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Everything posted by btrading

  1. This issue has been resolved. I went through the entire system and redistributed all drivers, applications, and anything else I could find to the distribution point, ran the task sequence again and everything worked.
  2. SMSTS.log file is attached if someone could please take a look. Again, I don't really see anything of not in here but I have all of the logs from the machine if something else might help. smsts.log smsts-20120919-142850.log
  3. All of the software works in a standalone TS. I'm going to image a machine with the full TS and get the log files to post again.
  4. I actually did try that this morning and it did work with a subset of the applications. I just redid the application only TS with all 9 apps to see if they all deploy. I'm wondering if it has to do with the timing of the events in the task sequence. I've started working on a configuration baseline to install the applications after the machine is added to the appropriate collections but I don't feel that this is a viable solution in the long run. Thanks for the help. I will update shortly.
  5. Does anyone have any suggestions on what else to check?
  6. Peter, after resolving a driver issue I was having, I was able to try installing all of the applications in a single step (screenshot attached) but that too failed. I don't even see any instances of it trying to install the applications or the error code in the logs. It's failing with 0x80004005 again. I am completely stumped at this point. I'm also having issues getting around in the monitoring structure of 2012 vs 2007. Where can I see the details of why the TS failed in the management console? I'm looking under Deployments at the TS and the information seems exceedingly limited. EDIT: If I tell the TS to continue if the app install fails, the process completes and boots into Windows but there are no apps installed.
  7. Peter, that is expected. Looking at the log, that was from when I was testing a different method of pushing out the software and had steps 01 and 02 disabled. I appologize for putting up a junk log. I can provide a clean log if that would be of help. This is almost an exact copy of the task sequence from SCCM 2007, based off of Anywebs' guides, that was working. Would it be better to to an Install Application step and just list the applications in there as it looks like there is built in functionality to install multiple applications without using the dynamic variables?
  8. Hi Rocket Man, Sorry for the slow response. Its been a crazy busy day here. Yes, all apps are enabled to be installed by Install Application task sequence. They do work individually when deployed to client workstations but not through an imaging task sequence. I have attached another screenshot of the application list and the task sequence for review. These particular apps are not configured for superintendence or prerequisites so that is not a concern. Why are you asking about IIS? Does that have an affect on the imaging process and software installation other than the Software Center? Michael
  9. Hello everyone, I'm trying to get Application Installation working through a task sequence. This should be pretty simple and I have it working just fine in my 2007 environment but something isn't working in 2012. I have attached my smsts-<datetime>.log file for reference. I have verified the permissions to all of the shares and directories and to the best of my knowledge, everything is proper. I have made sure all of the applications are distributed to the DP and show green. I am able to access the actual MSI files that are supposed to be running when I am in the cmd window after the software setup fails so it's not a permissions issue. If anyone could lend a hand, I would be very grateful. Thanks, Michael smsts-20120829-162152.log
  10. Success! Thanks everyone for all of your help with this.
  11. Lucid, thanks for the link. I had not seen that site before. I'll test with that as soon as I get a chance and report back here with my results. Thanks everyone for the help with this.
  12. So I've made some progress on this. I now have it able to run from Windows, go through the sysprep process and reboot but the TS reboots into PE and fails with error code 0x00000032. Is there a way to specify whether the TS should reboot into the full OS or PE? I have the smsts.log file copied over but I don't know how much good its going to be other than saying it needs to be run in the full OS. @CorradoGuy, I have looked at doing imagex or some similar alternative. I still have a functional WDS server that I can use to capture the image but I would like to get everything integrated into SCCM if possible.
  13. To all, I have been reading through the other posts and still have some issues. I'm attempting to capture a reference Win7 x64 computer but keep getting error messages (0x00000032). I have attached a screenshot of my TS. I have attempted to run this from RAP but it just reboots into PE and fails. The real problem I have run into is that this WIM will only be deployed to non-domain machines so I don't want the reference machine to be or have ever been on the domain. I would greatly prefer to not use boot media other than PXE if at all possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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