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  1. Actually it looks as though this is running at the "Apply Network Settings" step. It's just the reboot that causes the DNS IPs to be applied. I have the apply network settings step set to "Obtain DNS Servers automatically" Also DHCP scope options for this vlan are set to "006 DNS Servers: <my dns servers listed here>"
  2. I'm having an issue where my Windows 10 task sequence loses it's DNS servers right after the "Setup Windows and Configuration manager" Step reboot. Steps taken so far: - Downloaded all network drivers for this pc model and added them to Driver package and boot image. - Ran "ipconfig /all" and it returned good IP and correct DNS servers during winpe pxe boot - After " Setup Windows and Configuration manager" step reboot I ran "ipconfig /all" again and the dns server IPs have been changed to older (decommissioned) DNS IPs. Can no longer ping MP FQDN. (I can manually change the DNS IPs back to correct IP via CMD prompt and TS continues successfully so not a drivers issue.) - Looked at logs and I see this entry: DNS server search order: 172.x.x.x,172.x.x.x I HAVE REPLACED THE IPS ADDRESSES WITH Xs OSDNetSettings 8/3/2017 9:48:18 AM 1288 (0x0508) The important part being: "DNS server search order:" is getting set to some old IPs. I don't set an unattend.xml in my task sequence, where is it getting this file and these IPs from? How do I change this?
  3. Had to enable bits uploads and reinstall the MP role. Thanks!
  4. I checked the current log at: C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1 I am seeing this error: BITS_POST /CCM_Incoming/{1E349D6B-8ECC-43DB-82DA-AA9E06739111} (bits_error:{921E659E-A44F-4F87-BA44-52AFE0C10CEA},404,0x80070003) 80 - Microsoft+BITS/7.7 - 404 0 0 1472 0 I will check Bits uploads setting on my default site in IIS and report back unless there is something else I also need to check?
  5. Have run through some Hardware Inventory flow guides and the issues seems to stop at dataldr.log: "Waiting for a MIF"
  6. Good morning, I have tried installing the client through the client push method and by running the setup file locally on the PC, but my clients never return a hardware or software scan. They return Heartbeat DDR and policy request dates, but even when manually prompting them to do hardware/software scans from the client it does not work. I am running SCCM 2012 Eval version. When I run Hardware inventory from the client this is the output from InventoryAgent.log: There are many errors, but I am not sure where to start or what they mean... --- Inventory: *********************** Start of message processing. *********************** InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:06 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: Message type is InventoryAction InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:06 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: Temp directory = C:\WINDOWS\CCM\Inventory\Temp\ InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:06 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: Clearing old collected files. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:06 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: Opening store for action {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001} ... InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:06 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: Action=Hardware, ReportType=Delta, MajorVersion=2, MinorVersion=2 InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:31 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: Initialization completed in 24.610 seconds InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:31 AM 12860 (0x323C) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Version FROM Win32_WindowsUpdateAgentVersion; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:31 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Availability, Caption, Description, DeviceID, Drive, Manufacturer, MediaType, Name, SCSITargetId, SystemName, VolumeName FROM Win32_CDROMDrive; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:31 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\CCM\powermanagementagent; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, ApmPresent, BatteriesAreShortTerm, FullWake, LidPresent, MinDeviceWakeState, PreferredPMProfile, ProcessorThrottle, RtcWake, SystemBatteriesPresent, SystemS1, SystemS2, SystemS3, SystemS4, SystemS5, UpsPresent, VideoDimPresent FROM CCM_PwrMgmtSystemPowerCapabilities; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:31 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\localhost\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, DisplayName, InstallDate, ProdID, Publisher, Version FROM Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:31 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Availability, Capabilities, DeviceID, Name, Status FROM Win32_ParallelPort; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:32 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, AdapterCompatibility, AdapterDACType, AdapterRAM, CurrentBitsPerPixel, CurrentHorizontalResolution, CurrentNumberOfColumns, CurrentNumberOfRows, CurrentRefreshRate, CurrentScanMode, CurrentVerticalResolution, Description, DeviceID, DriverDate, DriverVersion, InstalledDisplayDrivers, Name, NumberOfColorPlanes, SpecificationVersion, VideoMode, VideoModeDescription, VideoProcessor FROM Win32_VideoController; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:32 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, DefaultIPGateway, DHCPEnabled, DHCPServer, DNSDomain, DNSHostName, Index, IPAddress, IPEnabled, IPSubnet, MACAddress, ServiceName FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:32 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, FullName, InstallState, UserAccountName, UserSecurityId FROM SMS_Windows8ApplicationUserInfo; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:32 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Caption, ClassGuid, ConfigManagerErrorCode, ConfigManagerUserConfig, CreationClassName, Description, DeviceID, Manufacturer, Name, PNPDeviceID, Service, Status, SystemCreationClassName, SystemName FROM Win32_USBDevice; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:36 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Description, Manufacturer, Name, Status FROM Win32_NetworkClient; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:36 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, CompatibleIDs, DeviceID, HardwareIDs, IsPnP, Name FROM CCM_SystemDevices; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:36 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, SecurityLogStartDate, TopConsoleUser, TotalConsoleTime, TotalConsoleUsers, TotalSecurityLogTime FROM SMS_SystemConsoleUsage; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:38 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, ID, Name, ParentID FROM Win32_ServerFeature; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:40 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Class "Win32_ServerFeature" does not exist. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:40 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Name, TotalPageFileSpace, TotalPhysicalMemory, TotalVirtualMemory FROM CCM_LogicalMemoryConfiguration; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:40 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, DisplayName, Name, PathName, ServiceType, StartMode, StartName, Status FROM Win32_Service; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:40 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, ApplicationID, Description, EvaluationEndDate, GracePeriodRemaining, ID, LicenseStatus, MachineURL, Name, OfflineInstallationId, PartialProductKey, ProcessorURL, ProductKeyID, ProductKeyURL, UseLicenseURL FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:43 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\CCM\powermanagementagent; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Requester, RequesterInfo, RequesterType, RequestType, Time, UnknownRequester FROM CCM_PwrMgmtLastSuspendError; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:44 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, AdditionalProductCodes, CompanyName, ExplorerFileName, FileDescription, FilePropertiesHash, FileSize, FileVersion, FolderPath, LastUsedTime, LastUserName, msiDisplayName, msiPublisher, msiVersion, OriginalFileName, ProductCode, ProductLanguage, ProductName, ProductVersion, SoftwarePropertiesHash FROM CCM_RecentlyUsedApps; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:14:44 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\CCM\powermanagementagent; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Date, hr0_1, hr1_2, hr10_11, hr11_12, hr12_13, hr13_14, hr14_15, hr15_16, hr16_17, hr17_18, hr18_19, hr19_20, hr2_3, hr20_21, hr21_22, hr22_23, hr23_0, hr3_4, hr4_5, hr5_6, hr6_7, hr7_8, hr8_9, hr9_10, minutesTotal, TypeOfEvent FROM CCM_PwrMgmtActualDay; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:10 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, AMT, AMTApps, BiosVersion, BuildNumber, DeviceID, Flash, LegacyMode, Netstack, ProvisionMode, ProvisionState, RecoveryBuildNum, RecoveryVersion, Sku, TLSMode, VendorID, ZTCEnabled FROM SMS_AMTObject; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:10 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Availability, Description, DeviceID, MediaType, Name, Status FROM Win32_TapeDrive; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:10 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, AvailableLicenses, Description, IssuedLicenses, KeyPackId, KeyPackType, ProductType, ProductVersion, TotalLicenses FROM Win32_TSLicenseKeyPack; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:10 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Class "Win32_TSLicenseKeyPack" does not exist. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:10 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Access, Bootable, BootPartition, Description, DeviceID, Name, PrimaryPartition, Size, SystemName, Type FROM Win32_DiskPartition; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:10 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\localhost\root\Microsoft\appvirt\client; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, CachedLaunchSize, CachedPercentage, CachedSize, LaunchSize, Name, PackageGUID, TotalSize, Version, VersionGUID FROM Package; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:10 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Failed to get IWbemService Ptr for \\localhost\root\Microsoft\appvirt\client Namespace: 8004100E InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:10 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Failed to enumerate instances of Package: 8004100E InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:10 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, ApplicationName, Architecture, ConfigMgrManaged, DependencyApplicationNames, FamilyName, FullName, InstalledLocation, IsFramework, Publisher, PublisherId, Version FROM SMS_Windows8Application; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:10 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, ACSettingIndex, ACValue, DCSettingIndex, DCValue, GUID, Name, UnitSpecifier FROM SMS_PowerSettings; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:14 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Description, DeviceID, DisplayType, MonitorManufacturer, MonitorType, Name, PixelsPerXLogicalInch, PixelsPerYLogicalInch, ScreenHeight, ScreenWidth FROM Win32_DesktopMonitor; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:15 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Availability, Description, DeviceID, Manufacturer, Name, Status FROM Win32_IDEController; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:15 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, ConfigManagerErrorCode, DeviceID, ErrorDescription, LastErrorCode, Name, PNPDeviceID FROM Win32_PnpEntity; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:15 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, BootDevice, BuildNumber, Caption, CountryCode, CSDVersion, Description, InstallDate, LastBootUpTime, Locale, Manufacturer, Name, Organization, OSLanguage, ProductType, RegisteredUser, SystemDirectory, TotalSwapSpaceSize, TotalVirtualMemorySize, TotalVisibleMemorySize, Version, WindowsDirectory FROM Win32_OperatingSystem; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:17 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Skipping Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, InstanceKey, PhysicalHostName, PhysicalHostNameFullyQualified FROM Win32Reg_SMSGuestVirtualMachine, we're running on a 64-bit platform and attempting to force enumerating 32-bit data. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:17 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Availability, Compressed, Description, DeviceID, DriveType, FileSystem, Name, Size, SystemName, VolumeName, VolumeSerialNumber FROM SMS_LogicalDisk; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:17 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\localhost\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, DisplayName, InstallDate, ProdID, Publisher, Version FROM Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms64; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:17 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, AdapterType, Description, DeviceID, MACAddress, Manufacturer, Name, ProductName, ServiceName, Status FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:18 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Availability, Description, DeviceID, Name FROM Win32_USBController; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:18 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Availability, Description, DeviceID, InstallDate, Manufacturer, Name, PNPDeviceID, ProductName, Status FROM Win32_SoundDevice; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:18 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\ccm\ClientSDK; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, AdminAllowOptout, EffectiveClientOptOut, IsClientOptOut FROM CCM_PowerManagementClientOptoutSetting; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:18 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\Nap; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, description, fixupState, friendlyName, id, infoClsid, isBound, percentage, registrationDate, vendorName, version FROM NAP_SystemHealthAgent; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:18 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, LastConsoleUse, NumberOfConsoleLogons, SystemConsoleUser, TotalUserConsoleMinutes FROM SMS_SystemConsoleUser; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:18 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\localhost\root\vm\VirtualServer; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Name FROM VirtualMachine; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:21 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Failed to get IWbemService Ptr for \\localhost\root\vm\VirtualServer Namespace: 8004100E InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:21 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Failed to enumerate instances of VirtualMachine: 8004100E InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:21 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, CertificateSelectionCriteria, CertificateStore, ClientAlwaysOnInternet, HttpsStateFlags, InstanceKey, InternetMPHostName, SelectFirstCertificate FROM Win32Reg_SMSAdvancedClientSSLConfiguration; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:21 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, AddressWidth, BrandID, CPUHash, CPUKey, DataWidth, DeviceID, Family, Is64Bit, IsHyperthreadCapable, IsMobile, IsTrustedExecutionCapable, IsVitualizationCapable, Manufacturer, MaxClockSpeed, Name, NormSpeed, NumberOfCores, NumberOfLogicalProcessors, PCache, ProcessorId, ProcessorType, Revision, SocketDesignation, Status, SystemName, Version FROM SMS_Processor; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:21 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = root\ccm; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, DisplayName, Name, Version FROM CCM_InstalledComponent; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:22 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, BankLabel, Capacity, Caption, CreationClassName, DataWidth, Description, DeviceLocator, FormFactor, HotSwappable, InstallDate, InterleaveDataDepth, InterleavePosition, Manufacturer, MemoryType, Model, Name, OtherIdentifyingInfo, PartNumber, PositionInRow, PoweredOn, Removable, Replaceable, SerialNumber, SKU, Speed, Status, Tag, TotalWidth, TypeDetail, Version FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:23 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, HealthStatus, LocalPath, RoamingConfigured, RoamingPath, RoamingPreference, SID, Special, Status FROM Win32_UserProfile; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:23 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, BinFileVersion, BinProductVersion, Description, ExecutableName, FilePropertiesHash, FilePropertiesHashEx, FileSize, FileVersion, HasPatchAdded, InstalledFilePath, IsSystemFile, IsVitalFile, Language, Product, ProductCode, ProductVersion, Publisher FROM SMS_InstalledExecutable; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:23 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\Nap; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, description, fixupURL, name, napEnabled, napProtocolVersion, systemIsolationState FROM NAP_Client; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:51 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, ChassisTypes, Manufacturer, Model, SerialNumber, SMBIOSAssetTag, Tag FROM Win32_SystemEnclosure; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:51 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\localhost\root\Microsoft\appvirt\client; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, LastLaunchOnSystem, Name, PackageGUID, Version FROM Application; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:51 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Failed to get IWbemService Ptr for \\localhost\root\Microsoft\appvirt\client Namespace: 8004100E InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:51 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Failed to enumerate instances of Application: 8004100E InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:51 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\CCM\powermanagementagent; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, minutesComputerActive, minutesComputerOn, minutesComputerShutdown, minutesComputerSleep, minutesMonitorOn, minutesTotal, MonthStart FROM CCM_PwrMgmtMonth; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:51 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, AnswerMode, DeviceID, DeviceType, Index, MaxBaudRateToPhone, MaxBaudRateToSerialPort, Model, Name, Properties, Status, StringFormat, SystemName, VoiceSwitchFeature FROM Win32_POTSModem; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:52 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, ARPDisplayName, ChannelCode, ChannelID, CM_DSLID, EvidenceSource, InstallDate, InstallDirectoryValidation, InstalledLocation, InstallSource, InstallType, Language, LocalPackage, MPC, OsComponent, PackageCode, ProductID, ProductName, ProductVersion, Publisher, RegisteredUser, ServicePack, SoftwareCode, SoftwarePropertiesHash, SoftwarePropertiesHashEx, UninstallString, UpgradeCode, VersionMajor, VersionMinor FROM SMS_InstalledSoftware; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:52 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\CCM\policy\machine\actualconfig; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, NonPeakPowerPlanName, PeakPowerPlanName, PowerConfigID, WakeUpTimeHoursMin FROM CCM_PowerConfig; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Description, DeviceID, PrimaryBusType, RevisionNumber, SecondaryBusType, Status, StatusInfo, SystemName FROM Win32_MotherboardDevice; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Availability, Description, DeviceID, DriverName, HardwareVersion, Index, Manufacturer, Name, Status FROM Win32_SCSIController; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = root\SmsDm; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, DeviceOEMInfo, DeviceType, InstalledClientID, InstalledClientServer, InstalledClientVersion, LastSyncTime, OS_AdditionalInfo, OS_Build, OS_Major, OS_Minor, OS_Platform, ProcessorArchitecture, ProcessorLevel, ProcessorRevision FROM SMS_ActiveSyncConnectedDevice; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Class "SMS_ActiveSyncConnectedDevice" does not exist. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, BuildNumber, Description, Manufacturer, Name, ReleaseDate, SerialNumber, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, SoftwareElementID, SoftwareElementState, TargetOperatingSystem, Version FROM Win32_BIOS; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Attributes, Availability, AveragePagesPerMinute, Capabilities, CapabilityDescriptions, Caption, ConfigManagerErrorCode, ConfigManagerUserConfig, DefaultPriority, Description, DetectedErrorState, DeviceID, DriverName, ErrorCleared, ErrorDescription, HorizontalResolution, InstallDate, JobCountSinceLastReset, LanguagesSupported, LastErrorCode, Location, Name, PaperSizesSupported, PNPDeviceID, PortName, PowerManagementCapabilities, PowerManagementSupported, PrinterPaperNames, PrinterState, PrinterStatus, PrintJobDataType, PrintProcessor, SeparatorFile, ServerName, ShareName, SpoolEnabled, StartTime, Status, StatusInfo, SystemName, TimeOfLastReset, UntilTime, VerticalResolution FROM Win32_Printer; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, CurrentTimeZone, Description, Domain, DomainRole, Manufacturer, Model, Name, NumberOfProcessors, Roles, Status, SystemType, UserName FROM Win32_ComputerSystem; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, ExpirationDate, IssueDate, KeyPackId, LicenseId, LicenseStatus, sHardwareId, sIssuedToComputer, sIssuedToUser FROM Win32_TSIssuedLicense; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Class "Win32_TSIssuedLicense" does not exist. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Availability, Caption, Description, DeviceID, Index, InterfaceType, Manufacturer, MediaType, Model, Name, Partitions, PNPDeviceID, SCSIBus, SCSILogicalUnit, SCSIPort, SCSITargetId, Size, SystemName FROM Win32_DiskDrive; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = root\SmsDm; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, LastSyncTime, MajorVersion, MinorVersion FROM SMS_ActiveSyncService; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Class "SMS_ActiveSyncService" does not exist. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\ccm\invagt; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, Name, SMSID, Domain, SystemRole, SystemType, LocalDateTime FROM CCM_System; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, ClientMachineID, IsKeyManagementServiceMachine, KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount, KeyManagementServiceMachine, KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID, PolicyCacheRefreshRequired, RequiredClientCount, Version, VLActivationInterval, VLRenewalInterval FROM SoftwareLicensingService; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:54 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, FolderName, HealthStatus, OfflineAccessEnabled, Redirected, SID FROM SMS_FolderRedirectionHealth; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:55 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, InstanceKey, PhysicalHostName, PhysicalHostNameFullyQualified FROM Win32Reg_SMSGuestVirtualMachine64; Timeout = 600 secs. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:56 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Update cached IWbemService pointer to namespace: \\.\root\cimv2 InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:56 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Collection: 57/66 inventory data items successfully inventoried. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:56 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Inventory: Collection Task completed in 85.000 seconds InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:56 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Inventory: 9 Collection Task(s) failed. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:56 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Inventory: Temp report = C:\WINDOWS\CCM\Inventory\Temp\c2ec42b6-04ab-4436-8539-73c4c01814ef.xml InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:56 AM 2784 (0x0AE0) Inventory: Starting reporting task. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:56 AM 12860 (0x323C) Reporting: 88 report entries created. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:57 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: Reporting Task completed in 1.250 seconds InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:57 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: Successfully sent report. Destination:mp:MP_HinvEndpoint, ID: {9B6353AA-DC2A-4DB7-9E8E-4392E0F05579}, Timeout: 80640 minutes MsgMode: Signed, Not Encrypted InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:15:57 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: Cycle completed in 138.907 seconds InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:16:25 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: Action completed. InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:16:25 AM 12860 (0x323C) Inventory: ************************ End of message processing. ************************ InventoryAgent 12/15/2014 8:16:25 AM 12860 (0x323C)
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