for PXE boot) the deployment of your task sequence
  10. No it creates Active Directory site boundaries, and if you look in a production Active directory site, then more than likely it's bound to one or more subnets does that help ?
  11. start by reading Part 8 of my current series which explains how to install applications (packages are essentially the same as they are in Configuration Manager 2007 today). once you've grasped the power that the new application model provides you'll see that using those abilities will reduce the number of collections you need, if you still want to deploy software to users based on active directory security group membership then you can by the way you mentioned 'sub collections are possible', they are not, you can create folders with folders with folders with collections but that's about it.
  12. yet another reason why i dont do Mandatory deployments without serious safety measures in place (password protect the task sequence) 1. How to set a password on PXE boot Setting a password to avoid accidental Operating System Deployment 2. How can I password Protect a Task Sequence ? Password Protecting a Task Sequence if you already know what systems have received the advertisement then deal with them if the clients have received the mandatory policy then they will run the task sequence, and usually that means reboot, then format... but as regards the server, you could disconnect it from the network, then power it back on, and once up disable the task sequence (do not delete it) read the following article for some ideas http://www.niallbrad...ish-you-hadn-t/
  13. you need to read it again, i say in production to select IP Address Range Boundaries, the linked article refers to why IP Subnet boundaries are evil see the difference ? and I quote Jason below
  14. did you post this on technet as well? , the reason for your bitlocker failure is because it cannot communicate with your domain controller, fix that issue first and you'll be good to go
  15. some things to check.. did you add back both architecture boot images ? did you distribute both to the dp's ? did you change your task sequences so that they are using the new boot images ?
  16. well i install the dp role on a server 2012, no issues whatsoever, did you forget a step ?
  17. you don't need a MDT task sequence but you do need those scripts yes, I havnt tested it in Configuration Manager 2012 yet but I think it'll work
  18. yes you could say that they are a preference of the user, as MDT is optional and provides additional functionality, you could also note that these guides (part 17) are based on the Release Candidate version of Configuration Manager whereas the other guides are based on the RTM version (current) I will update the RTM guides with MDT relevant content when time permits
  19. so you are just trying to install a dp on a remote server 2012 server, correct ?
  20. and in case that article ever moves i've copied the solution below, thanks for updating your post, it's great when people do that.
  21. full support for Windows 8 and Server 2012 will not be provided via Configuration Manager 2007 or Configuration Manager 2012 until early 2013. please review the following Microsoft statement for details of that
  22. once you've added the driver to your boot.wim images you need to Update Your Distribution Points (not add dp's) see the screenshot below..
  23. press f8 before it reboots, does the client get an ip address ? if not you might need to add network drivers for the network card on that client pc to your boot images and re-distribute them to the distribution points
  24. told ya ;-) to resolve you'll probably have to point out which one contains the WIM file, probably index 2.
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