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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. ok so on the real computer, i assume you are not RDP'ing to it during testing ? and secondly, what settings did you pick ? what type of computer is it ?
  2. first problem is this <![LOG[Failed to run the action: xcopy viewlog. The system cannot open the file. (Error: 00000004; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="18:09:22.504-480" date="08-04-2019" component="TSManager" context="" type="3" thread="1884" file="instruction.cxx:942"> < make sure you follow the guide correctly otherwise it will fail.
  3. are you trying this in SCCM Technical Preview version 1905, 06 or 07 ? and did you look at my video ? are you trying this on a real client or a virtual client ?
  4. yes of course, do it and if it doesn't help choose the second shrink option and try again (it's a while since i did it)
  5. there you go ! now you know why i use TreeFreeSize, the problem you have is as i guessed, the sql server transaction logs, look at my link above and you'll see how to compress them down to almost nothing
  6. also run it as administrator
  7. pls try it, those figure don't really add up at first glance...
  8. and the remaining 90gb is ? i prefer treesizefree to be honest.
  9. start looking at logs and temp files, use Treesizefree to get a graphical overview of the damage, probably sql logs hogging everything don't delete stuff without knowing what you are doing, SQL log files can be compacted, see here
  10. try uninstalling the Management Point role, then reinstall it, then retest PXE on the dp. You've a lot of management point errors in that log RequestMPKeyInformation: Send() failed.
  11. how are you boundaries setup ? did you configure two separate boundaries for these 2 offices ?
  12. ok can you attach the smspxe.log here ? it's on the dp. Also, is the dp ip address actually the one that is listed when you pxe boot the client computer, or is WDS pointing to another ip ?
  13. have you deployed any task sequence as Available (available purpose) to the All Unknown Computers collection ?
  14. do you have any other DHCP scope options configured, why were they configured at all ?
  15. can you remove the dhcp scope options related to WDS (options 66/67) and restart dhcp, and wds and see do you get a different reply
  16. have you tried modifying unconditionalExclude
  17. looks like file permission errors, try running as administrator when doing the ConfigMgr MDT integration step.
  18. did you let configmgr install WDS or did you install it ? can we see the PXE tab of your distribution point please
  19. you need to follow the installation instructions exactly, in the downloaded word doc, i'm updating the original blog post as it seems to have dropped content..
  20. ok so you want to transfer data using USMT while in WinPE to a state store, you could use my prebuilt HTA to help with that, it even works with BitLocker if you have an MBAM back end. https://www.niallbrady.com/2016/05/17/introducing-the-windows-10-uefi-bitlocker-frontend-for-system-center-configuration-manager-current-branch/
  21. is this in a lab ? can you please video the entire pxe boot process up till the error message (which is not an BSOD, however it is a blue error message...) did you distribute both the x86 and x64 boot images to your distribution point ?
  22. you can try that, but like i said, it will be less complicated with a collection and dual deployment. But try both methods and see which works best in your environment, then report back here.
  23. why bother chaining in this example, it just adds more complexity, why not just create a collection that holds your 1703 computers, and target a 1903 upgrade to that
  24. it's just a lab so I did as follows:- ConfigMgr will always eat lots of RAM, so the more you have available for it, the better. CM01 = 16GB ram, 500gb hdd, 4x CPU, Hyper-v Gen 2 DC01 = 2GB ram, 128gb hdd, 4x CPU, Hyper-v Gen 2 Smoothwall = 256MBram, 128gb hdd, Hyper-v Gen 1
  25. anyweb


    hi and welcome i'd suggest you follow my guides index here and in particular focus on the following How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1902 on Windows Server 2019 with SQL Server 2017 - Part 1 How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1902 on Windows Server 2019 with SQL Server 2017 - Part 2 How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1902 on Windows Server 2019 with SQL Server 2017 - Part 3 How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1902 on Windows Server 2019 with SQL Server 2017 - Part 4 How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1902 on Windows Server 2019 with SQL Server 2017 - Part 5 How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1902 on Windows Server 2019 with SQL Server 2017 - Part 6 PKI and certificates are covered in this series.
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