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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. Sure, it’s not the most exciting aspect of an IT administrator’s job but having a reliable and secure backup and disaster recovery strategy could be the most important thing you do. I’m sure you’ve heard many data loss horror stories that have crippled organizations costing thousands, if not millions, of dollars. This free eBook from Altaro will make sure you’re not the next horror story victim. The Backup Bible Complete Edition, written by backup expert and Microsoft MVP Eric Siron, is comprised of 200+ pages of actionable content divided into 3 core parts, including 11 customizable templates enabling you to create your own personalized backup strategy. Part 1 and 2 are updated versions of previously released eBooks (Creating a Backup & Disaster Recovery Strategy and Backup Best Practices in Action) but Part 3 is a brand-new section on disaster recovery (Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Blueprint) that includes tons of valuable insights into the process of gathering organizational information required to build a DR plan and how to carry it out in practical terms. One of the most useful features of The Backup Bible is the customizable templates and lists that enable the reader to put the theory into practice. These are found in the appendix but are linked in the text at the end of each relevant chapter. If you are going to read this book cover to cover it would be a good idea to fill out the templates and lists as you go through it, so by the time you’ve finished reading you’ll have a fully personalized backup action plan ready for you to carry out! The Backup Bible Complete Edition also works as a great reference guide for all IT admins and anyone with an interest in protecting organizational data. And the best thing of all: it’s free! What are you waiting for? Download your copy now!
  2. for this particular series unfortunately I won't release part 8, however you can review this post about creating boundaries and hopefully time willing i'll produce a new series on ConfigMgr version 2103 later this year.
  3. I think they are stuck in progress because they never continue, they've failed during/after the reboot, only digging into the smsts.log will you know for sure, but that should reveal the cause
  4. anyweb

    Hello from UK

    welcome to the forums ! we are happy to help
  5. it's not broken, you just need to be logged in as a member to download files from windows-noob.com now you are so please try again.
  6. ah is there a child task sequence involved ? Run Task Sequence step is disabled. Not including child task sequence with package ID 'PRI004CA' into the sequence.
  7. create a virtual machine machine the same setup as your primary, install SQL, and restore the db on that vm, that would be how i'd do it...
  8. you need the actual sql server 2017 ISO (the cd) in drive d:\ or whatever drive you are attaching it to... that is the installation media
  9. no problem, I've reminded them that people are seeing it so hopefully a bug fix will come soon
  10. it's a bug, the microsoft product group are aware of it, it doesn't happen for everyone, just some people cheers niall
  11. so again, what is causing it to be critical, what do the status messages say ?
  12. warnings are just that, warnings. They are not errors. It looks ok to me...if you look at the actual status of the individual components that have warnings, how do they look ?
  13. ok back to the basics, are you upgrading the site using the inbuilt upgrade ability, or what are you trying to do exactly
  14. you said and i quote... you need to configure your antivirus exclusions in THAT product if it's the product that is doing antivirus on your configmgr server... is it ?
  15. here you go https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/mem/configmgr/recommended-antivirus-exclusions
  16. can you uninstall the antivirus software, reboot the server and try again, or if you cannot uninstall it, create exclusions for SMS related files and folders
  17. what version of configmgr is it ? and do you use 3rd party antivirus ?
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