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Everything posted by SRed

  1. Hi guys, The Microsoft documentation on this is looking pretty sparse on these topics. Does anyone know if it is possible to provision conditional access for mail when InTune is integrated with ConfigMgr? If so, is the process different at all from setting up conditional access when doing Intune standalone? Also, it seems like the documentation is actually empty for configuring mail profiles using ConfigMgr!!!! Anyone have a good walkthrough on the topic? Thanks! Stephen
  2. Sounds like your SetupWindows and ConfigMan step is failing. This normally happens if something is off for your SCCM Install Package, I've had it happen when I had the incorrect path specified for patches, for instance. For some reason, it was circulating around that the path to patches should be: 'C:\_SMSTASKSEQUENCE\OSD\CAS00002\CLIENT\HOTFIX\KB2905002\CLIENT\I386\CONFIGMGR2012AC-R2-KB2905002-I386.MSP'. The path should be Packages, not OSD. Check the ccmsetup for ccmsetup.log and client.msi.log and you'll find the answer.
  3. Logged in to say thank you, this worked for me too!
  4. Hello all, For a client, we have a number of small offices with a local IT resource in charge of the systems there, something thing 45 offices. We've created query based collections to limit the local IT to seeing only their computers in the console, and this is working fine. However, we also have a large number of Software Distribution collections, and we want local IT to be able to place the users in those collections to deploy software. How do I allow the local IT user to do so, without having to manually add Application Deployment Manager to each one of these collections, for each one of the offices? Is there a better way? I'm still trying to understand Role based access and control, and did extensive googling before posting here. Thanks,
  5. Sorry to resurrect this thread! These are great steps Niall, but I'm not sure about Content Distribution. At what point do I push the content out to DPs for distribution to end clients? Does the "Automatically download content when packages are assigned to branch distribution points" handle this for me? Note: I don't have any BDPs just standard DPs in my environment. Thanks!
  6. I also fixed my other issue! In case anyone else is plagued by those annoying errors in ConfigMan, here is how to fix them. Find the error (in this case SMS_Coll_Evaluator) Look for the time stamp and the relevant bad collection name Check the colleval.log file on the primary. Look for the time indicated, then search for the offending collection name(CCP00A37, in this example) Notice that the step before the highlighted step is refreshing results for collection CCP00ADD. If we look at the SQL Statement below it, we will see a direct rule stating If "the OS is Win NT 6.1 and the item is not found in these two collections " then include in this collection. So we can assume that the issue is that someone made a query based collection in for CCP00ADD, and then deleted one of the collections it referenced. This organization uses folders to organize their collections, so I can't just search for this in the console. Instead, a quick look at the 'All Collections' SCCM Report will show us which collection is correlated to this ID. if your organization has very difficult to traverse collection folders, I highly recommend this Report (Display all collections along with collection path http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/d5afe0dc-562e-441c-a856-eb4f2cb97de2/how-to-find-sccm-collection-location) Alright, the collection we need to check is Microsoft Updates - Workstations - Production Release - win7 SP1. Finding the offending collection, lets check out its Membership Rules We see here the direct mention in this query of the currently nonexistent collection. We want to remove the final 'AND' statement, in my case. Its always smart to test a query using the Queries node in SCCM before saving a change, of course!
  7. Actually, I've figured out how to delete bad computer associations and fix invalid certificates. Open management Studio Browse down to the table you need to change. Choose Open Table Get the GUID from the relevant event in the SCCM console Create a select Statement to test what the query will affect Modify above command to make a delete command DELETE FROM ClientKeyData WHERE SMSID = 'GUID:1C53E10F-8BED-44AB-8671-B4A749156F4A' Now, can someone tell me where I would find collections in SQL? I've got two that appear to be bad and I'd like to remove them from the database.
  8. Hi guys, At two of my clients, I've recently noticed my primary sites going red due to an SCCM event 620. This event correlates to a SQL Message 208 or 547, the text of which is " Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 547, severity 16: [23000][547][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "StateMigrationAssociation_MachineIdGroupXRef_FK". The conflict occurred in database "SCCM_US1", table "dbo.StateMigrationAssociation" The other error is : " Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 208, severity 16: [42S02][208][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][sql Server] Invalid object name '_RES_COLL_CCP00A37' " Both of these refer me to my SQL or SMS documentation to troubleshoot, but I've found nothing really on the web that helps me with this. I'm thinking I'll need to remove these bad objects from within SQL using Management Studio (My ID has full rights to the database, so this can be done if need be) But where do I even start to trouble shoot these issues? For the error related to computer associations, I checked that out in the SCCM console and noticed some old associations which never even completed the capture, or the restore completed months ago. I deleted those but I'm still not sure if I deleted the right one. Any guidance would be appreciated!
  9. Hi all, I'm at a client site where a monthly reboot is forced on certain workstations using SCCM. This package only contains a single program with a command line of 'shutdown -r', and it used on certain kiosk machines. I'm trying to empty out the 'All Active Package Distributions' report by the clients request. Unfortunately, this package is listed as 'Waiting to Install Package' on every distribution point. Have you all ever run into this? This is an all SCCM 2007 R2 environment on Server R2. Thanks,
  10. Hi all, During a deployment for a client, a mission critical workstation began to hang on "Deploying Updates". I'm wondering, is there any command I can run in a command prompt to force the Task Sequence to proceed to the next step? The reason this is an issue is that this workstation is using XP to Windows 7 with Hard Link Migration and our update step is much before the USMT Restore step. We're concerned with having to do a USMT hard-link restore from Windows 7, and also with all of the automation steps we'll miss out on if we have to do the rest of the migration manually. Thanks!
  11. Hi guys, On deployment with a client, we've had a strange issue in which USMT will create numerous desktop shortcut icons on a migrated users desktop. Lets say if a PC hasd six user profiles on the machine, after migration the primary user on the workstation will now has seven copies! One for themself and it appears one for each migrated user! This is a Windows XP to Windows 7 migration using SCCM 2007 Integrated with MDT 2010 (I know, I know, need to upgrade). Any thoughts? A note, this is an environment with redirected profiles, including desktop folder, to a user's network drive. It seems like this is somehow related. Especially the correlation between the number of users and the number of copies.
  12. Turns out that I actually had the script in the %DeployRoot% folder, and hadn't updated the WinPE image. On top of that, I also had a number of errors in my script, which is why I never saw any messages about the script running in my BDD and SMSTS logs. I've since fixed it, thank you anyway!
  13. Thanks for the reply. I placed both the script and the exe in the \\Mdt\DeploymentShare$\Scripts folder. This is the value of %ScriptRoot%, right?
  14. Hi guys, For a recent client, I've had to automate the removal of Alternate Data Stream information from files, as this was causing ImageX to crash while taking a .WIM backup of critical systems. We would see the file name listed in the BDD and ZtiBackup.logs with an error code 2 next to the file name. Massive trial and error lead me to the discovery that some files with Zone Identifier or other types of Meta data can cause imageX to fail. I discovered Mark Russinovich's excellent Streams.exe tool, which is made to read and destroy ADS info, and it perfectly solves this problem. When I run it manually, all deployments complete without an issue. In the interests of automation, I've modified a .vbs file and added it to my Script Root, and yet I'm getting errors in deployment of "File not found", when the task sequence gets to that file. In addition, I've tried rendering the same commands as a .batch file, also with no success. Would you scripting professionals mind taking a look at this and letting me know if you see any errors? Thank you! Edit: I can't seem to use either uploader, so I'll just post the text of my Vbs below. <job id="Remove-DataStreams"> <script language="VBScript" src="ZTIUtility.vbs"/> <script language="VBScript"> '//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '// Purpose: Used to Remove Alternate Data Streams/Zone Identifiers '// Usage: cscript Remove-DataStreams.wsf [/debug:true] '// Version: 1.0 - 20 Nov 2012 - Stephen OWen '// '// This script is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, confers no rights and '// is not supported by the authors or Deployment Artist. '// '// Instructions: In the MDT Application, create a source folder and copy '// this script and SysInternals Streams.exe '// '//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '// Global constant and variable declarations '//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit Dim iRetVal '//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '// End declarations '//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '// Main routine '//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Error Resume Next iRetVal = ZTIProcess ProcessResults iRetVal On Error Goto 0 '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- '// '// Function: ZTIProcess() '// '// Input: None '// '// Return: Success - 0 '// Failure - non-zero '// '// Purpose: Perform main ZTI processing '// '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ZTIProcess() oLogging.CreateEntry "Remove-DataStreams: Preparing to remove ADS Information", LogTypeInfo ' Disable Zone Checks oEnv("SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS") = 1 ' Removal of ADS values begins here ' iRetVal = oUtility.RunWithHeartbeat("streams.exe /accepteula -d -s "C:\Documents and Settings"") ' oLogging.CreateEntry "Remove-DataStreams: Completed Removal of ADS in C:\Documents and Settings" iRetVal = oUtility.RunWithHeartbeat("streams.exe /accepteula -d -s C:\") oLogging.CreateEntry "Remove-DataStreams: Completed Removal of ADS in C:\" if (iRetVal = 0) or (iRetVal = 3010) then ZTIProcess = Success Else ZTIProcess = Failure oLogging.CreateEntry "Remove-DataStreams: Error processing script Check the log." End If ' Enable Zone Checks oEnv.Remove("SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS") oLogging.CreateEntry "Remove-DataStreams: Return code from command = " & iRetVal, LogTypeInfo oLogging.CreateEntry "Remove-DataStreams: Finished Removal", LogTypeInfo End Function </script> </job>
  15. Hi all, I'm engineering an MDT2012 Task Sequence to migrate users from XP to 7. First I use Hard link migration, then I reboot to capture a .WIM backup using ZTIBackup data in WinPE, followd by the Windows installation. In Win7 to Win7, I seem to never have any issue, deployments complete without any problems. However in Xp to 7, using PC's with actual user data, I am experiencing a very high, nearly 85% failure on the ImageX step. I get errors in ZTIBackup.log and in BDD.log that the system cannot find the file specified. Fearing disk errors, I've added a Disk Cleanup pass that runs: cmd.exe /c reg import "%deployroot%\Scripts\Custom\cleanmgr.reg" cleanmgr /sagerun:777 Which I've confirmed works for those purposes. I've also added a Check Disk /f /x command in front of the Wim backup step in WinPE, which I've also confirmed works as expected. So...I'm not sure why in the world this keeps happening. Every PC seems to do this on a different file, which always is located in the User's profile somewhere, normally the desktop. I've done numerous google searches but it also seems that no one ever gets to the bottom of this. The USMT hard link works as expected and the user's lose no data. Still, this is very strange behavior. imageX errors.txt
  16. Good find Niall. As it turns out, the Component Status of the site server is that the SMS_Policy_Provider is in Critical condition, stating that The site server signing certificate has expired 0 day(s) ago. Please replace/renew the certificate. The Policies at this Site will be re-signed by the Site Server using the new signing certificate. So, it looks like my Site Server certificate expired, which coincidentally caused this whole issue. Unless somehow installing this patch caused my certificate to expire. *puts on aluminum foil hat*
  17. Okay, just tried the PXE OSD process with a brand new, out of box laptop, to make sure there weren't any random errors from redeploying systems. It ALSO is failing the same way. Able to boot into WinPE, but then failing with "There are no task sequences advertised to this computer". So...something is happening here. My certificates look good. The computers are getting into WinPE, so that tells me Windows Deployment Services works. I made a new advertisement and tried that, so I think my advertisement works. I think the only real option now is that somehow the Task Sequence became corrupted? I have no reason to believe this other than process of elimination. Unless that patch managed to destroy my SCCM infrastructure, which I also don't believe happened.
  18. Ok, I've tried this, and now with a different laptop and a new advertisement of the same task sequence, I'm STILL getting "There are no Task Sequences available to [for] this computer. Please verify..." in my SMSTS.log. This is becoming scary. I found another post about OSD Task Sequences fail nearly immediately, and thought this might be related to an expired SCCM PXE Certificate, as found in this post (http://social.techne...5-0df3dec1c5ef/, and this post http://www.windows-n...ficate-expired/); however, checking the records, my certificate looks to be fine! Any suggestions?
  19. I've check my smspxe.log file and this is what I see for this computer. MAC=D8:D3:85:9A:BC:3F SMBIOS GUID=2E061ADC-3758-11DF-95DA-90006701A06D > Device found in the database. MacCount=1 GuidCount=1 smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:00 AM 7968 (0x1F20) [] Recv From:[] Len:548 1a61230 smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:02 AM 7504 (0x1D50) Ignoring req from [] Dest Server:[] smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:02 AM 7504 (0x1D50) [] Recv From:[] Len:548 12de2f0 smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:02 AM 7504 (0x1D50) [] Recv From:[] Len:303 16062f0 smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:02 AM 7164 (0x1BFC) Parsing Database name 'FCS\SMS_ATL' for SQL named instance. smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:02 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Executing GetBootAction(1624, SCCM) smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:02 AM 7968 (0x1F20) vLastPXEAdvertisementID is NULL smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:03 AM 7968 (0x1F20) vLastPXEAdvertisementTime: 10/08/2012 12:16:18 smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:03 AM 7968 (0x1F20) GetBootAction: MAC:D8:D3:85:9A:BC:3F SMBIOS:2E061ADC-3758-11DF-95DA-90006701A06D SMSID:GUID:3D7249BA-F222-46EE-B5EC-5EC3D19F76B9 LastAdv: smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:03 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Advertisement results: OfferId:ATL200E7 OfferTime:15/03/2012 11:58:00 PackageID:ATL0007B BootImageID:ATL00002 PackageVer: PackagePath:\\SCCM\SMSPXEIMAGES$\SMSPKG\ATL00002\ Mandatory:1 smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:03 AM 7968 (0x1F20) ProcessDatabaseReply: Using Advertisement found in DB: ATL200E7 smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:03 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Failed to read PXE settings. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows) smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:03 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Mutex was not owned. Now have ownership. smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:03 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Parsing Database name 'FCS\SMS_ATL' for SQL named instance. smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Executing PXE_GetSiteTypeAndDefaultMP(ATL) smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) GetSiteTypeAndDefaultMP: SiteType=2 DefaultMP=SCCM.contoso.ORG smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Executing PXE_GetSiteTypeAndDefaultMP() smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) No Default MP found for smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Executing PXE_GetMpCertificates(ATL,SCCM.contoso.ORG) smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) GetMpCertificates: Certificates:3082054E30820436A003020102020A1132CAB20000000000DF300D06092A864886F70D0101050500304D31133011060A0992268993F22C64011916036F726731193017060A0992268993F22C64011916096D656167706F776572311B3019060355040313126D656167706F7765722D4365727441757468301E170D3130303732383139333031365A170D3132303732373139333031365A301D311B3019060355040313125343434D2E6D656167706F7765722E6F726730820122300D06092A864886F70D01010105000382010F003082010A028201010088D9460C73211C5BD2A8BF92FCD3D0CEC47FF1FFF514204562BFA538D1C2C95FE8CDA54480F42405E19F188A0C42B8E8BFD138A2FA627CC942F11EB73E14DA75D7799361FB00CB5F693894714AB7CA0027E10413EC114704EBB15BB47C624D1C20444499D0EC25801701EEF8A150078AFC72DF46747BD931ECC4250968BFE2867A0C1F5B6284031AADEC2114A6280AFD64BB8CCF4A79CFCADD883FFFBAC77A07EDC919516B1DE8C72D3B8A775E6AFA07B2AAB06F36EC921E0A1FAA79DC41376210C2E6BEF897C6A1BFA0158CA1E2987052E757EFC65C54AB45CE29FCF23C349B48DE24193C163412DE4C93B2D263B7AA3AEE712359102D103438330A54D880870203010001A382025E3082025A303D06092B06010401823715070430302E06262B0601040182371508878BA16184F8BC6D86F5891686CFC6228597B9625C82A59B1E83FED13F02016402010230130603551D25040C300A06082B06010505070301300E0603551D0F0101FF0404030205A0301B06092B060104018237150A040E300C300A06082B06010505070301301D0603551D0E041604141FBDCCBB382B8BEBF40A049C5D1D5AE4054BD977301F0603551D23041830168014DF04E886B36B7E8584D9522E39421A3BA9A196453081CD0603551D1F0481C53081C23081BFA081BCA081B98681B66C6461703A2F2F2F434E3D6D656167706F7765722D43657274417574682C434E3D43412C434E3D4344502C434E3D5075626C69632532304B657925323053657276696365732C434E3D53657276696365732C434E3D436F6E66696775726174696F6E2C44433D6D656167706F7765722C44433D6F72673F63657274696669636174655265766F636174696F6E4C6973743F626173653F6F626A656374436C6173733D63524C446973747269627574696F6E506F696E743081C606082B060105050701010481B93081B63081B306082B060105050730028681A66C6461703A2F2F2F434E3D6D656167706F7765722D43657274417574682C434E3D4149412C434E3D5075626C69632532304B657925323053657276696365732C434E3D53657276696365732C434E3D436F6E66696775726174696F6E2C44433D6D656167706F7765722C44433D6F72673F634143657274696669636174653F626173653F6F626A656374436C6173733D63657274696669636174696F6E417574686F72697479300D06092A864886F70D0101050500038201010014A097A31D5E944D4E4BAD81FF2523F40B9C7B363481A925EF5B86D548835424E3F90CCCB53DC9D3F7A56EC50D3936CF374C77F2FCDE36CF78EEC92872D0A7480F9FE9F0F2A9F81D05809F29F040CEB420D915A8E291DB340ED55482B1D4318F5B03A1E8D755FBD7DB5C62FB99EA92156C766F4CC8BC692DE63A9D19FF69E7CFB1B7C2712383AD81FA6A9E4AEAB533A314A89A41AB925ED3240E2FD5EAD366E64495A48BFDA28EFFB1FC7B86D113A6E5CCFA5C3234E225FFEF95F1E7CAC106CA8A108D40E9BB532BFEEC41F33E50E8162F8AB92DACBBFE2ABDBD97C7911D3291AAA83FAA8E0C45A7B7458CB6103389ADFC2970E48747D8CE3B61065C704AFEF3 smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Loaded PXE settings from DB: Default MP: SCCM.contoso.ORG, Public Certificates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smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Parsing Database name 'FCS\SMS_ATL' for SQL named instance. smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Executing PXE_GetSiteTypeAndDefaultMP(ATL) smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) GetSiteTypeAndDefaultMP: SiteType=2 DefaultMP=SCCM.contoso.ORG smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Executing PXE_GetSiteTypeAndDefaultMP() smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) No Default MP found for smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Executing PXE_GetMpCertificates(ATL,SCCM.contoso.ORG) smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) GetMpCertificates: Certificates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smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Loaded PXE settings from DB: Default MP: SCCM.contoso.ORG, Public Certificates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smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) WARNING: _SMSTSCertStoreName Not Set. This might cause client failures in native mode. smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) WARNING: _SMSTSCertSelection Not Set. This might cause client failures in native mode. smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Saving Media Variables to "E:\RemoteInstall\SMSTemp\2012.{A04638CC-AF91-408B-BA63-BFE9B42653D5}.boot.var" smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:06 AM 7968 (0x1F20) [] Recv From:[] Len:303 18d29b0 smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:22 AM 7164 (0x1BFC) MAC=D8:D3:85:9A:BC:3F SMBIOS GUID=2E061ADC-3758-11DF-95DA-90006701A06D > Device has been accepted. smspxe 8/10/2012 8:17:22 AM 7968 (0x1F20) Which leads me to believe that this is not a duplicate SMBIOS guid issue, as seen in this post, http://myitforum.com/myitforumwp/2011/10/21/osdtask-sequencepxe-duplicate-smbios-guids-system-uuids-in-sccm-2007/. My next step is to make a new advertisement for this task sequence, and see if that resolves the issue.
  20. Niall, you're on the ball! Thank you for the quick reply, this won't be the first time you've pulled my fat out of the fire! Here is my SMSTS.log. Maybe it is coincidental that the Task Sequence is failing now, I'm not sure why this update would seem to break things. Also, here is a screen cap of the computer in SCCM. It definitely has an advertisement. This is one of the ones that I deleted from SCCM in a panic, and recreated, just to be sure. I've check to make sure there are no duplicate entries either. e: somehow posted a screen cap of the wrong computer record. smsts.log
  21. Hey guys, Today I re-enabled my Software Updates step in my OSD Task Sequence, which had been disabled previously. I then noted that my new systems were hanging at Installing Updates with "Downloading 1 of 147, 0% out of 100". I did some googling and found KB2509007, which is supposed to resolved this. So I installed this on my site server and went to test it out, after updating my task sequence with the appropriate new command under Setup Windows and ConfigMgr. However, now when I try to do my tried-and-true OSD deployment on these systems (after clearing PXE records, and eventually deleting and creating new machine entries), my OSD Task Sequence appears to be broken! The systems will download the winPE image and appear to boot into PE, but then immediately fail. I checked the SMSTS log and see a line of "There are no Task Sequences available to [for] this computer. Please verify...". I have verified that these computers *DO* have advertisements available to them, and even restarted the SCCM server and separately the WDS Service. Do you guys have any advice? I'm about to uninstall this patch and hope it unbreaks my OSD.
  22. Thanks for the quick reply Peter! We have SCCM R3 installed. How can I create App-V packages for it? Do you have any good information on enabling the App-V role? Nevermind, I just found all of your posts under the SCCM\AppV area.
  23. Hi guys, We're looking at spinning up App-v in our environment to handle some finnicky Office 32-bit addins that we use for some line of business applications in my organization. My question : we've already got a working SCCM 2007 infrastructure, with SQL server and everything in place; is it possible to install App-V on a separate VM or even the same VM with SCCM and store the database for App-V in a separate instance on the same SQL server? Is this a bad idea? Also, how big of a deal is it to setup App-v? I'm intrigued by the idea and would love to experiment with some additional Microsoft products, especially since we have the all-you-can-eat licensing agreement as it is. Thanks!
  24. Hey guys, I'm posting this here from my post on TechNet. I'm getting frustrated because I feel that I must be doing this wrong somehow. Basically my issue is that I feel that I must be doing unnecessary work somewhere here, and want to make it all easier on me. We're about to begin migrating user's from an old pc to a new one, though the new one may also have been present in SCCM. The new PC will be renamed along the process. Here is my current procedure: In SCCM, import new computer record, and create computer association with Source PC Place Source PC in USMT Capture collection in SCCM Manually PXE boot new PC for OSD When Source PC finishes USMT Capture, manually place Destination PC in USMT Restore collection I left out hours of crying in frustration as I try to try down any duplicate records a machine may have, as my organization is *VERY* big on redeploying hardware. Normally I have to track down any old computer accounts in AD and delete them, then go to SCCM and search many times for any old SCCM records. This can take a LONG time. How are you guys simplifying this process? I've thought of skipping the first step, and only creating the computer association after the new PC is imaged. I would handle the OSD process by creating a W7 Laptop and Desktop OSD optional advertisement and suppressing all notifications for it. Implementing this method to prompt in task sequence for computer name, and hoping SCCM is smart enough to focus only on the current record, ignoring any previous deployments this PC may have had. So, what do you think? Is this dumb? Is there an easier way to do this? Why do I ask so many questions?
  25. Figured it out, I didn't add a copy of my MigPst.Xml file to my USMT 32-bit folder. I'd only placed it in USMT for x64, and the command line was failing. The key to solving this was in finding the Scanstate.log file in C:\Windows\System32\CCM\Logs, which contained the following
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