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Everything posted by Big_PaPa

  1. Hi, unfortunately the VHD resizer program didn't work. I get the following error.
  2. Hi, I'm trying to expand a hyper-v environments drive. I use a program called "Replay4" for our backup's and it created a snapshot of the full C:/ drive. I imported it into hyper-v and time went on, my problem is now I need to expand the hard drive size. My problem is the whole "hard drive" is being used, or what the snapshot considered a full drive. So I'm wondering if there's a way in hyper-v to manipulate the drive so that it think's it's bigger then what it is? The partition that hyper-v is on is 6 terra so there's plenty of room to work with. So far I've tried diskpart.exe in command prompt but that didn't work because it viewed the whole drive as all ready being used. I've also tried going into the VM's settings and then going to the hard drive and going to edit, but i don't have the expand option that I would normally have with a standard VM since I imported this VM. So is there a way to expand it because the VM views it as an independent drive and not as part of a partition? Hyper-V Server Stats - Windows Server 2008 R2 standard 64 bit (with all updates as of 4/23/12) VM stats - Windows Server 2003 standard 32bit (all updates as of 4/23/12) Thank you.
  3. Disregard, I found out I can't and I will have to wipe my C:/ Mod please delete this thread. Sorry.
  4. This is more of a simple yes or no question. I have a server with server 2008 R2 32 bit installed on it and I want to go to 64 bit without wiping it, so is there a way to "upgrade" without wiping my C:/ ? I'm just trying to save some time and not do a full backup then wipe then remount it. Sorry for such a simple question, I've been searching and I haven't been able to find a clear answer.
  5. Thank you for the advise, I would go 2010 but we've bought Exchange Enterprise 07 with 300 CALS so due to costs we're going to stick with it. This is what I have lined up for the update / transfer, please let me know if there is anything else I should plan for. Site verification Verify AD has been prepared for Exchange 2007 Verify anti-virus support is available Verify backup software support is available Documentation RAID configuration for Mail Database server RAID configuration for CAS/HUB server All Existing Mail store database Storage group locations Mail databases within each store Messaging limits per storage group Transport Rules Recipeint Policies Address Policies OWA configuration Active-Sync Configuration SSL Certificate configuration Active Directory Prep Update AD to support Exchange 2007 Apply Windows 2003 SP2 to all controllers Raise Domain and Forrest Functionality to Native Replace Windows 2003 controllers with 2008 R2 controllers Transfer FSMO roles Adjust/Validate AD Sites and Services topology DNS Configure record scavaging Change all DNS zones to AD Integrated Change Security to allow only Secured updates Add DNS role to new Domain Controllers Add all Zones to new Domain Controllers Exchange 2007 SP3 Present documentation and recommendations Setup timeline for resources and execution Setup server hardware Configure RAID 1 for OS Configure RAID 1 for Virtual Server's VHD files Configure Raid 5 for Database VHD Install Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Install Hyper Visor Create Virtual Network for Exchange 2007 virtual machines Create VHD files for Transaction logs stored on Raid 5 Create VHD for Database stored on RAID 5 Create Primary Exchange Database Server Create Windows 2008 R2 Virtual machine for Exchange 2010 (1 for database and one for CAS/HUB) Apply patches Install roles to support Exchange 2007 on Database Server Install roles to support Exchange 2007 on CAS/HUB server Install CAS/HUB into existing Exchange organization Configure CAS OWA and Active Sync for FNG Test OWA and Active Sync access to Exchange 2007 server Install Exchange 2007 Create Storage groups Create mail databases for each storage group Create DAG Create On-Site Exchange Database Server Setup server hardware Configure RAID 1 for OS Configure RAID 1 for Virtual Server's VHD files Configure Raid 5 for Database VHD Install Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Install Hyper Visor Create Virtual Network for Exchange 2010 virtual machines Create VHD files for Transaction logs stored on Raid 5 Create VHD for Database stored on RAID 5 OPTIONAL Create Windows 2008 R2 Virtual machine for Exchange 2007 (1 for database and one for CAS/HUB) Apply patches Install roles to support Exchange 2010 on Database Server Install roles to support Exchange 2010 on CAS/HUB server Install CAS/HUB into existing Exchange organization Configure CAS OWA and Active Sync for FNG Test OWA and Active Sync access to Exchange 2007 server Install Exchange 2007 Create Storage groups Create mail databases for each storage group I think that covers it. Let me know if there's anything I missed.
  6. Sorry for the late response I was out due to Christmas. Yes the role was installed. I've sensed nuked the server and reinstalled everything and Hyper-V is working fine. I honestly have no clue as to what happened. I might have missed something when installing the role the first time around. Thank you for the support.
  7. full error. I've checked everything listed. I ran the Intel program to see if the processor was capable of virtualization, it is. Then I checked bios to see if virtualization was enabled, it is. Then I installed windows driver kit and did a bcedit and saw that hypervisor launch type was set to automatic. So I'm stumped. It wouldn't be that big of a problem to wipe the server and reinstall everything, today being Friday before the Christmas weekend so I'm on my own time. The server is a Dell PowerEdge R710 with 32 gigs RAM, 2 Intel Xeon processors 4 cores each at 2.13 MHz, 12 terabytes on 6 HD's, on raid 1+0 all on one virtual drive. The Intel Processor Identification Screencap. Hope this helps. Thank you for the assistance.
  8. I've ran the first part of the setup but when I go to install server and start the environment i get the following error. I've followed these steps. I’ve went through BIOS and made sure that virtualization was enabled, it was. then I continued onto a Microsoft technet page and downloaded a 600+ meg file that then installed "windows driver kit", ran the process then saw that when I did bcdedit.exe that hypervisorlaunchtype was set at automatic. Then of course I made sure that all hyper-v services were started. But I still get the same error. I made sure that virtualization role / service was installed. I’ve ran scf /scannow to see if I have any errors but it found none. So I’m at a bit of a loss, normally setting up an environment takes 5 mins and then the install of server takes awhile. Any suggestions? I’ve never ran into this error and I’ve been following all the steps and install stuffs and it keeps coming back with the same error. I’m about ready to nuke it and start from a new, so any suggestions before I take the final leap? Thank you.
  9. I'm new to the company I currently work for and well things are a bit dated. We have Exchange 2003 on our mail server for mail and active directory / group policies. We just received a new(ish) server from corporate and I installed Server 2008 R2 SP2. Its going to be used for WSUS and mail / active directory (we only have 350 active users). We have 280 machines in use and 6 servers 4 running server 2003. Their on 2003 because the program we use for tracking and production is old and there is no update in sight. (I know… I’ll save that can of worms for another day) Anyhow, I was thinking about using Hyper-V and virtualizing WSUS if possible, so it would have Exchange and WSUS on it. Would anyone even recommend that? I was talking to corporate and I was told that the migration from 2003 to 2007 is a bit of a process. I’ve never touched 2007 and from what I see it's changed quite a bit. My main concern isn’t necessarily the installation and set up but the migration of active directory and mailboxes. I have a 10 tera NAS that I was going to back everything up to. Is there a special way to back them up for a migration? Also, when and if correctly migrated how much policy tweaking am I going to need to do? Any help and ideas would be much appreciated.
  10. Looking into the process for migrating from exchange 2003 to 2007, I guess its going to be a bit of a process.

    1. UltraVirtualize


      Hi, I can help you with this...done this several times with Exchange 2003, 2007 and 2010....

  11. Hi, I’ve reviewed your Hyper-V threads and I haven’t scene anything talking about an Exchange setup in Hyper-V. My question is would such a thing be possible? I'm running Microsoft Server 2008 R2 SP2, and would be installing Exchange 2007. (out of box SP?)
  12. Big_PaPa


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