I can't seem to get this report working in SCCM 2007. It returns nothing. I have changed MS10-006 to MS11-054 etc and still no luck.
Next I tried this "where (summ.qnumbers='KB2539639' or summ.qnumbers='KB2507938') "
and this
"where (summ.qnumbers='2539639' or summ.qnumbers='2507938') "
Still no luck ... no matching records could be found
"select summ.Product,summ.Language,summ.ID,summ.qnumbers as'Q Number',
COUNT(distinct case when ps.LastState=107 or ps.LastState=105 then ps.ResourceID else NULL end) as 'Distribution Successful',
COUNT(distinct case when ps.LastState=102 then ps.ResourceID else NULL end) as 'Reboot Pending',
COUNT(distinct case when ps.LastState=101 then ps.ResourceID else NULL end) as 'Distribution Failed',
COUNT(distinct case when ps.LastState not in (107,105,101,102) then ps.ResourceID else NULL end) as 'Distribution Incomplete',
COUNT(distinct ps.ResourceID) as 'Requested',
ROUND(100.0*COUNT(distinct case when ps.LastState=107 or ps.laststate=102 or ps.laststate=105 then ps.ResourceID else NULL end)/count(distinct ps.ResourceID),2) as 'Success %',
ROUND(100.0*COUNT(distinct case when ps.laststate=101 then ps.ResourceID else NULL end)/count(distinct ps.ResourceID),2) as 'failed %',
ROUND(100.0*COUNT(distinct case when ps.LastState not in (107,105,101,102) then ps.ResourceID else NULL end)/count(distinct ps.ResourceID),2) as 'Incomplete %'
from v_GS_PatchStatusEx ps
join v_ApplicableUpdatesSummaryEx summ on
where (summ.ID='MS10-006' or summ.ID='MS10-007' or summ.ID='MS10-008' or summ.ID='MS10-013') and
(summ.Type='Microsoft Update') and (summ.product not like 'Windows Server%')
group by summ.Product, summ.ID, summ.Language, summ.qnumbers
Order By summ.Language,summ.ID"