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  1. Ok, thanks for the answer Garth. That's what I figured. All I'm really after is a quick easy way to see who has installed Windows 8.1U1 on their Windows 8.1 machines on their own. I was hoping SCCM had a quick way for me to see that. I will look at other avenues to determine this. Thanks!
  2. Hello, I'm fairly new to SCCM 2012 R2 and have a simple question. We currently have SCCM 2012 R2 setup and running in our environment, and we have it setup to do Software Inventory of all workstations, and this is working fine. I can run reports on the installed software on any of our system. We do NOT have SCCM setup or configured to manage Windows Software Updates (this is handled individually per-workstation based on their own Windows update preferences. We prefer not to setup SCCM to manage windows updates at this time. ) However, we do want to run a query on systems to see if a specific windows update has been installed by the user. Can this be done through the Software Inventory system, without having the Windows Update functionality of SCCM configured? Or is the only way to identify currently installed Windows Updates is by setting up the Software Updates component? Thanks for any replies.
  3. I'm having an issue creating an Operating System Image in SCCM 2012. When selecting a newly created .wim image from out distribution source, I am receiving this error: This location is where we store all of our .wim OS images, and all the rest of them work fine from here, which leads me to believe it's not a permissions issue, but a "bad WIM" issue. I have attempted to recreate this .wim from a base .vhd mounted on my PC several times. I tried two different versions of imagex.exe (one from the old WAIK, and one from the new ADK) and neither one has worked. I even tried using that old GUI GIMAGEX tool, to no avail. Each time, the image says it's created successfully, but I'm unable to add it to SCCM. It is a rather large base image; the .WIM file itself is over 51GB in size. Could this be the issue? Is there any way for me to determine what's "Invalid" about it?
  4. +1 here as well. This process worked for us too. Kudos to this, as I had spent all morning trying to fix this with other post suggestions on the interwebs. This was the magic bullet, thanks!
  5. Thanks anyweb. Is there anyway to launch the console without having the network enabled? I disabled the network card, but I can't launch the SCCM console to do any disabling/changing of the deployments. I don't want to take any chances of any clients connecting before I can troubleshoot. I already deleted (I think anyway) the deployment before I shut down the server. Only 4 machines received the advertisement that I'm aware of, and I was able to clean those up before the OS deployed. No other machines on the network have shown any activity since I shut down the server, or indicated that they have received an advertisement.
  6. Made a dramatic error while testing a mandatory OS deploy, and it got applied to an unintended device group. A couple of these systems already checked in with SCCM and the OS deploy started. I was able to shut the systems down before any damage was done, and I immediately took the SCCM server offline to stop the bleeding. I'm now ready to clean up my mess, but I'm afraid to spin the SCCM server back up in fear of more deployments starting before I can kill the deployment in SCCM console. Any good safe ideas on how I can start SCCM, connect to the Site DB and kill the deployments before any clients check in and start the deploy? Thanks for any help!
  7. Thanks Peter, but your link points to examples on how to setup Hardware Inventory in SCCM 2012. I'm only looking for Software Inventory.
  8. Thanks for the helpful run down bdazle. Quick question however....we are using SCCM 2012, not 2007. Is it still necessary to edit the .mof files in order to collect software inventory in 2012? Are all the steps you provided above the same for 2012? Thanks in Advance!
  9. Hello, I am attempting to get Asset Intelligence (specifically Inventoried Software) working on our system. I'll go through all the steps I've done below, but my first question is: Is setting up a Asset Intelligence synchronization point necessary for simply trying to collect currently installed software on client systems? If so, that's probably my problem, as I have the Asset Intelligence component enabled, but not the Asset Intelligence synchronization point installed. I don't understand why this piece is necessary, if it is. Can anyone explain to me why that's the case? However, if this is NOT required for a simple "installed software scan", here's what I've done so far: 1. Enabled Asset Intelligence component and selected "SMS_InstalleSoftware", "SMS_SystemConsoleUsage", and "SMS_SystemConsoleUser" checkboxes 2. Enabled Software Inventory on Default Client Settings, "Enabled software Inventory on clients" and added *.exe to the "Inventory these file types" 3. Verified that all clients are successfully "talking properly" to the SCCM server 4. Ran a full "Software Inventory Cycle" and a "Hardware Inventory Cycle" client-side on all client computers None of these have worked, as nothing every shows up in Inventoried Software. Can anyone help point me to what part I'm missing? Thanks in advance!
  10. Great idea on versioning...I have a somewhat related question however....is it possible to delete an existing Task Sequence deployment in SCCM 2012? Let's say I just want to delete an old one instead of versioning another one. I can't find anyway to delete the old Deployment. What am I missing?
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