I Try a lot of things to install the language packs but nothing works.
I did what you write, but by the installation of “Install Dutch Language Pack” I get the message: The task sequence execution engine failed execution of a task sequence with exit code 1. Nothing more than that.
This is what I did:
install MDT Update 1
Fix this problem: http:\\support.microsoft.com/kb/2547191
Download Language pack on this way: I just pull updates downloaded from Windows Update directly from the %WINDIR%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\Install folder. So, I have downloaded the required packs and copied them from there.
With SCCM, I make a package of the language Dutch that contains a map with the name nl-nl. There I put the Cap-file
Then I make a task sequence: Restart in Windows PE
Partition disk 0
Apply operating system: -Install Windows 7 SP1 Enterprice UK x6
Apply Windows setting
Apply Network settings
Install language Pack Set languageValue=Dutch
Map Dutch with the task sequence variable: languagevalue equals “Dutch”
Set Task Sequence Variable: OSDUILanguage nl-nl
Install Dutch Language Pack
[*]Setup windows and ConfigMgr
[*]Install Software Updates
[*]Capture the reference machine…..
Then I made an Unattend xml with the name “OSD_variables_addes.xml”<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <InputLocale>%OSDInputLocale%</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>%OSDSystemLocale%</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>%OSDUILanguage%</UILanguage> <UILanguageFallback>%OSDUILanguageFallback%</UILanguageFallback> <UserLocale>%OSDUserLocale%</UserLocale> </component> </settings> <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim://umcmwpsccm01/sccm/os/windows7sp1x64enterprice_uk/sources/install.wim#Windows 7 ENTERPRISE" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" /></unattend>
Put xml file by properties “apply operating system”
I don’t now what I doing wrong. Can you help me?