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Everything posted by Iroqouiz

  1. Check your discovery methods (System Discovery). If you only discover clients from domain A then it won't find any clients if you move them to domain B.
  2. Check the smsts.log file on the client for clues.
  3. Yes of course it is. Just use MDT instead of capturing the image with SCCM. There are a lot of great guides by Johan Arwidmark and Mikael Nyström on this subject, just google a bit.
  4. Make sure the NIC drivers for the failing model is in the boot image. If you're running SCCM 2012 RTM it should be Windows 7 drivers (x86 or x64 depending on the boot image architecture). If it's SP1 or R2 it should be Windows 8 drivers.
  5. Can you post a screenshot of your task sequence?
  6. Use a WMI query in the task sequence to filter out applications based on computer model.
  7. What happens if you install the .Net applications on an existing machine? Works fine? Try re-downloading the .Net applications and create new ones in the SCCM console, and then add them to your TS.
  8. Have you waited for a while after pushing the installation? When I do it it can take a few minutes before the client is fully installed and all actions are available. Otherwise, check the ccmsetup.log in c:\windows\ccmsetup\logs on the client for any clues.
  9. You should upload the smsts.log and appenforce.log from the client so we can take a look.
  10. Technically you could deploy the SUGs to a collection containing all your machines (workstations and servers). The machines would only install updates that are actually applicable to them, just like WSUS.
  11. I would go with the MDT route as well. Mikael Nyström has made several blog posts/videos about this. Seems easy enough. Using MDT also enables you to test deployments without actually imaging computers. http://deploymentbunny.com/2011/04/27/quick-and-dirty-testing-customsettings-ini-variables-in-mdt/
  12. Hi, trying out some compliance settings in our environment. Seems to work fine for a majority of my clients, but around 50 will not report back. Trying to find out why. Any ideas?
  13. I love the compliance settings. But I have a lot of clients that are listed as Active but still the status is Unknown. Any idea why?
  14. A primary site in your main location, and remote distribution points in all other offices should be fine. I believe it's recommended to install a secondary site in remote offices which have 500-1000+ users and/or if the link is extremely slow (i.e. you have no WAN acceleration in place, e.g. Riverbed). I would go for remote DPs in all remote offices and monitor the traffic on the larger offices. If needed I think you could install a secondary site instead.
  15. Your users have admin rights on their machines? Good luck trying to keep anything in line
  16. So only one of the clients in the collection gets this error? It works on other clients? If so, try reinstalling the SCCM client agent on that machine.
  17. No, afraid not
  18. I experience the same problem. Anyone have ideas?
  19. Deploy your TS as Required instead of Available. Be careful though, whatever computer you add to that collection will be reimaged automatically according to the deployment schedule you set. DON'T deploy the TS to All Systems
  20. 2. That depends on how your organization handles new machines. You could add the new machine to a different collection where you've deployed your TS, you would just need to know the MAC address of the computer. But the easiest way, imo, is to do it like AmrelMahdy said. That's the way I do it.
  21. I know I'm vague (no expert), but sounds like something is off with WDS.
  22. Ok great. Will try that if I run into any issues myself.
  23. Guess not. Any alerts on the DP?
  24. Are your boundaries ok?
  25. Doesn't that step reboot after configmgr client installation anyway?
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