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Everything posted by Peter33

  1. That's not a very obvious thing in Windows 2012. Here is a howto.
  2. OK, i have just checked it out and it runs without any problems. Actually the performance has improved by miles compared to RTM. If you run it from the software center, make sure that the HTA is not hidden behind the other windows. So rather set the property to show in the task bar, or use some script to bring it to front.
  3. These are the settings for an interactive program which runs with admin rights. Whether you need an msp file or not depends on the level of customizing you want to deploy. If you install the program with standard settings an xml config file is good enough to set the GUI to basic.
  4. You can use a script wrapper which shows the user a dialog first and then starts the installation with the basic GUI. You would need to run this in the User context as admin user though, which means that you can't use SCCM 2012 application, but regular packages. I deplyoed SP1 for Windows7 and Lotus Notes Upgrades this way.
  5. First create a new global condition to query the updates through WMI The KB Names without the leading "-" of course As requirement chose the custom type and the new global condition. That's it Edit: It's good enough to set the rule type to existential. No reason for double definition
  6. You're welcome 1) Yes, you need only these 2 files in your source directory. 2) The split-path command extracts the path of the script location. So if you are using an application this will be the local cache directory. It's like a %~dp0 in batch files. So to speak a dynamic absolute path. 3) Create a new app and chose to specify the information manually. As deployment type chose Script installer Native. 4) To retrieve the product code just install the prgramm manually on one machine and either get it through wmi (wmiexplorer is great tool for this), or from the registry (hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall). 5) That's the benefit of the application model. As detection rule specify the product code and you will be fine.
  7. I have not tried it yet from the Software Center after upgrading to SP1. But i'll check this out and report back. Just by the way. You still need this snippet (down there) of script in your HTA. The command i posted just will make sure that the HTA runs in the same context as the progress bar. Set TSProgressUI = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TsProgressUI") TSProgressUI.CloseProgressDialog
  8. There is probably no best practice for this. We run the same setup as rocketman. Servers are HypeV instances with different configurations for primary and secondaries. The SQL Server is hosted on the same machine but with it's own LUN's for Database ,Transaction Logs and SCCM drives. 4 Cores and 16GB memory and 10GBit teamed network. Actually you can see this high utlization though when the AD import runs at the same time with a huge deployment. Or when you perform several parralel offline servicing tasks. But that's still no problem at all.
  9. Here is a little powershell script which will do what you want. It returns the error code 110 if a blocking process is in use and skip the installation. run the script with the command line: powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file install.ps1 $Path = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $ExitCode = 0 $Process = (Get-Process 'java','javaws','iexplore' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -FileVersionInfo) if ($Process){ $ExitCode = 110 } Else { $ExitCode = (Start-Process -FilePath "$Path\jre-6u39-windows-i586.exe" -ArgumentList "/s /v""/norestart AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0""" -Wait -Passthru -NoNewWindow -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ExitCode } [Environment]::Exit($ExitCode)
  10. You can change the collation with this command. setup.exe /ACTION=REBUILDDATABASE /SQLCOLLATION=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS /INSTANCENAME=MYINSTANCE
  11. I would open a support case with Microsoft. That's a bug.
  12. You need to cript this. This would one of my most wanted features for the app model though, to define processes which block the execution of the installation until the next evaluation cycle.
  13. Is there any reason that the operating system image is downloaded again during the "setup windows and configmgr" step, when you use the new option to apply the operating system directly from the distribution point? I don't get the logic behind this. Seems to be a bug?
  14. Nice info, thank you very much. I hope the product team is aware of this problem and will add a new dialog option for UEFI boot sticks.
  15. You need to create a content location boundary group with this server as a member and your site as assignement.
  16. Disable the AD publishing and client push for the old server and you will be fine.
  17. Instead of = "Desktops" use Like "%Desktops%".
  18. Hi Rocket, the easiest way to implement this is to install the software through a collection to the desired machines. Then use a applocker GPO to limit the ability to execute the program for a group of users. Anyways, with a global condition do the following. create a registry value with data type string keyname: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName valuename: ComputerName In your deployment type add this global condition as custom type and chose as operator "one of". Fill the list with computer names, one below each other. This works. Just tested it. The program itself would be usable for all users though when installed once?
  19. Is there any reason not to use a collection with a list of values for PC names? I'd rather let the server descide which machine gets the deployment, instead of publishing it to all clients.
  20. Instead of regedit.exe /s regkeys.reg use reg import regkeys.reg /reg:64
  21. It might sound a bit disappointing. But this is what the default site looks like. Nothing fancy styled.
  22. Thanks Phazers, had the same error on all distribution points this morning, after upgrading to SP1 last friday. Fixed it by following your steps except deleteing the temp directory. If anyone knows a method to get rid of the (renamed) SMSTempBootFiles folder, please let us know.
  23. I was pulling my hair off too regarding this problem. But the solution is pretty easy. Create a unique collection for every ADR and then just add every collection you want to receive this rule as a memeber. This way you will not have the unnecessary overhead of duplicates.
  24. Have you applied SP1 already? This bug should have been fixed with CU2 already.
  25. 1 day to late . I finally upgraded our environment to SP1 yesterday, but only because i found the kb2801987 at the morning. It's important to update the distribution points for client upgrade packages which were created from definition after applying kb2801987. The patch must be applied to all site servers. Thanks for sharing, Niall
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