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  1. I got an Idea... what about limiting my RDS Server Users to not start the software center. Maybe GPO?
  2. Hallo, maybe someone can help me.. I need to hide some applications an my servers, but they should be visible on clients. Has anyone a hind for me? Best way to do this? Thank you. Johannes
  3. can someone tell me how to capture ONLY a computer without installing windows?
  4. Got it working?
  5. Die Systemkonfiguration kann nicht abgefragt werden.Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Dienst Windows-Verwaltungsinstrumentation (WMI) ausgeführt wird. Wenn der WMI-Dienst nicht ausgeführt wird, klicken Sie in der Systemsteuerung auf 'Verwaltung' und dann auf 'Dienste'. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf 'Windows-Verwaltungsinstrumentation' und dann auf 'Starten'. Weitere Informationen zur Problembehandlung finden Sie unter http://go.microsoft....ErrorException: exception ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070056) english: Verify that the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service is running. If the WMI service is not running, in Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, and then click Services. Right-click Windows Management Instrumentation, and then click Start.
  6. yes, no Certs in the SMS section in MMC. will check if the client is registered.
  7. Thank you for your answer. yes i do. Anyone knows why thats a problem?
  8. Present there are 304 Updates in my group. And this group i use for offline servicing.
  9. hi, my client runs through the whole setup. All seemed to work well. But i after SCCM my client shows me no certificate. Regards J
  10. hi, i added every windows 7 update to a group, downloaded them all, and deployed it to a collection. But i also, inserted the updates with offline servicing to my image. But still i got 14 updates to install after sccm deployment is finished. Regards J
  11. hi, i try to deploy a operatingsystemimage. A runs well, but my system drive is now D. The Tasksequence was setup with the default wizard. Regards J
  12. Yes it is an VM. And SQL is installed from scotch with the right collation. Maybe it base something todo with your multi domain Setup. I try to setup with user from the forest domain. The scam host is part of a subdomain. I got it working for the beta 1,2 und the rc1. But rc2 still not works.
  13. SQL: 2008 Ent with SP2 and CU7 (guess rc2 needs it). It was setup like in your rc1/sql tutorial. http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/486-how-can-i-install-sql-server-2008-in-windows-server-2008/ Art first i had the wrong Collation with: setup.exe /qn INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER REINSTALL=SQL_Engine REBUILDDATABASE=1 SAPWD=<NewStrongPassword> SQLCOLLATION=<NewSystemCollation> All went well with the collation change. But sccm setup still not working
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