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Everything posted by Iroqouiz

  1. Might be a problem with one of your apps in the second step? Have you tried creating one Install Application step for every app in the second step? Might help you isolate the problem with one of the apps (if there is one).
  2. budsen is right, I think. I have had the same issue. When I test my OSD over and over with the same virtual machines, they are sometimes listed as Unknown in the All Systems collection. I guess it depends on how far the TS goes until you either abort it or it fails. I find it's easier just to remove the Unknown computer records altogether, and re-import my machines from scratch when that happens.
  3. Can you make a screen shot of your TS and upload it here?
  4. Just to be clear: you right click Devices and choose Import Computer Information first? And then try adding the imported machine into your Build collection?
  5. Have you made sure the application is allowed to be installed via a TS?
  6. For a manual capture, check out Niall's guide here http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5070-how-can-i-capture-an-image-using-capture-media-in-configmgr-2012/ As for why it's failing, you need to check the smsts.log file. Either in (I think) C:\_SMSTASKSEQUENCE\Logs or C:\Windows\CCM\Logs
  7. If the source files are MSI it will automatically add a Detection Method (DM means it will not install again if the MSI product code is found in the registry of the client computer) when you create the application. If it's EXE you will have to manually specify a DM when you create the app. A manual DM can be, for instance, a specific folder or file in %ProgramFiles%.
  8. Hmm... I have had similar issues with my CM12 RTM server. Some applications just won't install when the client joins workgroup, however some others work just fine. Haven't managed to figure out why. I have to say, the Install Applications step in a CM12 TS seems a bit buggy. All applications created as packages work just fine. What I have tried, with some success (very inconsistent), is to update the content for the deployment type of the application. Then, sometimes, the application will install in the TS.
  9. You should check the package ID and confirm which package is failing. If it's the boot image it's probably some issue with your network access account or your boundary group.
  10. What do the appenforce.log and appdiscovery.log say on the client?
  11. Great guide! Nice that you pointed out some "gotchas".
  12. Yeah, seems like either you need to Update Distribution Point for the boot image, or that there are issues with your Boundary Group.
  13. Have you set the Configuration Manager Client Package properties in your task sequence? Should say: SMSMP=hostname.fulldomainname.com
  14. If it's a build and capture TS and you're joining a workgroup, you need to specify some properties in the Configuration Manager Client Package installation step. SMSMP=hostname.fulldomainname.com
  15. Seems like it's working now. I disabled my failing application and updated the content for the deployment type once more. I looked in smsprov.log and distmgr.log to make sure the update was successful. I then enabled the application in the TS again, and suddenly it started working.
  16. Yes you can. You need to know what the silent switch is for that particular exe-file, though. Google can help you.
  17. I have the same issue. It's with a Build and Capture TS. Failed to find CCM_ApplicationCIAssignment object for AdvertID="P0120015", ModelName="ScopeId_B628F436-9C28-4C7C-B0D4-22805CC67031/Application_27dd8407-9569-4ce2-a957-82d3bd99ee36" If you look at the reference tab of the TS you can figure out which application it is that's failing. In my case it's Radmin Viewer. Haven't figured out why it's failing, though. It's distributed to my DP, and I have Updated the content for the deployment type, just to make sure. As soon as I disable the Radmin Viewer step in my TS, it's working.
  18. When you deploy the app to the All Systems collection, just choose not to display it in the Software Center.
  19. Yeah, not sure why this needs to be done, but I have confirmed that this is working for me.
  20. Boundaries have no function if they're not put in a boundary group. Clients do not know where to look for content.
  21. I think you should be fine. When you uninstall a site, SCCM automatically removes anything it has put in the System Management container. I've double-checked this when I uninstalled a site last week.
  22. Did this solve the PXE boot problem for you? And you only had to tick this on your boot image?
  23. Yeah, I reinstalled the entire server. Using TS media works like a charm this time, it's installing updates like a boss. Having some other issues though: My SUP seems to sync updates for a whole bunch of products and OS's that I know I didn't choose. I just chose Windows 7 and Critical and Security Updates, but it started giving me updates for Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 etc. It's really weird. So my root folder All Software Updates now contains like 3000 updates But I just filtered out the ones I want, so I'm good for now. But the next time I want to sync, it'll take forever again since it will want to sync for like every MS product known to man. Before you ask yes, I did try to remove the SUP role and reboot. Added it again. This time I chose 0 products to sync and started a full sync. Returned 0 updates. I chose Windows 7 again, and ran a full sync. Still got loads I didn't want. I checked the WSUS, and from what I could tell, it looked ok.
  24. Same issue here as well.
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