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Everything posted by SCCMentor

  1. You can add the following registry in a GPP and direct at users. [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel] Name = {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} Type =REG_DWORD Value = 0
  2. I've only actioned this in 2007 previously. Take a look at Henk's blog for 2012 http://henkhoogendoorn.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/pxe-boot-files-in-remoteinstall-folder.html
  3. Whatever is set for the IP Helper address for that part of the network or set for the scope in the DHCP boot options.
  4. First up you need to create the application from the appv and not the MSI. When you deploy check the appdiscovery and appenforce logs. Does the discovery log see that the App-V package is needed for install? Then in the appenforce are you seeing any errors?
  5. Check the permissions on the WSUS Content folder. Ensure that network service and WSUS administrators have full control of share and NTFS.
  6. Is this a remote SUP or running on the site server?
  7. Yes I would recommend disabling Automatic Updates. This also stops the WUA displaying a reboot pending to the end user. Take a look at Jason Sandy's blog entry for details. http://blog.configmgrftw.com/software-updates-management-and-group-policy-for-configmgr-cont/
  8. Duplicate post on Technet http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/83ae79fb-7f59-4ac1-9c45-00b42872b43f/task-sequence-variable?forum=configmanagerosd
  9. Duplicate post here http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/852c5133-f735-4e25-951c-393dad44e0e1/sccm-2012-wsus-some-updates-are-not-installed?forum=configmanagersecurity
  10. This will install the MDT integration into ConfigMgr then when you create a TS you choose Create MDT Task Sequence when right-clicking the Task Sequence node in the ConfigMgr console
  11. You'll have to create a separate ADR unfortunately but use the same download package that you created in the original ADR.
  12. MDT integration is very simple. Run the MDT installation and when prompted install the MDT extensions into ConfigMgr when you have the site server installed.
  13. In the 1st instance is the task sequence deployed to the All Unknown Computers collection In the 2nd instance is the task sequence deployed to the collection the device is imported into?
  14. Yep MsiExec.exe /X{FBD50733-2ABE-3D23-88B4-7B0C0A0ADDA0} /qn should do the trick
  15. Good work
  16. Why not create it as a package then run a task sequence to deploy the CMD then Office 2013
  17. Steven You need to right click on the collection you have deployed the task sequence to and choose Clear Required PXE Deployments. Give it a minute and then try again. Cheers Paul | SCCMentor @SCCMentor
  18. Works a treat thanks for sharing.
  19. Any chance you can post some sample code to explain the process?
  20. Hi there. I've looked through all the articles regarding Reporting Services and can't get this working (although did in my test environment). Data Source Settings greyed out Click Apply and get Unable to communicate with server. Server is on another box - tested and can connect on port 1433. I get 'Chart control setup D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\i386\DUNSETUP.EXE failed with return code 0x00000001. Installation cannot continue.' in the SRSRPSetup.log. I am using the default instance of MSSQLSERVER. I have uninstalled the reporting service in SQL and re-installed and removed the reporting point and get the same error. I have added in the network service to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files and allowed full control on both the site server (hosting reporting point) and sql database. I have installed .Net Framework 3.5.1 feature on the site server. I've tried installing onto another site system but fails. I'm tempted to re-install SQL from scratch. How much impact would this have on my current SCCM install - would I need to recreated the SCCM databases or what other troubleshooting can you suggest? Thanks
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