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Everything posted by Peter33

  1. Did you check the driver model and version for the RAID controller in your manual build? Only inject this specific SAS RAID driver to your PE, not the AHCI drivers. If this won't work, check the hardware ID of the controller (something like PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1D6B) and search in your driver sources ini files for the value. From windows PE mount the driver sources with "net use" and load the inf files with drvload. After each inf file check if you can access the HDD with diskpart.
  2. Pull distribution points are a new feature of SP1. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj591552.aspx#BKMK_WhatsNewSP1_Software The easiest way to manage your problem is probably powershell. You would still need to write a script. Maybe someone from the community has already something like that.
  3. Are you sure that you are already in Windows mode and not in PE when you try to install your Apps and packages? The request is not supported. (Error: 00000032 I would say you are still in PE, where you can't install Apps and packages.
  4. Yes it is required, but you can fill in anything you want. Also the detection rule is required, but there you need to use the correct product code. Anyways, i would suggest to create a real application. Sooner or later you will need one, because Adobe will replace the latest MSI installer with an update.
  5. Just delete them. It's safe (and a must).
  6. OK, then just create a new application with or without content for the reader. Only the uninstall command is needed for the supersedence (msiexec /x {productcode} /norestart /q).
  7. Best advice to you i can give is to install one of the machines manually. Then check the device manager for the correct driver. I had the same problem with the Lenovo ThinkStation S30 and the stupid C600 Raid controller. This controller is a nitemare for OSD. I got the PE working with the C600 SAS Raid driver from Intel.
  8. Did you assign a boot image to the task sequence?
  9. What a mess, jeez. I was reading about this problem today on here already. Lots of people had suddenly problems to deploy the client. Thanks lord i have not upgraded our production environment to SP1 yet.
  10. 1.) No, you have to publish the subnets 2.) Why not just using the AD Sites as boundaries and assign the subnets to this sites in the AD? 3 boundaries is fitting your environment though. Just use the AD sites intead of boundaries.
  11. Hi Seth, i guess you have to dig through the updates you have injected and check the prereqs of them. Have you checked the setupact.log as described there?
  12. There is nothing wrong. The Primary Server holds the information about your PXE advertisments of your task sequnces. The WDS is just a helper tool. If there is no connection to your Managment Point it just can't get the required informations to service your clients.
  13. The client requires at least .net 3 as prerequisite. Check out the prereqs here.
  14. So i guess your base image has not .net4 installed. I would recommend to add it though. This also saves a lot of time during imaging. You can try install the client with /skipprereq:dotnetfx40_client_x86_x64.exe as a workaround.
  15. Did you create a new package from definition for the client package after updating to SP1?
  16. Did the clients run a hardware inventory since the software updates got installed?
  17. Hi doppers, thanks for sharing the solution. I did'nt even think about that the antivirus could be the blocker. I will modify our script to disable the service before the uninstall routine when the next patch is released. Hopefully this will improve the initial success rate. Our helpdesk will be grateful for less calls where they have to tell people to reboot their machine.
  18. Check your unattended.xml file. This is usually caused by a setting in this file which is not compliant with the installed operating system.
  19. Are you serious about these times? 5 minutes for the evaluation cycle sounds like a benchmark test for the SCCM environment. I have set this value to 12 hours at the moment.
  20. OK, just seen the scanning comment up there. So it's left to the MDT database. You even don't need to import them into SCCM if you use unknown computer suppport.
  21. Hi hassel, my first pick for your approach of computer naming would be to use the MDT database for the naming part. There are a lot of scripts around to import data from csv files. As h4x0r asked already: if you are using the serial number of the machine you can just use MDTs customsettings.ini to apply the name. No importing needed.
  22. Maybe it just means what it says, and your remote registry service is not running on this machine, or blocked by the firewall.
  23. Run the following command as admin on your primary server, where XXX is the site code of your secondary site which you want to remove. Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\X64\00000409\preinst.exe /delsite XXX Also uninstall the SQL Server and the SCCM client on this secondary (if installed) and reboot the server. Then remove the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS on this server. You should be able to install the server without any problems after that.
  24. Correct me if i'm wrong, but there is no update installer for SP1 on MSDN yet. Only the full installer including SP1.
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