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Everything posted by anyweb

  1. First of all I'd backup your SQL server db's, then move SQL server to it's own dedicated drives, one for SQL DB and another for SQL logs, once done you can try the advice here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/829542/how-do-i-decrease-the-size-of-my-sql-server-log-file
  2. there's some info about iphelpers here
  3. Configuring DHCP should not be necessary, but for UEFI boot where switches are involved using IPHelpers is recommended. Talk to your network guys for help with that. when you PXE boot the client computer (test with virtual machines, eg: hyperv, it's best) then what exactly do you see ? is there any error, if so what ?
  4. ok one step at a time, what do you see when you try to PXE boot the computer, and are you testing this in a lab or in production ? did you update the boot images to the dp ? did you enable them for PXE ?
  5. your query is incorrect SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE “HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF PC” try replacing it with this instead SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF PC" also, are you sure that the computer model is indeed HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF PC ?
  6. technically i'm sure it's possible but you'd have to script something to make the call to AD and then pull the relevant data.
  7. best of luck with it Thomas, i know it's complex to setup, but once you have it all working in a lab it's worth it !
  8. hi Thomas, i guess you missed the start of the blog post ? here it is again...I've also added a hard link to part 5 at the end of this blog post, thanks This series is comprised of different parts, listed below. Part 1 - Introduction and server setup Part 2 - Install and do initial configuration on the Standalone Offline Root CA Part 3 - Prepare the HTTP Web server for CDP and AIA Publication Part 4 - Post configuration on the Standalone Offline Root CA (this part) Part 5 - Installing the Enterprise Issuing CA Part 6 - Perform post installation tasks on the Issuing CA Part 7 - Install and configure the OCSP Responder role service Part 8 - Configure AutoEnroll and Verify PKI health
  9. hi at the bottom of each post it links to the next in the series. Did you miss that ? fyi, all the Current Branch content I've written is listed here in chronological order https://www.windows-noob.com/forums/topic/13288-step-by-step-guides-system-center-configuration-manager-current-branch-and-technical-preview/ here are the 4 parts of this series How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1802 on Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server 2017 – Part 1 How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1802 on Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server 2017 – Part 2 How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1802 on Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server 2017 – Part 3 How can I install System Center Configuration Manager (Current Branch) version 1802 on Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server 2017 – Part 4 I will edit the posts to link to all 4 parts.
  10. ok is the e5580 that imaged ok on the same vlan as this one ?
  11. yeah it never downloads that nbp file as far as i can see, so what is between this computer and the distribution point hosting PXe ? are you sure you've updated both the X86 and X64 boot images to this dp ?
  12. eh it was sideways, can you try again please and let me see it right up until the error
  13. after it downloads the nbp file you should see 'press enter' are you seeing that, maybe you could VIDEO it with your phone and upload the video
  14. ok then, is this a lab or production ? are switches involved ? what pxe error do you get when you try to pxe boot in UEFI mode ?
  15. ok the bios mode of your computer is BIOS not UEFI, no wonder it's not working as you want change it to UEFI with Secure boot enabled and try again. if you cannot PXE boot in UEFI mode have you verified youve distributed the x64 boot image to your dp's and enabled it for pxe ?
  16. can you attach your smsts.log file please.
  17. hi i just tried it, and it works fine, you must be a member in order to download it, so did you try downloading it before becoming a member ? if so, now that you are a member simply re-try the download and you'll see it will work.
  18. is your task sequence formatting the disc as GPT (uefi) ? I would leave your computer with UEFI/Secure Boot enabled.
  19. here's one way of doing it for users, you could easily modify the PowerShell script to take the two parameters so it's a one step process instead of 3, i just haven't had time yet to modify it. Note: You will need to define the TargetUser in the task sequence using whatever method you want as the script checks for that in the following line: $strName = $tsenv.Value("targetuser") Step 1. Set TargetADSG set the target Active Directory Security Group you want to test if the user is present in step 2. Set a custom variable for that Step 3. call the powershell script (uses ServiceUI.exe from the MDT Toolkit, use the correct architecture for the version of Windows you are deploying) ServiceUI.exe -process:TSProgressUI.exe %SYSTEMROOT%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy bypass -File IsUserinADSG.ps1 Step 4, Run the Group to install software if the CustomVar set earlier is true here's the powershell script I used IsUserinADSG.ps1
  20. nice effort but any reason why you went with an out of support version of SCCM ? 1802 is the current baseline...
  21. can you check the drivers tab and point to the drivers you added, are you sure they are signed ? if you look at the dism log in C:\Windows\Logs\Dism it might reveal the failure, attach it here.
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