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Everything posted by jwtdrjj

  1. I have a client assigned to site PR1 and I deploy a pxe task sequence to my imaging collection which this machine belongs too. I can see the task sequence in the deployment tab of the properties for the client. I also have verified the deployment is pxe enabled. But I get a pxe abort here is my log. The pxe point we are hitting, because of helpers, is in site PR2. So my question is if a client from PR1 with an advertisement PXE’s to a distribution point assigned to PR2 will it not run? (a deployment to unknown computers works just fine) PS The machine, in the log, is found in the database but no pxe advertisement is found. I have checked both site and all machines are in the collections even if its not visible in PR2 I have also checked and replication is good. I can boot to PR2 as an unknown computer and that works fine. Jroth Client boot action reply: SMSPXE 8/1/2013 9:36:36 AM 4348 (0x10FC) 04:7D:7B:EE:2A:84, D36D0401-4AEE-11CB-986D-DF25BCD5D5DB: no advertisements found SMSPXE 8/1/2013 9:36:36 AM 4348 (0x10FC) 04:7D:7B:EE:2A:84, D36D0401-4AEE-11CB-986D-DF25BCD5D5DB: No boot action. Aborted. SMSPXE 8/1/2013 9:36:36 AM 4348 (0x10FC) 04:7D:7B:EE:2A:84, D36D0401-4AEE-11CB-986D-DF25BCD5D5DB: Not serviced. SMSPXE 8/1/2013 9:36:36 AM 4348 (0x10FC) Client boot action reply: SMSPXE 8/1/2013 9:36:40 AM 4348 (0x10FC) 04:7D:7B:EE:2A:84, D36D0401-4AEE-11CB-986D-DF25BCD5D5DB: no advertisements found SMSPXE 8/1/2013 9:36:40 AM 4348 (0x10FC
  2. In Litetouch.wsf this line of code is populated. ' Resume the task sequence oUtility.GetOSTargetDriveLetterEx False sCmd = """" & sTSPath & "\TsmBootstrap.exe"" /env:SAContinue" oEnvironment.Item("LTIDirty") = "TRUE" On Error Resume Next iRetVal = oShell.Run(sCmd,, true) On Error Goto 0 If (iRetVal = -2147021886) then oEnvironment.Item("LTIDirty") = "FALSE" ' Reset the Destination Logical Drive ( Drive letter may have changed after rebooting ) oUtility.ClearRelativeDriveLetters That return code is occuring, sometimes, and its causing a reboot and a prompt to continue task sequence but these are supposed to be ZT so its causing some issues. Thanks, Jroth
  3. MDT stand alone
  4. you could use your customsettings.ini to prepopulate the customer prefix but there would be the chance that they overwrite the prefix
  5. I have a MDT task that joins the domain and then reboots, I also have several other reboots steps after certain apps are installed but for some reason after every reboot the wizard appears again and because it prompts for the computer name it is waiting for interaction and causing issues. why is the wizard prompting after every reboot? Thanks,
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