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Everything posted by Peter33

  1. Yes, there are some workarunds for issues like that. Either run the setup from a task sequence command line, and add the exit code 255 to the success codes in there, or use a vbscript wrapper to convert the exit code 255 to 0.
  2. Peter33

    No Task Sequence

    He means that you are not getting an IP in the PE phase. Did you aplly the network drivers to the boot wim?
  3. Have you tried to create a custom collection querying for the mac address?
  4. You need to download the latest WAIK Supplement ISO file from Microsoft. It contains the PE 3.1 wim files for x86 and x64. Edit: Of course you have to create a new boot image in the SCCM Console with the wim file too, before you can use it.
  5. Well, i don't think the roboot is actually handled by a script. This TS step is not an MDT command. Anyways, the topic got discussed here and someone posted a script to fake the reboot.
  6. I think this document should help you to solve this problem. You don't need to modify the MDT scripts. Just create a package and run the commands from there before the restart.
  7. The easiest way would be to create a SQL database with only one table and 2 fields. One holding the license key and the other one the workstation name. Then create a script wrapper for your installation, which searchs in you your database for a free license. 1 - Look up for client name in the database and if found use the corresponding license. - If the client name was not found look for next free license (workstation=Null) - Block the license by writing the client name to the workstion field. 2 - pass the license key property to the installation command SERIALNUMBER=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
  8. Powershell is way more flexible and efficient than VBScript, but it has the "disadvantage" that it is dependent on the local execution policy of the client. So in restrictive environments it can cost nerves a little.
  9. Since we are going to roll out IE9 next month i will have to create new OS images pretty soon too.Guess i will use this method to slipstream the IE9 into the base image.
  10. You need to add the network drivers for every machine type to your PE boot wim.
  11. Use 6.1 instead of 6.0
  12. Maybe this will help you. I'm using this query to see who made changes on collections. You can see the collection name, user name and the time of the change, but not exactly which action was performed. This level of logging would burst your database. Here is the query. select stat.*, ins.*, att1.*, stat.Time from SMS_StatusMessage as stat left join SMS_StatMsgInsStrings as ins on stat.RecordID = ins.RecordID left join SMS_StatMsgAttributes as att1 on stat.RecordID = att1.RecordID where stat.MessageType = 768 and stat.MessageID >= 30015 and stat.MessageID <= 30017 and stat.Time >= ##PRM:SMS_StatusMessage.Time## order by stat.Time desc
  13. Make sure to use %OSDComputerName% instead of %_SMSTSMachineName%. Otherwise you will get a lot of MININT folder names.
  14. Nope, the path should not be a problem. It is different because the setup runs as Local System Account with SCCM. The strSourcePath variable should'nt be there. This will mess up your setup command. Anyways, i would suggest to create a single package for every msi, without subfolders. Then create a task sequence with the installation steps. This way you can modify your setup commands without resync of your distribution points.
  15. Just create a task sequence and run the copy as command line after the installation.
  16. Write a log file for the failing msi package by extending the command line in the script with /L*v c:\windows\temp\packagename.log It's hard to tell what's wrong without a log file. Also, did you customize the msi package, and what are the switches for the installation /q /qb /qb- /qb-! /qn ? Are the msi files all in the root directory of the package or do you run them from child directories?
  17. No problem.And yes, "only when user is loggen on" means exactly what it says, a user has to be logged in. The advertisement will not start if the computer is only at the logon screen. U can also chose "whether a user is logged on or not", but this means that the advertisement will run even if no user is logged on, which is usually the preferred method for most deployments. Can't give you an advice for the office deployment because it's part of the base image in our environment. Right now im deploying SP1 for Windows 7 to several thousend machines with an interactive setup triggered by an HTA frontend where the user can descide if he wants to start the update or not, because it will slow down the system for like 30 minutes pretty much, and needs additional 20 minutes for the next reboot.
  18. If you want the prgress bar to show up during the installation, you have to make the program interactive by chosing "only when user is loggen on" in the advaced tab of the program. Also set the "run with administrative rights" option. Make sure that u don't set the "suppress program notification" option. You can't use task sequences for interactive installation. Best way to find the reason for the faulty installatios is to write a log file during the setup. (setup /L*v c:\windows\temp\mso2010.log)
  19. Check the datatransferservice.log, locationservice.log, filebits.log and the execmgr.log on your clients for errors.
  20. Hi Griffin, for 1, make the advertisement mandatory by assigning a schedule to it, or at least the "run as soon as possible" option. for 2, i had the same problem with the msi package for flash player 10 ax, latest version, on some clients. The custom action inside the msi for InstallAX failed. Solution was to use the EXE Installers for flash player 10. The installation switch for the installer, to make it silent, is "-install".
  21. Looks like this should do the trick. But i have not looked into the script yet. If it is filling the TS variables for the OSDAdapter settings it should work. But keep in mind that the client NIC has to be reset to DHCP after imaging.
  22. Actually, when reading your first post again, i think you should use the PE values, since u were applying them manually already. Just set thevariables with a lil script, before applying the network settings. Here is a sample how to read the adapter settings.
  23. You should be able to to get this working with the OSDAdapter variable. The only problem is that you can't image multiple clients at the same time, if you set the variable directly in the task sequence with the standard action. Sou you would need a script to randomize the ip address from you address range.
  24. Try this in you batch file. Should work in any case. pushd %~dp0 copy redirect.txt "c:\program files\shaunsoft\CTX" /y popd
  25. Make sure this server is also defined as distribution point, and that all needed packages are replicated.
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