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Nenad Raskovic

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  1. Just to add, I found solution. In some reason server did not listening port 80. After Added it and start Deafult Web Site on IIS, everything went fine.
  2. Hello, do You maybe have some tips what can be the issue here ? Thank you in advanced.
  3. Thank you for your replay, Yes I've seen it, I installed portal with PS as well, with no error, but when I enter for example http://my_sql_hostname_/helpdesk, got: Also got this from IIS when I test page.
  4. Hello, I have one strange thing about portal. Portal was installed as well, without any issue, but when I want to access it, from IIS, from example as localhost, got message Unable to connect. Just to add, have one site, one server with installed SCCM console, and one with SQL server.
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