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Iroqouiz last won the day on June 3 2020

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  1. Did you guys ever find a solution to this?
  2. Go to Software Library - Operating System - Task Sequences. Left click the OS task sequence and choose the Deployments tab on the menu that appears. Is the TS still deployed to a collection there? Post another screenshot.
  3. I had this exact problem with Dell machines at my old job when deploying Win 7 Ent x64. Started a Technet forum thread where someone suggested using a x64 boot image. I'd been using x86. This solved all my issues. Have seen other random. OSD related Win 7 bugs which were all remediated by using x64 boot image.
  4. Please do share what was wrong and how you solved it.
  5. If you haven't already, integrate MDT 2013 with SCCM. Then create a new task sequence with MDT, this will prompt you to create the toolkit files and settings files packages. Copy this into your CustomSettings.ini file in the MDT Settings Files package directory: [Settings] Priority=DefaultGateway, Default [DefaultGateway] [STOCKHOLM] SLSHARE=\\STOCKHOLM-SERVER\OSD_Logs\Finished_Logs SLShareDynamicLogging=\\STOCKHOLM-SERVER\OSD_Logs\%hostname% [SINGAPORE] SLSHARE=\\SINGAPORE-SERVER\OSD_Logs\Finished_Logs SLShareDynamicLogging=\\SINGAPORE-SERVER\OSD_Logs\%hostname% [LONDON] SLSHARE=\\LONDON-SERVER\OSD_Logs\Finished_Logs SLShareDynamicLogging=\\LONDON-SERVER\OSD_Logs\%hostname% [Default] Then do your custom tweaks to the TS, whatever it looks like. The SLShare property will copy all the log files after a deployment to the directory you specify. The SLShareDynamicLogging property will copy the log files to that directory specified, in real time, effectively enabling real time logging. Add this as the last step in your TS to actually copy the log files (SLShare):
  6. Yes, you would need to script that. http://www.david-obrien.net/2013/11/redistribute-failed-packages-configmgr-dps/
  7. Double check your driver package (NIC drivers specifically). Check if the machine gets an IP after the "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" reboot.
  8. 1. Right Click Tools: http://www.nowmicro.com/rct/ 2. Re-evaluation is specified in client settings
  9. The only error I see in the screenshot pertaining to the SUP is "content download failed". Seems like an automatic deployment rule (ADR) has failed to download updates to put in a software update group.
  10. Trust me, use packages, they will never randomly fail. I also used apps before but since a year or so I use packages and haven't had a problem since.
  11. In our environment this happens for (so far) three reasons. 1. The client is not getting an IP address from DHCP (does not apply to you). Solution: make sure the correct NIC drivers are added to the boot image. 2. The date/time is incorrect in BIOS on the client. Solution: set the correct date/time. 3. There are no task sequences deployed to the client. This one is rare but has happened a few times for us. It seems like the client is in some sort of limbo where it's not unknown but it still isn't a part of a collection to which an OSD TS is deployed. And this all depends on how you deploy your TS, do you deploy to "All Unknown Computers" etc. Solution: find out the MAC address of the client and search for it in the SCCM console (create a query from where you can get the MAC address) --> delete the device from the SCCM console. If your OSD TS is deployed to "All Unknown Computers" this is all you have to do. If you deploy to another collection you need to import the device again and add to the correct collection (watch out for limiting collections etc).
  12. Why are you deploying so many updates? How many products do you have ticked? You shouldn't sync, download and deploy updates that are not required by your clients, it just puts your SQL server under unnecessary load, and it will fragment the SQL DB much much faster. If you have many products which makes the ADRs sync many updates each Patch Tuesday you should create a new software update group each time. I would then make one ADR for each product.
  13. The 0x80070643 error code means "fatal error during installation". How are you deploying the client? Client push?
  14. Perhaps an update requiring multiple reboots is deployed and installed? https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2894518
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