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Everything posted by Peter33

  1. App enforcement environment: Context: User Make sure that you change the context to local system when you create a custom application. The default value is set to the user context.
  2. There is no reason to use a LIKE statement without using wildcards. Try "adobe reader%".
  3. setup /adminfile "myadminfile.msp" You can also refer to an additional configfile if you want to, by using the switch /config myconfig.xml
  4. A computer object can be a member of round about 1000 groups. (at least)
  5. Has the machine the same chipset (network card) as your other M71 desktops? It's not like Lenovo would not change them in a model line. This looks like a DHCP/Driver problem. Did you check the DHCP server logs? 169.254 is a self assigned IP from windows because it did'nt get a reply from the DHCP server. Or maybe you just run out of leases. But i doubt that, since you get one when you are in XP.
  6. I would just create a new driver package with the drivers from the manufacturer, even if your drivers are working on this one machine you got them from. Just start with the network and storage drivers, This does'nt take long. Alos check the dism.log and enable the checkbox to only install compatible drivers.
  7. OK, just a little status update. After reinstalling the sccm clients on the servers yesterday, everything is geen today. No errors anymore.
  8. OK, rather download the drivers from the manufacturer site and create a new driver package. Some drivers even might require a regular installation package.
  9. Have you enabled the client feature to share the content in the same subnet on those packages which are not working? If yes, that would probably explain why the packages stopped working after removing the BranchCache GPO. You might install the BranchChache on your distribution points or just disable the feature for your packages. (ServerManagerCmd.exe -install FS-BranchCache)
  10. Did you update the package and distribution point while a former update was still in progress? I had a similar problem with one package where i made changes while it was still distributing the content to the secondaries.
  11. Theoratically you can capture a image over and over again. Install software, run sysprerp and capture it again. But it's not recommended. So back to your problem and my silly question: are your drivers XP drivers, and have you chosen a matching storage driver and model in the apply driver package step? Also make sure that you tick the unsigned driver checkbox there.
  12. All right, that makes sense. Thank's for the clarification Peter.
  13. Did the manual installation trigger any alert at least, to get a clue what's going on? The only letdown of the exe installer is that you can't create a installation log, but it's more stable than the msi installer.
  14. Sorry to hear that. Client health check is an important part of SCCM 2012 from my point of view, so i would not want to disable it. You might just remove the update and reinstall your sccm clients, or disable the client health check until SP1. Otherwise the client will always try to repair WMI and create a lot of alerts on your server. Just had to remove the SCCM Clients from our servers today and to reinstall the MP roles, because the client health check broke the MP again last night. I did'nt remove the client installations after uninstalling the update yesterday. I hope that the status is green tomorrow with the fresh clients.
  15. I feel your pain. Same happened to me a while back when the networkers added a subnet to one of our locations, because they were running short on ip addresses, and forgot to inform data center. So the subnet was not added in sites and services.
  16. Our server team is using powershell 3 now for maintanace tasks. So that's why the update was publisheda as mandatory. If you are not planning to use PS3 you don't need the update. Otherwise wait for SCCM 2012 SP1 until you depoy it. Same goes for Windows 7 clients because it will break the client health check of the sccm client.
  17. Does the player work after the installation, even with this exit code? Maybe after a reboot? My guess, something that's part of the flash player has been in use during the installation and triggered a blocking file condition. Maybe the control panel of the flash player? If the player works add the exit code to the success codes. I have not seen this one yet.
  18. Hi, i would recommend you to use a virtual machine (vmware player 5 is good enough) for the build and capture process. The only drivers you will need are the network and storage drivers from the vmware tools. Never apply any other drivers to your base image. This is part of the deployment sequence, where you will use the wmi queries to create a dynamic deployment. You also need to create a new sysprep package for XP from this cab file. For the capture use sources with SP3 already included. Just by the way. Do not capture your images twice. Use an operating system installer in your task sequence and not a finished image.
  19. Sorry, don't know this. But i don't see why this should be published in these domains. Published objects are only Management Points and Sites, but not Boundaries.
  20. You can reuse the container without worries. It's just a folder. Set the permissions for your new servers and you are fine. The 07 objects will be deleted when you uninstall your your 07 Servers through the console. If you did not use the console to uninstall the server roles you also just delete the old objects. But do not delete them as long your servers are still in use.
  21. I am using a registry detection. Hive: HKEY_LOCALMACHINE Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Flash Player Plugin Value: DisplayVersion Data Type: String Make sure that the 32Bit on 64Bit Systems checkbox is set and the Operator value equals the current version of the flash player. On the next update disable both applications, then replace the sources. update the version in the detection rules, update your distribution points and enable the application again. Should not take more than 5 minutes.
  22. Yes, sorry. Forgot to add this to my post. The switch is -install
  23. Actually i went back to the application model for deploying the flash player. There is no real benefit in using SCUP for this product, because i need an up to date package for OSD anyways. Just create two apps for plugin and AX. Then use the exe file with -au 0 switch. Also add the 1041 exit code to the success codes. For some weird reason Adobe was using this to mark needed reboots. Did you try to reinstall the plugin with the exe and the -au 0 switch on one of these computers? This is usually also fixing broken installations.
  24. Did you select the SCCM databse in the object explorer before creating the query? Otherwise you will get the error you described because the table can't be found.
  25. Hi, did anyone get one of the installer properties AUTOUPDATECHECK,EULA,JAVAUPDATE,SYSTRAY,JU to work for the latest update? Seems that the msi is completely ignoring these values, on both versions (x86 and x64 ). There is no chance that i'm going to deploy the update this way.
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