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  1. SCUP does great with the existing supported catalogs from the few vendors that put them out there. My experience has been manually creating other 3rd party updates can be done, but its often been finicky and a pain for me. I was looking at Shavik Patch at my old job, but their licensing last I knew was a license cost per machine covered under the patching (IE: if you want to keep 200 systems updated on their 3rd party solutions, you pay for 200 licenses at X amount of dollars.) They maintain a pretty decent list of 3rd party software updates, and for certain places may be worth every penny. There is another 3rd party update maintainer, similar licensing model, but it's name escapes me at the moment.
  2. I'm wondering if there is a way to force the task sequence blank screen to update applications on a computer, much the way you see it during OSD task sequences during application install.
  3. I already had the WMI Query, but it wasn't working. Found out that I didn't have Name capitalized. Changed it and it worked like a charm!
  4. Apologies up front if this is the wrong forum, but it struck me as the closest place for the topic. I'm currently working on making a more universal deployment task sequence for multiple labs within the school district I work at. We are using SCCM 2012 SP1 at this point. My idea is to have groups within my task sequence that will only run based off of If conditions that will look at the computer's name to validate. Since I'm looking at labs, with a minimum of 25 pcs and up, putting in a condition to check for each pc name is highly impractical. Is there is a method to have it check with a wildcard method?
  5. I'm working with the default client install package during OSD task sequences to install Windows 7 on machines. It seems to be hit and miss whether the client will install correctly. It installs, and continues through the rest of the sequence, attempting to install the other software on the computer but it doesn't successfully install any of it. When the computer is finished, if I look at Configuration Manager options all the components are installed correctly, but it wont list off but 4 Actions to initiate. -Machine Policy Eval -Software Updates Deployment Eval -Software Updates Scan Cycle -User Policy Eval What I've had to do on these machines is navigate to my client install folder on my server, uninstall via the client.msi, reboot, then reinstall with ccmsetup manually. I've checked the logs, but I might not be seeing what is going on. Has anyone else had similar issues?
  6. I am working to get USMT 4.0 working with SCCM 2007 right now. I have done a pretty basic setup of USMT within the Windows 7 install task. It is saving the user files properly, but it fails to load them. Loadstate.log comes up with the following two lines as error. [0x000000] An error occurred processing the command line. \\SCCM.CLINTON.MO\SMSPKGD$\CSD000DC\x86\loadstate.exe C:\UserState /c /all /v:5 /l:C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstate.log /progress:C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstateprogress.log /i:\\SCCM.CLINTON.MO\SMSPKGD$\CSD000DC\x86\miguser.xml /i:\\SCCM.CLINTON.MO\SMSPKGD$\CSD000DC\x86\migapp.xml /Hardlink /nocompress ##ERROR## --> /all Here is the basic 'setup' of my task sequence Capture files and settings -set local state location (setting the path to %SystemDrive%\UserState) -Set hard-link scan properties (OSDMigrateAdditionalCaptureOptions set with /hardlink and /nocompress) -Capture user settings Install OS Setup OS Restore User Files and Settings -Set Hard Link Load Parameters (OSDMigrateAdditionalRestoreOptions set with /hardlink and nocompress) -Restore User Files and settings Install Software Everything else is working as needed, including software install. Loadstate is the only issue at this point. We are naturally running windows domain as our logins, so if setting it to only capture our Domain users would work, I will set accordingly.
  7. Reposting in right forum.
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