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About binarymime

  • Birthday 12/09/1984

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  1. According to this guy Microsoft told him that this is now done by design. So apparently its nothing to wory about. If its any consolation i see the same thing in my environemnt as well. http://www.networksteve.com/enterprise/topic.php/Upgraded_from_SCCM_2012_R2_to_SP1,_%22SMS_Providers%22_component_sho/?TopicId=103143&Posts=4 ​ I think the thing that puzzles me though is that the component log is supposed to be here: .\%ConfigMgrInstallDirectory%\logs\certificate.log I cant find the log anywhere....which raises the question of whether or not Microsoft is entirely correct on this. Sounds like a misbehaving component to me Thanks
  2. 2014/09/05 11:22:31:030::[1884] OSE is detected as a registered service. Service binary is reported at location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Source Engine\OSE.EXE 2014/09/05 11:22:31:030::[1884] OSE service binary is detected at location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Source Engine\OSE.EXE 2014/09/05 11:22:31:030::[1884] OSE is avaliable at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Source Engine\OSE.EXE 2014/09/05 11:22:31:030::[1884] This OSE has version: 11.0.5525.0000. Skip using this version of OSE because its version is too low. 2014/09/05 11:22:31:030::[1884] Running Source Engine process detected 2014/09/05 11:22:31:030::[1884] Running version: 11.0.5525.0000 2014/09/05 11:22:31:030::[1884] Error checking already running ose version. Error code 0x00000000 2014/09/05 11:22:31:030::[1884] Stopping running the problematic Source Engine process 2014/09/05 11:22:31:030::[1884] Error attaching to OSE, error 0x00000000 2014/09/05 11:23:46:565::[1884] Cannot start standalone OSE. from C:\Microsoft_Office_Standard_2013\standard.ww\ose.exe. Error code: 0x80070102 2014/09/05 11:23:46:565::[1884] Error: Also try the following if the above does not work: http://www.edugeek.net/forums/office-software/133245-re-installation-error.html
  3. Experiencing an extremely frustrating problem. ENVIRONMENT: 1 Primary Site Server / DP (Main Office) 40 DP's (Remote School Locations) - Hosted on a file server VM - Contains 3 partitions: C: (System), E: (Data), I: (PKG share) OS: Server 2008 R2 (Primary Site Server and File Servers / DP's) SCCM Version: SCCM 2012 R2 We recently upgrade to SCCM 2012 R2. I have confirmed that this has not caused the problem I am about to describe. The only other change that has occurred recently is that we configured all of our DP's at each of our 40 sites to be pull distribution points. While this seems to be working fine we are now seeing a whole bunch of 0 Byte alpha numeric folders with a 0 Byte amd64 subfolder. These folders seem to attach to the E: drive on all of our File server distribution points....for the life of me I cannot figure out why and this occurred as soon as we switched to pull distribution points. While this does not seem to be having an erroneous effect on our environment, it is annoying and somewhat disconcerting as I have not been able to ascertain what is causing it. Any SCCM admins out their ever encountered this? Thanks
  4. Hi Tim, A few things here. Ensure that you have an x86 and x64 boot image configured and deployed, regardless of the architecture of the OS that you wish to deploy. Secondly, ensure that the boot images for both architectures have the network drivers for the respective model that you are imaging injected. Are you hosting DHCP on the DP, or is DHCP coming from a different server? Thanks
  5. It seems as though the account you are using for the domainjoin has insufficient rights to join / update a computer object already present in AD as evidenced by the following line in your log: 11/14/2013 13:27:05:302 NetpMapGetLdapExtendedError: Parsed [0x5] from server extended error string: 00000005: SecErr: DSID-031A1190, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0 If possible try using a different account that is a member of Domain Administrators for the domainjoin step and post back your results Thanks
  6. MS has now released CU2 for sccm 2012 which allows importing of 3.1 boot wims, albeit with some limitations, they must be serviced and customized externally from your SCCM environment http://support.microsoft.com/KB/2854009
  7. Te settings are in device manager of the vm guest not the host
  8. I would never install SCCM roles on a DC of any flavor. How many clients are you looking to support in the branch office? I would create the RODC independently and then configure a Windows 7 client as a distribution point if you have the available HD space, can ensure the machine stays persistently connected, and that your client load is not that large.
  9. You can try the following: http://blog.danovich.com.au/2011/07/28/slow-sccm-osd-tftp-pxe/
  10. Use the steps outlined here: http://blog.coretech.dk/rja/post-sccm-2012-sp1-failure-to-update-boot-images/ Let me know how it goes
  11. You bet, just make sure you run a supported version of SQL as a backend for the configmgr database, this can be found on sccm 2012 documentation online
  12. I found that I needed to update the distribution points with the newly upgrade boot images (they are upgraded to Winpe4.0 as part of the SP1 install), after this they started working. The error you are seeing is usually due to corruption of the boot images or that they do not exist where they need to exist.
  13. I see this behaviour anytime we deploy as little as 2 machines simultaneously that are both at some phase of a task sequence. Subsequently if we try to boot an additional machine via pxe i see the exact same issue as you have posted anove intol the load from the pror two Machines subsides. You may have another service generating traffic thats flooding your lan
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