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  1. hi, i want to upgrade my windows 7 to windows 10. I prepared USMT task and i used command line for registry values. I get incorrect function error for all commands: Severity Type Site code Date / Time System Component Message ID Description Error Milestone ABC 12/1/2017 7:33:28 PM WIN7 Task Sequence Engine 11135 The task sequence execution engine failed executing the action (Run Command Line) in the group (Install Operating System) with the error code 1 Action output: [ smsswd.exe ] PackageID = '' BaseVar = '', ContinueOnError='' ProgramName = 'cmd.exe /c reg.exe load HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\defuser c:\users\default\ntuser.dat' SwdAction = '0001' Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %* Set command line: Run commandline Working dir 'not set' Executing command line: Run command line Process completed with exit code 1 Command line cmd.exe /c reg.exe load HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\defuser c:\users\default\ntuser.dat returned 1. The operating system reported error 1: Incorrect function. my reg file is: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ;Add Documents, Network and add My Computer to Desktop [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel] "{F02C1A0D-BE21-4350-88B0-7367FC96EF3C}"=dword:00000000 "{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"=dword:00000000 "{59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}"=dword:00000000 my task is:
  2. ı tired from windows 8.1 enterprise to windows 10 enterprise. i got same error. Then i changed windows 10 media and it worked. The first media came from msdn and the second one came from volume licences. I think that ms removed upgrade task sqeunces from sccm 2012 because of this problem.
  3. files CompatData_2016_08_07_11_24_53_3_006f0018.xml setuperr.log setupact.log CompatData_2016_08_07_11_23_47_3_006f0018.xml
  4. hi, I use Windows10Upgrade1506.zip file and following web site: https://technet.microsoft.com/itpro/windows/deploy/upgrade-to-windows-10-with-system-center-configuraton-manager?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 I want to upgrade my windows 8.1 enterprise and windows 7 ultimate to windows 10 enterprise. My error is 0XC1900208 0X4000C. It says unsupport applciation. But i could not find this applicaiton. I attached partner folder. Thank you.
  5. hi, I migrate my sccm 2007 to sccm 2012. I configured client push installation on sccm 2012. How can i upgrade sccm 2007 agents on my client computers? I tried client push installation but nothing happened. Thankx...
  6. how about sccm 2012 rc installation? Do we have to choose "join the primary site to an existing hierarcy"?
  7. and where is the "operating system ımages" steps? dont we need anymore install.wim?
  8. hi, If we want deploy 64bit operating system, do we need still 32bit operating system settings?
  9. what is the advantage of deployment virtual package via SCCM?
  10. nice query .. thankx...
  11. Do we also need app-v client software on client computer?
  12. diablo

    Approved N/A report

    Hello, Can we get not approved client status report via SCCM?
  13. Hello, Can sccm report multiple login in different time in same pc? thanks....
  14. Hello, Can we use collection query for local users? or reports? And i also need a collection like unreacable clients (bacouse of firewall). Thankx....
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