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Everything posted by sumyun

  1. Found out the problem for application deployment, the deployment type hasn't set to use fallback DP, issue seems to be resolved with application deployment. However, for client upgrade, I am still investigating. I have not promote the latest client to production yet, which I am using a pre-prod collection to test the latest client. It seems like client installation doesn't work on fallback.
  2. I haven't seen much discussion about the new boundary group changes in 1610. I am still testing it in the lab environment, but things aren't happen to what I am expecting. So after upgrade from 1602 to 1610, boundary group with "slow connection" DP before, is automatically copied to a new boundary group, as described below. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sccm/core/servers/deploy/configure/define-site-boundaries-and-boundary-groups#a-namebkmkboundarygroupsa-boundary-group/ This boundary group copy does not have boundaries associated with it. However, A fallback link is created between the original group and the new boundary group copy that has the fallback time set to zero. However, my test clients under that specific boundary group are not able to receive any content from SCCM. Including Pre-prod client upgrade, application deployment etc. I went a bit further to upgrade a SCCM client manually under that subnet (boundary group), same result. Keep this in mind, at post ugprade: Original BoundaryGroup1 has no more DP associates to it, instead, a fallback link created to the newly created BoundaryGroup1-<xxxxxxxxxx>. BoundaryGroup1-<xxxxxxxxxx> contains the DP (used to be a DP set as slow prior 1610). Any experience can be share about this?
  3. Hi wing5wong, I just went through an OS upgrade from 2012 to 2012 R2 this past weekend in production, primary site server. SUSDB is on this primary site server, however all the SCCM SUPs are on remote hosts (Server 2012 R2). For my upgrade, we stopped and disabled all SCCM services, SQL services, and IIS services on primary site server before the upgrade. I also stopped all SCCM services and WSUS services on MPs / SUPs servers. The upgrade was smooth without much issue. Just a bit hiccup during patching the server itself at post upgrade. My steps to turn those services up at post upgrade: 1) SQL services on Primary site server 2) IIS services on Primary site server 3) MPs and WSUS services on remote servers 4) SCCM services on Primary site server *side note, couple weeks ago, we went from Server 2008 R2 to Server 2012, it was a mistake by service provider, suppose to be straight to Server 2012 R2! So we manage to get it up and running on Server 2012 for a few weeks.
  4. There are lots to consider and discuss, but I found this TechEd article from 3 years ago still a very good reference. http://www.derekseaman.com/2013/06/teched-2013-system-center-config-mgr-2012-sp1.html There are some other web discussion on how to setup the SQL database, log files, and tempDB. I am working in an environment with about 30k clients, extremely satisfy with SQL and Primary site on the same server.
  5. Seems like you guys are not alone. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/d8f01d28-e21a-49cd-80b7-a0cba6a200ca/1511-client-after-1602-kb3155482-upgrade?forum=ConfigMgrCBGeneral
  6. Weird problem, I went through the same upgrade activity two weeks ago without issue, 1602 hotfix was not available yet at that time. Have you check ConfigMgrSetup.log to see if there is any issue during the upgrade?
  7. Quick summary of our environment: Standalone Primary site P01 Windows Server 2008 R2 - Primary site server, site database server, WSUS DB MP1 Windows Server 2012 R2 - Management Point, SUP Sync with Microsoft MP2 Windows Server 2012 R2 - Management Point, SUP sync with MP1 We have upgraded to CB 1602 recently, and are planning in progress to perform an in-place OS upgrade of the primary site server, as it is officially supported by Microsoft now. In the meantime, I want to know if anyone has similar experience, and able to get Windows 10 Servicing to work with similar configuration. I did have a lab with similar configuration, however I created a new Windows 2012 R2 host to perform a disaster recovery test, no longer have the Windows 2008 R2 host server to test this scenario. In the lab, after the site recovery, I have to enable WSUS console on the primary site server, and apply the WSUS patch on all three servers in order to get Windows 10 Servicing to work properly. Any input will be greatly appreciated. *Couple months ago, I did check with Microsoft, obvious reply is that it is not a supported configuration.
  8. To Peter van der Woude, in my situation, I need to install both 32bit and 64bit Java runtime for Windows 7 x64. I actually get it working now. Somehow my coworker import the Java runtime application with msi deployment type, but the package actually done in script. It may be a bit confusing, but what he did is when creating the deployment type, he chose msi to populate all the information, and manually change the install and uninstall command to script. In application window under deployment types tab, it shows as MSI under Technology column. I import Java again, and choose "Script Installer (Native)" for both 32bit and 64bit installation script. It is working as expected.
  9. I saw someone post this on a different topic, I just want to extend the discussion a bit. I am deploying Java to Windows 7 64bit machine, which there is a requirement to install both Java 32bit and 64bit runtime. I set the dependency of 64bit Java to have Java 32bit install. It works in a regular application deployment, but when it comes to install application during task sequence, it doesn't seem to work. I use collection variable to define a list of applicaitons, Java is one of them. Anyone has similar situation?
  10. Share a bit of experience as I can get it rollout Windows XP - PKI is in place In our environment, one option needs to be check when distribute packages or under package properties. "Copy the content in this package to a package share on distribution points:" In this case, the package will copy to the SMSPKGx$ and stays there, don't think it is a good practice but couldn't figure out a better option.
  11. I am trying to run a build and capture of Windows XP with MDT 2012 RC. The TS is running smoothly until it gets reboot after installing the Configuration Manager client. Base on the smsts.log, it seems the machine (VM) is not able to resolve / download the packages from DP after the reboot. A few tool should download example, "Use Toolkit Package", or "Install Deployment Tools". I have set the restart to boot into "The currently installed default operating system". But no luck, any idea?
  12. Hello, I am running into an issue with the SCCM 2012 RC. I need to shutdown the server due to a maintenance. After the reboot, I am start getting an issue with SMSEXEC.EXE. It is taking up memory resource on my Central site server. When I check the site replication status from CAS, it showed as unknown. However from the primary site server P01, it shows as active. Running out of idea of trouble shooting!!! Do anyone have similar issue? Thanks!!!
  13. anyweb, I was trying to copy the log files by deploying the TS again. It works this time~~~ I can see the OSD Defined primary user now. Thank you very much for the follow up!
  14. Hello anyweb, are those log files sufficient for the troubleshoot? Thanks!
  15. Here are the log files. These log files are from the Windows\CCM\Logs directory. And I can't locate appenfore. AppDiscovery.log smsts-20111201-152302.log
  16. Yes, testing with RC, and I have a CAS and a Primary site.
  17. Hello anyweb, first have to thank you for this great guide. I am trying to follow the guide to test user affinity, I can see the log files with the mentioned log from both the device and MP. However, at the end of the deployment, the primary user is not set when I try to verify it from SCCM Console. Do you have any suggestion where I could start looking into? I tried both collection variable and Prestart command, results are the same.
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