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Everything posted by Peter33

  1. You will probably also have fun with the USB 3.0 Blootooth drivers for the new intel chipsets. It was triggering the Windows UAC after first login when the Imaging is finished asking for admin rights
  2. Hi Evolution, your PE is 3.0, which is OK. It's based on Windows 7 and the drivers for Windows 7 should apply without problems. Make sure that you import only the Windows 7 drivers into SCCM and then add it to the boot image. We have successfully imported the same driver but with PE 3.1 and for the new hardware generation from Lenovo. So if you have no success with PE 3.0 download the newest WAIK, install it on the machine where you import the drivers and use the newer boot wim. @ntd Just go to your drivers folder and right click the Windows 7 network driver. Then chose "add to boot image". In the next dialog click the check box which is pointing to your boot wim and thru the next dialog buttons. Finally go to your boot image in the console and update your distribution points. This will start the injecting process. Don't forget to import the AHCI drivers too.
  3. Just by the way. There is no need to uninstall SAPGui 7.10 before installing 7.20. The Setup Routine is doing that by itself, if it is configured right. I have just updated 4200 clients to 7.20. Simply put the installation in a task sequence and put 2 wmi queries as condition on the installation step. First one checking the installed version and the second any running SAP process. Set the advertisement on rerun and put a schedule on it. Link it to a collection which checks the installed version of SAP.
  4. Create a package with a vbscript or an exe file, which will change the BIOS boot order. Put the HD in first place. You can usually download these BIOS configuration tools from your manufacturers website. In your task sequence run this program before the first reboot.
  5. In the Console right click the Boot Image and chose Properties. Go the Image Tab an look for the OS Version Property. It should start with 6.1.7600 or rather with 6.1.7601.
  6. Are you using Windows PE 3.1 from WAIK 3.0 ?
  7. The loopback device is addressing the local machine. You can replace that by a simple dot which will have the same effect "winmgmts://./root/ccm:SMS_Client". It's just a matter of personal preference. I'm wondering though why this code snippet is placed in the logon script, since you need admin rights to change the site settings of the client.
  8. This script is just setting the site code C00 in your SCCM Client if the computer object is not located in the AD Sites DurbanPlessey or Killarney. Check the clientlocation.log on you clients to see if they can resolve the management point.
  9. I suggest to use some installation snapshot tool (application repackaging) to create an msi file that runs completely silent. I am using Wise Package Studio for tasks like this. There are several more around. Admin Studio should work also and is free together with your SCCM License.
  10. Check the advanced tab of the program, in you package, which is not displayed in the tasksequnce and activate the checkbox "alow this program to be installed from ....... task sequence without being advertised".
  11. What exactly are you doing in your monthly advertisement, and why? Just distributing the setings.sol to the User Profiles? You should rather block the automatic updates with the file mms.cfg under %windir%\system32\Macromed\Flash.
  12. Sounds like a dead lock of your sccm services on the management point. What are your system status logs saying?
  13. Hi Andy, usually this done right at the beginning of the task sequence by an HTA Frontend. Here is an example . There are several more solutions around. Anyweb posted also some in this forum. All you have to do is to inject the hta module into your Windows PE Image, create an HTA wher you chose the Packages to install. The HTA has to set task sequence variables depending on your selections in the HTA. These variables can be evaluated in the task sequence.
  14. Hi Monk, not a simple but working mehtod is active setup . This method requires msi based insatallations and you need to modify them. Another method are adevertise shortcuts , which i prefer because active setup works only 1 time, as long the corresponding registry entry under current user exists. Both require editing the msi files and the tools for doing it.
  15. OK, create a task sequence and a add a command prompt with just calling powershell.exe . In this step choose "run this step as following account" and fill in the credentials from the local admin.
  16. Check the Execution Policy on your Workstations with "powershell.exe get-executionpolicy". It should bes set to RemoteSigned.
  17. A good option is to encapsulate the installation in a vbscript, which executes a wmi query first, to check if the application is already installed. This way you could set the advertisement to always rerun if you want, without caring about if it will start or not. As soon as you set a mandatory schedule with local caching at the same time, the clients will download the content. The servers should handle it without problems, since you only have like 700 clients. Regarding the reboot problems in task sequences. You can prevent the client from rebooting if you start the installation from a vbscript which replaces the exit code 3010 with 0. If you need the reboot finally though you can also set a task sequence variable in the script, if the return code of the command line was 3010. At the end of the sequence just force a reboot depending on the value of the variable.
  18. If you create an mst file with the office customization tool (setup /admin) you can run the installation silently with just the setup.exe command. All you have to do is to put the mst in the update folder. Of course you have to modify the interaction tab in the office customization and set it to basic or none.
  19. Ok, let's rephrase that to no choosable feature. Does the setup.exe produce the same error 2771 or something different? You could still rebuild the sources and see if the error goeas away. Another option would be to install the package in a task sequence and adding this error code to the success codes. Maybe not nice, but it will work.
  20. All right, i was taking a closer look on our SEP installation today. The whole thing is an Install Shield Build, so Symantec has obviously a restribitution license for Install Shiled. The exe file you can build with SEPM is just a self extracting and self executing Install Shield Installer. So it's the same difference if you use the exe or the sources. The sources containing also a setup.exe which is configured by 2 files named setAid.ini and setup.ini. You can run the setup.exe without any switches this way. The Setup.exe is bypassing the configuration to the msi file. The setAid.ini has section with the features to be installed or not. It looks like this. [FEATURE_SELECTION] SAVMain=1 EMailTools=1 OutlookSnapin=0 NotesSnapin=0 Pop3Smtp=1 ITPMain=0 Firewall=0 PTPMain=0 COHMain=0 DCMain=0 As you can see, there is no feature called CORE. My advice, run the Setup.exe from the sources. You can enable or disble features just by editing the setAid.ini file. If you want to use the msi, you probably have to disable features, which you don#t want to be installed, by adding the REMOVE=XXX,XXX option to your comman line.
  21. Is the machine account of your primary site memeber of the local admin group of your branch distribution point? Also, setting full control for everyonoe on the share is not a good idea.
  22. Have you tried this ? SET SC=\\.\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes Also define the type of the entries with /t switch.
  23. As the Error says the Feature CORE is not found in the msi. You can verify it by opening the msi with an msi editor like Orca. Go to the feature table and see if the feature is available. The best way to deploy the package is to create an EXE file in SEPM though.
  24. Hi, i'm usually putting everything in a tasksequence, which can be easily duplicated with 2 clicks. Then put a new advertisement on the new task sequence, and delete the old one. The task sequence has the advantage that you can define depencies for installations with wmi queries.
  25. Hi, sounds like u are using the IS LIKE %XXX% clause, and catching 2 AD goups with it. Rather use the EQUALS option and fill in the whole AD group name "DOMAIN\Group Name". Either that or the clients objects are obsolete and have been members of the group before. Always add the "System Ressource/Obsolete" Option with a value of 0 to your Collection queries.
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