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Everything posted by AdminDavid

  1. I have tried this, and what had happen before is when I didnt configure WDS I was unable to get the WDS Service started. I will attempt one more time and post back. I will also ask the Net Admins to look one more time at the router. They said they had Helper turned on in the router.
  2. Ok so I am having multiple issues here: WDS is configured and shouldnt be. - But if not configured WDS Service wont start. - How do I accomplish this? IP Helper on Cisco really not working. - Not sure here, I asked our Network admin and he said he had the IP Helpers pushing to DHCP Contacting Server not finishing connection. - Am I missing something?
  3. I have a TS for Capture Media built now, thought I had one before, but I guess not. Now it is attempting to connect with the monitor displaying Contacting Server: XX.XX.XX.XX and than dots... repeatedly. SMSPXE.log shows MAC # SMBIOS GUID # > Device has been accpeted over and over.
  4. I am noticing in my WDS Events that the client is connecting to WDS. Do I need to not have WDS Configured?
  5. Ok with WDS Configured and on the same VLAN as the SCCM server I get these errors. Downloaded WDSNBP Architecture: x64 The details below show the information relating to the PXE boot request for this computer. Please provide these details to your Windows Deployment Services Administrator so that this request can be approved. Pending Request ID: 10 Contacting Server: PXE Boot aborted. Booting to next device... PXE-M0F: Exiting PXE ROM.
  6. First off I want to thank you for all the information you provide, I have been able to install and configure most of my SCCM from these forums. I usually find all my information here. Again Thank you. Now for my issues. I have SCCM 2007 R3 running on Server 2008 R2 x64. SCCM Server: IIS, WDS, WSUS, SCCM, SQL Server 2008 R2 DC Server: ADUC, DNS, DHCP Cisco Setup: IP Helpers Enabled to push everything to look up at DHCP Server I first setup my SCCM without configuring WDS and I couldnt get WDS Service started. The only way I can get WDS Service to start is by configuring my SCCM Server in WDS. I set Delay in seconds: 28 so than hopefully I can get SCCM PXE it pick up before WDS does. But I am not able to get this way to work. PXE fills in the Client IP, Mask, DHCP, Gateway IP Then I get these errors: PXE-T04: Access ciolation. PXE-E36: Error received from TFTP server PXE-MOF: Exiting PXE ROM. If I uninstall the PSP and WDS, reboot, install WDS - without configured, reboot, install PSP, updated distrobution points on my boot images. I get error: PXE-E32: TFTP open timout ( with this one I know that my WDS Service is not running.) Any information would be much appreciated. David D.
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