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Jorgen Nilsson

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Everything posted by Jorgen Nilsson

  1. Hi, This is good place to start.. https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/paulodias/2016/05/24/how-to-deploy-onedrive-next-generation-sync-client-with-sccm/ associating the Onedrive client with a business tenant can be done using a Group Policy. Regards, Jörgen
  2. Hi, I would say that allow them to install them from Microsoft Update there is a setting for it.. makes no sense pulling it from your servers. Regards, Jörgen
  3. Hi, I recommend to distribute everything to DP groups then you can just add the DP to the group. if that has not been done powershell is your friend. but it could be a good idea to start using DP groups. Regards, Jörgen
  4. Hi, It fails to connect to the share, check firewall network access account and permissions. that is where I would start, Anti-.virus as well perhaps so it is not locked. Regards, JÖrgen
  5. Hi, Many use this http://blog.ctglobalservices.com/configuration-manager-sccm/kea/new-version-of-the-coretech-shutdown-tool/ and powershell is also just widely, but there are no builtin feature for it. Regards, Jörgen
  6. Hi, there have been som issues with 802.1x and ue-v when going from 1607-1709 but nothing major. Regards, JÖrgen
  7. Hi, The SCCM service is set to delayed start, So I would say that running an installation at logon is not really a good idea because it doesn't work as you would like. Regards, Jörgen
  8. Advanced installer is a really good tool as well! Regards, Jörgen
  9. Hi, Is the machine unknown or did you import it into SCCM before? Installed before? Both boot images are needed so that is a good start. The machine must have a deployment targeted to it as well, wither through Unknown computer support or by beeing a member where the TS is deployed to. Regards, Jörgen
  10. Hi, Yes it should be added after starting the computer with the newly deployed OS. Regards, Jörgen
  11. Hi, You need to use the Invoke-MbamClientDeployment.ps1 which is provided by Microsoft to start the encryption from the Task Sequence.. More informaton: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-desktop-optimization-pack/mbam-v25/how-to-enable-bitlocker-by-using-mbam-as-part-of-a-windows-deploymentmbam-25 Regards, Jörgen
  12. Hi, Which version of the ADK did you install and to which folder? it is recommended to leave it at the default C:\ location. There have been issues with TEMP directories as well, what is the TEMP Variable configured for your site? Regards, Jörgen
  13. Hi, It is depoyed as a Windows Update so basically exactly the same logs as you use to troubleshoot Software Updates in general. Regards, Jörgen
  14. Hi, Yes you can use the scripts from MDT in the Task Sequence to install updates from a WSUS server,, This post from Chris Nackers covers it.. http://blogs.catapultsystems.com/cnackers/archive/2011/04/28/using-ztiwindowsupdate-wsf-to-install-updates-in-a-system-center-configuration-manager-task-sequence/
  15. Hi, I have never heard that stops working, are the device really member of the Collection where you have set the setting? I would start there depending on how you configure it. SMSPXE.log file could be of help as well if you only set it to Unknown computers for instance. Regards, Jörgen
  16. Hi, The easiest way to do this is to create a new OS Deployment Task sequence, then you get the UEFI Steps in that Task Seqeunce and you can easily compare and copy paste them to your Task Sequence. regards, Jörgen
  17. Hi, Interesting, what if you run a script like this https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/mniehaus/2010/04/26/dumping-task-sequence-variables/ to dump all the TS variables before the Install apps step so you can see the variables that are present at that time.. Regards, Jörgen
  18. Hi, You could upgrade to 1606 instead of 1511, the media is available on MVLS site. The documentation is really good I would start there: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/core/servers/deploy/install/upgrade-to-configuration-manager Regards, Jörgen
  19. Hi, In Configuration manager 2012 the answer is no, in Configuration Manager CB starting with 1610 if my memory serves me right you can revoke an application approval request.. Regards, Jörgen
  20. Hi, Software update point is what is needed, have you configured the client settings so that the SCCM clients use SCCM for Software Updates? What is in the WUAhandler.log and Windows Update.log file on the client ? Regards, Jörgen
  21. Hi, Have you enabled AD System Discovery? Heartbeat is a SCCM client feature and will only work on computers with the SCCM client installed. AD System Discovery should be used. AD System Discovery is used to discover computers in AD. Regards, Jörgen
  22. It is a known issue and at least a preview firmware is available from HP that solves the problem, I have multiple customers seeing the same issue.. Hopefully the updateed BIOS Firmware is made available soon. You should be able to get the preview from HP Support. Regards, Jörgen
  23. Hi, No sorry to say: Form the documentation: This operating system does remain supported for the state migration point and distribution point site system role (including pull-distribution points, and for PXE and multicast) until deprecation of this support is announced, or this operating system's extended support period expires. It is not supported to host the SQL Database according to that. Regards, Jörgen
  24. Hi, How do you run it? As the logged on user? it could be the "C:\....." string that is translated wrong. I would put the command in i a CMD file and run that instead. You can check excatly the command line it tries to execute in the execmgr.log file on the client. In a .cmd file it should work just fine. Regards, Jörgen
  25. Hi, SCCM 2007 that was a while ago, according to the documentation you need this. "These operating systems are supported for installing the Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 client. To add optional support for these operating systems to the supported platform list, see KB 2861663 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. These operating systems are not supported for operating system deployment with Configuration Manager 2007." You have a complete list of hotfixes for SCCM 207 here: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/4505.configuration-manager-2007-sp2-list-of-microsoft-support-knowledge-base-articles.aspx regards, ​Jörgen
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