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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. why use a script, thats what maintenance windows are for, have you looked into using maintenace windows on collections yet ?
  2. well create the deadline as one minutes ahead of when you are creating the deployment management task to speed it up a bit
  3. anyweb

    TS for capturing

    the regedit happens on the CLIENT not on the SERVER,it allows us to autologin so that we can reboot/capture... the autologin package will do this automagically
  4. is the firewall enabled on the win7 client ? are your boundaries correctly configured ?
  5. anyweb

    TS for capturing

    easy, just add the autologin package *its explained in the post* and adjust the task sequence so that it uses YOUR boot image
  6. have a read of the following http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb632393.aspx Hide all deployments from end users
  7. http://blogs.technet.com/systemcenter/archive/2010/04/20/video-recap-of-mms-so-far.aspx and from the Video, here are some highlights:- an update to MDT 2010 will be released (most likely Sp1 based on Modena), R3 beta is mentioned !! and that's all about Power Management in Configmgr 2007 "we are very excited to release the R3 beta !!" the screenshot below is from the video and its the Power Management tab on a collection in SCCM 2007 R3. The next screenshot shows Enviromental reports in R3 and below is a screenshot of vNEXT, the next version of ConfigMgr, note that the old MMC interface is gone Focus Points: 1. User Centric Client Management In the past ConfigMgr has been pushing out stuff to computers (machine) but now they are going to become more User Centric, pushing out the right application to the right user at the right time in the right format. 2. Simplification of the Product Designed for Large distributed networks and is complex and hard to administer and install. So the focus is to make wizards better, pre flight checks, clear and concise logging, simplifying the process, simplifying the back end server replication, sender capable distribution points with scheduling built in to reduce server workload. 3. Improving whats there Auto Approval of updates, think of Updating antvirus updates 4 times an hour, with auto update it can be simplified and improved. Watch the rest of the video here http://blogs.technet.com/systemcenter/archive/2010/04/20/video-recap-of-mms-so-far.aspx
  8. ok how about click on a computer in a collection, right click and choose Distribute, Software... then go through the wizard, is that what you wanted ?
  9. some screenshots and the actual errors in your site status would be useful, you can attach those logs if you want
  10. can i see your task sequence ? export it to xml and upload it here
  11. open a command prompt (f8) and check diskpart see if you have two partitions or more on the hard disc, one could be bittlocker, the other could be recovery partition direct from the oem are you using an image you made yourself or one from an OEM ?
  12. of course, and it's really easy too, download the right click tools and you'll see
  13. how did you install everything, what is the first problem you noticed and what is your biggest problem right now ?
  14. here are some fairly random points I've taken from the Keynote: The Cloud So far there's been talk about The Cloud, Azure, Visual Studio 2010, DPM 2010, SCSM 2010 and more, 2000 servers in a container, cooled, wired to go, running bing and more in Chicago warehouse...claims 10x cost savings, Ops Manager "Bad things happen to good servers." Windows Server 2008 R2 clustering technology.."Business Demands More !" application virtualization, all of this is controlled and orchestrated by a model, App Model, code named 'M' in beta, dev tool. 10X faster to market Todays reality, System Center System Center Data Center - sneak peak abstraction, key feature of the cloud, business values, applications and services, using virtual machine manager, DAC db in server 2008, MSdeploy packages which will configure IIS... System Center VMM enabling the cloud, 'will manage the number of instance of the web, scale out as required by the load' deploy the app tier, server app-v, dynamically deploy server app right into, using a single os image, high performance storage... deployed by VMM - template for deploying servers, contose web store service Offline Patching virtual machines Patching the virtual machines, scanning for compliance, co-ordinate with wsus, offline scan the vhd, need patches or updates ?, requiring remidation, version the vhd and remidate (patch it) against a security baseline re-applies that server app image, update and patch hundreds of thousands of applications with the single click of a button, apply patches to 2000 bing servers, new images, big application image...offline patching to a VM always available, multiple segments of the datacenter, same thing as Microsoft are doing with Azure The Gap manage the gap with system center , think about the applications, the whole environment, the identity, the private and public clouds... Moving data into the public cloud, exists in databases, encrypted, compliance ? services above the virtualization layer, scale out services, models to be driving, how services are managed across all of this... some will connect into these public clouds, new tools, old tools to manage your data center, gap between private and public cloud, full out stack to think about, coordination between industry, cooperation with you Windows Azure Monitor your apps, seemlessly, Windows Azure, familiar application, familiar view, provided by operations manager, webstore app, help of management packs to discover all the components Web front end hosted entirely on Windows Azure, lot of load being placed on this application, might be impacting the sla's, watching the apps with operations manager... Windows Azure intrumentation, performance view in Operations Manager native in windows azure, management pack for ops manager that connects to windows azure what to do to remediate this ? add additional webroles in azure, make it easy to do in ops mgr, this task supplied by the management pack, new instances of the app being added in windows azure, scaling applications seemlesly, easily with help of ops mgr, dynamic IT step by Step the needs of IT from an overall perspective Microsofts route, security and management, applications, platform, think holisticly, identity, underlying platform for the middle tier services, the database, running sql server today is one of the more expensive parts, sql azure, thousands of servers spanning 6 data centers, how to move forward into the cloud of the future Everything moves faster in the cloud
  15. anyweb

    TS for capturing

    nope, are you sure ccmsetup.exe is not starting ? view all processes in task manager (from all users)
  16. as I can't attend MMS I'm watching it live, luckily i can watch it on my plasma in the comfort of my sitting room ! if you are not watching it now then why not ? Bob is on stage right now http://www.studiosevent.com/newscenter/?id=mms cheers niall
  17. anyweb

    TS for capturing

    is the firewall on the client temporarily disabled ? did you configure any client installation account for installing configmgr client (must be a local admin account on the client), check your site settings, client push installation account...
  18. anyweb

    TS for capturing

    ok if the windows 7 computer is ready then it must be domain joined, is it ? if so is it showing up in the All Systems collection in configmgr ? if so you can right click on that computer in configmgr and choose Install client and go through the wizard... if you open task manager on the client you should see ccmsetup.exe starting up, unless of course your firewall is blocking it or some other problem so, lets start with the collection, do you see your windows 7 computer in there and does it say client = yes or client = no ?
  19. anyweb

    TS for capturing

    first things first do you have a working Windows 7 image which you want to capture ? if yes then make sure it has the configmgr client installed and you can run my ts on it then. the ts requires two packages, one is the X86 boot image, and the other is the autologin... package, do you need help in creating either of them ?
  20. anyweb

    TS for capturing

    yes you should have the configmgr client on it, what error did you get anna ?
  21. The System center team is in Las Vegas for #MMS2010, and are hanging out backstage setting up all the 11 keynote demos. Here are some cool videos of the behind the scenes……..DemoMate looks cool... http://blogs.technet.com/systemcenter/archive/2010/04/19/back-back-back-stage-videos.aspx
  22. Microsoft has just kicked off the Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) 2010. This year’s theme is Manage the Future: Desktop to Cloud. This theme really reflects where IT systems management is headed right now. During customers conversations the past 6 months, and conversations at MMS so far, there’s a keen interest to understand how the economics, scalability and time to market of cloud services are being applied to desktop and datacenter management. These people want to understand the pros and cons of cloud services, and what we’re doing to ease the transition to cloud services. We started the event today with a keynote from Bob Muglia, president of the Microsoft Server and Tools Business. Bob’s keynote discussed the transition that is occurring in datacenters as the focus shifts from servers to services, from manually operated to fully automated, all with a choice of models: traditional datacenter, virtualized, private and public clouds. Bob showed how over the last seven years our investments to make IT more dynamic have resulted in products and a product roadmap that let customers transition to cloud computing on their terms. He also discussed the need to “mind the gap” when organizations look at cloud computing – the gap that exists between traditional on-premises datacenters and public and partner clouds. This is shown through customers concerns about the gap between their existing applications and those designed for the cloud, and about how they secure and manage their services or data across clouds. I believe that with all of Microsoft technologies and solutions, from the operations system, to the development environment, to our application and management capabilities, Microsoft is best equipped to help you bridge that gap. Bob outlined how the Microsoft assets you have in your IT environment today—one platform, one development approach, one management solution—will be consistent with those in the public cloud. This bridging of the gap between on-premises IT and public clouds is something that only Microsoft can offer. For example, through customers’ upcoming ability to use System Center Operations Manager onsite to monitoring applications deployed within Windows Azure, there is a lot more to IT management than simply moving a VM to the cloud! Bob also made some exciting product announcements for cloud and datacenter management capabilities, including System Center Virtual Machine Manager V-next, and System Center Operations Manager V-next, both of which are planned to be available in 2011. Check out the demos. Tomorrow, with my fantastic demo team, I’ll deliver the day 2 keynote. I’ll share the progress we’ve made against the user-centric computing vision that I discussed at MMS 2009. In particular, I’ll demo the next version of System Center Configuration Manager, which will be available in 2011. This release will support new approaches to managing the end-user experience and will unify infrastructures to drive lowering costs while improving control for IT. I will also discuss the following new products: * System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, which includes power management capabilities that could reduce your power bills by tens of dollars per PC, per year – a capability we’re already using internally at Microsoft. * The RTM versions of System Center Data Protection Manager 2010, System Center Service Manager and the new Compliance Pack for Service Manager—all designed to enable you to manage your complete IT environment in a more cost-effective way. * Windows Intune, a new desktop infrastructure solution that delivers security and management from the cloud. This is the evolution of the System Center Online concept I shared at last year’s MMS. Using Windows cloud services and Windows 7, Intune is designed for mid-sized businesses, who want to operate at great performance, from anywhere. We are exploring the ability to deliver new business and operations models using the technology we have today and the new products in the years to come. We remain committed to delivering customers the tools that will enable them to lower the cost of their operations while delivering a more dynamic IT environment, from the desktop to cloud. I hope you can join the keynote tomorrow or view the recordings of the event online. via > http://blogs.technet.com/systemcenter/archive/2010/04/20/mms-2010-kicks-off-in-las-vegas.aspx
  23. so you added a windows 7 professional boot image but what install image are you using ?
  24. you'll need to tell us more about what the actual program/update/whatever it is you are trying to install, and show us the SMSTS.log where it is having the problem
  25. you can inject drivers into the boot.wim file read this post for details of that
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