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  1. I was running sccm 2007 r2 sp1, but since this error, i upgraded to sccm 2007 r2 sp2 this morning when I got in to work. the waik is the latest one they have on microsofts site for windows 7 and server 2008 (not sure where to find the version number for it). since I upgraded sccm, the boot.wim's created successfully. Thank you for your response and thanks for this forum. Alot of great info here.... john
  2. When trying to create the boot.wim file as per the instructions, I get the following erroras seen in the attached image. any thoughts or ideas will be greatly appreciated
  3. The console on my sccm server has the option to Deploy Software Updates when creating a deployment management task. However, the console on my workstation does not. any ideas? thanks Nevermind, posted too soon. Restarted the workstation console and it was there. sorry...
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