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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. nice script, what does it do exactly ? edit the db directly or ?
  2. check here on appdeploy.com
  3. sounds more like you don't have an ip address instead of missing dns info, without an ip you can't do anything else, so.... are you using an apply drivers step before this happens ? have you added network card support for this computer to the boot image ?
  4. have a read of this,
  5. of course it's possible, you use the captured image you created from the guide, and create a new task sequence to deploy that to all your hardware, you separate your hardware types using Groups steps in the task sequence, just like this
  6. after re-reading your post, you should be using MDT 2010, mdt 2008 doesn't support Windows 7, and that could be the reality of your problems right now, if you want to deploy xp, it's fine, but for windows 7 you must use mdt 2010
  7. ok did you see the abortpxe post here ?
  8. are you sure its using the 32 bit image ?
  9. When deploying Windows 7 the Network Location dialog box is sometimes shown even though the machine is joined to a domain. It's only on specific hardware but it's quite common. Microsoft now has a hotfix (KB 2028749) for the network lcoation bug, the hotfix is not yet public, you have to call Microsoft Support to get it. via > http://www.deployvista.com/Blog/tabid/70/EntryID/136/language/en-US/Default.aspx reference > http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrosd/thread/57e36e94-5ccb-49c5-973e-04b6f7dd65ec
  10. no problem with that
  11. anyweb

    Scom Login

    it's closed for now, sorry.
  12. are your current task sequences mandatory ? (check the schedule tab of the advertisement)
  13. anyweb

    IE8 GPO

    i know that where I work we had to set some local policies for IE8 in windows 7 which was done by copying over the files into c:\windows\system32\grouppolicy have you tried that ? remember however that the domain group policy will override local group policy so why not set it there instead
  14. anyweb

    WinPE question

    ok in task sequences the apply drivers steps refer to applying drivers in the Operating system you are deploying, nothing to do with windows PE at all, the only drivers you should ever add to your WinPe image are nic or storage, nothing more, and they must correspond to the version of pe you are using so if sccm 2007 sp1-use windows vista drivers sccm 2007 sp2-use windows 7 drivers does that help ?
  15. is the boot image definetly an SP2 boot image ? did you also try with the x86 one ?
  16. as PE versions go, yes it is, have you had any luck ?
  17. anyweb

    Activate Win7 MAK in TS

    do you mean that you activated the server 2007 kms host with a different non-kms key ? or what ?
  18. anyweb

    Deploy Windows 7

    don't specify the key if you are using Enterprise media
  19. and here was the original post
  20. good question do any of your windows or sccm logs on the client reveal the cause ?
  21. have their been any changes to the server, like sccm updates ? are any DHCP server options set on the dhcp server ??
  22. I think this page on Technet has some good info about software update compliance scans, i've bolded and italicised parts for your benefit in particular this part and then there is this bit and there are several more references to when a scan is initiated, it's all in the link above. the following log(s) might be of use in this case PolicyEvaluator.log - Provides information about the process for evaluating policies on client computers, including policies from software updates. ScanAgent.log - Provides information about the scan requests for software updates, what tool is requested for the scan, the WSUS location, and so on. smscliUI.log - Provides information about the Configuration Manager Control Panel user interactions, such as initiating a Software Updates Scan Cycle from the Configuration Manager Properties dialog box, opening the Program Download Monitor, and so on. UpdatesHandler.log - Provides information about software update compliance scanning and about the download and installation of software updates on the client. UpdatesStore.log - Provides information about the compliance status for the software updates that were assessed during the compliance scan cycle. does this help ? cheers niall
  23. ok, has the sccm server been rebooted ?
  24. trigger it from within windows using the RAP, (run advertised programs) cheers niall
  25. ok read this http://blogs.technet.com/adnanezzi/archive/2009/06/22/configmgr-2007-osd-how-to-allow-dhcp-broadcasts-across-vlan-s.aspx specifically interestingly i've seen \boot\x86\pxeboot.com and smsboot\x86\wdsnbp.com working, use what works for you ok ? cheers niall
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