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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. ok so is WSUS running on the SAME server as SCCM please clarify
  2. you are thinking correctly you can add drivers to images in the task sequence, if you can post your SMSTS.log file here I will be able to see why it ignored your drivers cheers anyweb
  3. heres your problem so does the SCCM computer account have administrative priveledges on the WSUS server ? please double check the guide. cheers anyweb
  4. try asking on their dedicated support forums then, here http://www.wilderssecurity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=64
  5. what is between your sccm server and the client you are testing with ? on the client, have you tried doing an nslookup test ?
  6. it's closed for now, sorry
  7. is your management point the same as the one listed ?
  8. if deploying firefox fails then you have done something wrong from the beginning. was this a brand new install or a re-done install ? are the active directory boundaries correct ???
  9. on any of your clients can you show me the configmgr client screenshot of the General Tab
  10. look here
  11. anyweb

    SCCM Reporting Webpage

    glad you found a solution and thanks for giving the feedback moving this thread to Reporting cheers anyweb
  12. have you read the documentation for the product ? maybe it's in there
  13. kick off a Data Discovery cycle and see what happens
  14. verify the package exists and if it does distribute it to the dp again if that fails, delete the package from the dp, then delete the package, then recreate it, then redistribute it to a DP or DP(s)
  15. you can do software updates with wsus, or with sccm, not both, sccm will control wsus once you set it up that way, your system status logs in ConfigMgr admin console should give you some ideas as to why its failing (look for the wsus logs)
  16. is your dhcp server on the same server as sccm or on another box ? if DHCP server is on another box then configure it like so
  17. you need to Add those boot images and create a distribution point and distribute the new boot images you can find out how to do that here in the Vista guide, I have updated the Deploy XP documentation to make this clearer.
  18. Service Pack 2 for Configuration Manager 2007 delivers new platform support for Windows 7 client, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2. In addition, Service Pack 2 delivers continued innovation with Intel vPro technology, support for Branch Cache enabled environments, and continued development for 64 bit architectures. You can access more information and the beta download on MS Connect by logging in and choosing Downloads in the left side navigation. get it > https://connect.microsoft.com/InvitationUse...6&SiteID=16 via > http://www.microsoft.com/systemcenter/conf...us/default.aspx
  19. if i get time to do this I will, but right now Iäm too busy sorry. meanwhile if you have Microsoft Connect access then download this new AMT Deployment Guide
  20. are you using this beta ? ConfigMgr07SP2Select_Beta_ENU_6425.2003.exe I havnt tested it yet... can you capture any of the logs on the client (smsts.log...) and post them here and i'll take a look cheers
  21. anyweb

    SCCM Reporting Webpage

    you dont need Java installed for the reporting, just make sure ASP is installed see part 6 of this guide also verify that your user is a member of the Active Directory Security Group SMS Reporting Users, by default the SMS Reporting Users does not contain any users or groups. If you add additional users/groups to the "SMS Reporting Users" group besides the administrator account, you installed with, you'll need to do a few other things. 1) Give the SMS Reporting Users security group Read permissions to the Object Class Report or 2) Give any additional groups you added to SMS Reporting Users Read permissions to the Object Class Report hth cheers
  22. f.y.i. The Windows Deployment Services guides for Windows Server 2008 are in the Windows Server 2008 section of the forums.
  23. anyweb

    Spam is bad

    ok then, welcome to the moderators group, if you see a spammer, make the posts invisible and i'll do the rest cheers !
  24. on the client, can you do an nslookup ?
  25. anyweb


    ok cool now what forum did you attempt to post this question in ? please try this one
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